Ear pain is considered one of the most painful. And it can arise absolutely at any time of the year. Often painful symptoms in the ears occur in children and adults after they were without a headdress for a long time on the street. As a result, the ear has bled, and the inflammatory process begins to develop. At this time it is important to stop its development in time and to stop unpleasant symptoms.


  • 1 What adult
    • 1.1 Warming ear
    • 1.2 packs
    • 1.3 Phyto candles
    • 1.4 Onion compress
    • 1.5 Wax turundy
  • 2 treatment methods in children
    • 2.1 Medicines
    • 2.2 Folk remedies
      • 2.2.1 Sol
      • 2.2.2 Honey
      • 2.2.3 Paraffin Turundy
      • 2.2.4 Bay Leaf
      • 2.2.5 Camomile
  • 3 Treatment for Pregnancy

What to do to an adult

If an adult has bled an ear, then get rid of the bolyou can use the proven methods of national treatment.

Ear heating

warming up the ear

This procedure is in great demand when treating painful sensations in the ears. For this purpose, a lamp or salt wrapped in a bag can be used. The duration of the procedure should be about 30 minutes.

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There should be no less than 4 in a day. But it is not always possible to perform warming up. If pus is secreted from the ear, then any thermal effect can lead to deterioration of well-being and progression of the disease.


compresses for the ear

With the help of compresses, it is possible to warm up the ear and relieve pain. For these purposes, a variety of solutions can be used. Very popular is the vodka compress. For this it is necessary to prepare a piece of cloth. Carry a hole in his ear. Lay the cloth, and insert a cotton swab soaked in warm vodka in the ear canal. Cover the cellophane and warm handkerchief. Do this procedure preferably before going to bed.

A similar effect has a boric alcohol compress. It must first be warmed to a warm state, and then drip into each ear by drop. Wear a warm bandage over it.

Is it possible to warm the ear with purulent otitis But is it possible to warm your ear with purulent otitis, and how effective is it is described in great detail in this article.

Why there is a strong sore throat giving in the ear, will help to understand this information.

What first aid is needed, if the child has an earache, is described in detail in this article: http: //prolor.ru/u/ detskoe-zdorove-u / bol-v-ushax-u-rebenka-pervaya-pomoshh.html

And here's how to drop the drops in the ear, and which ones to choose, will help to understand this information.

Phyto candles

If the adult has blown an ear, then he can remove unpleasant symptoms with the help of phyto suppositories. On the one hand, they are placed in the ear, and on the other hand they are ignited to give off heat. This method is absolutely safe and effective. Candles can be obtained from beekeeping products or other natural components.

Onion Compress

An onion compaction is considered one of the most effective means to eliminate pain when the ear has blown. Vegetable cut into slices, wrap with cotton wool a few pieces, form a swab and install it into your ear. onion compress for the ears

You can combine onion gruel with butter. Then lay on cotton wool and form a tampon that is inserted into the ear. You can brew a decoction of chamomile, which is then used to rinse the affected ear. But how to use onion syrup from cough, and how effective this tool is, will help to understand this article.

Wax Turundas

For heating you can use turundas. For these purposes, you need to take a little wax, melt it and immerse the bandage in the solution. Then wrap it around a pencil to make a tube up to 20 cm long. When the turunda is removed from the pencil, it is placed in the ear and on the other side is ignited. You can stop the procedure only after the incoming heat can not be tolerated.

On the video, what to do if the ear blew:

Methods of treatment in children

If the ear has blown in the child, it is better to see a doctor right away. It will help to choose effective options for the treatment and relief of pain.


If the child's ear is chilled, it can lead to the development of severe pain, which can only be treated with an anesthetic drug. Most often it is Paracetamol. Still it is possible to use following preparations:

  1. It is possible to make a gauze compress with camphor alcohol .Gauze folded in several layers, make a hole that fits in size with the ear. Prepare camphor alcohol, combined with water in a proportion of 50:50.Gauze dip into the solution and put on a sore ear. Secure the compress with a bandage. The duration of the procedure is 1 hour.
    camphor alcohol

    Camphor alcohol

  2. Ear drops with otipaxis of the ear. It is a drug that effectively fights inflammation and painful sensations. Most often prescribe a medicine for otitis and stuffiness of the ear. To drip Otypaks it is necessary on 2 drops 3 times a day during 5 days. Thus, it will be possible to remove inflammation, pain and bring healing closer.


  3. Hydrogen Peroxide .Before you start the treatment procedure, you need to clear your ear of sulfur. Then you can drip peroxide in the ear in the amount of 2 drops or use for heating.
    hydrogen peroxide

    Hydrogen peroxide

Folk remedies

With the help of proven folk remedies, one can suppress the unbearable pain in the ear in a child that has arisen as a result of its purging.


salt for the ears

This product can be used by a child to warm up a sick ear. After a few applications it is possible to get a positive result and get rid of the pain. It is necessary to take a handful of salt, heat it in a frying pan. Screw into a handkerchief or gauze in several layers. Attach to the sick ear. This procedure should be done several times a day. Keep the compress until it completely cools.

Do not warm up if there is a purulent discharge. Under the influence of heat, the inflammatory process can start. After warming it is necessary to drip drops, bought in a pharmacy or boric alcohol, preheated. It will also be interesting to know how many times to gargle with soda and salt.


This product has a wide range of medicinal properties. To relieve the pain in the ear, you need to take 20 g of honey, combine with 20 g of flour. Stir everything to make a homogeneous mass. Put the mixture on gauze, folded in several layers. Attach to the affected ear and fix it with a woolen shawl. Such a compress is gentle before going to bed. But how to use honey and aloe and lemon cough, and how effective this tool is, is described in this article. honey for the ears

Paraffin Turundy

Still it is possible to get rid of an earache with paraffinic turund. They can be bought at a pharmacy or prepared with your own efforts. Obtained turundas warm up the affected ear until there is a feeling of slight burning.

Bay leaf

In combination with a laurel can be used vodka. For starters, the leaves of the laurel leaf should be crushed and turned into a powder. Then add a little vodka. Wait a couple of hours, and then the resulting solution to wipe the ear area. It is necessary to do such procedures several times a day. Simply moistened cotton wool and walk on the affected ear. Make sure that the liquid does not penetrate into the ear.

In addition to tincture from laurel leaves, you can get at least effective drops. It is necessary to take a few leaves, pour water and boil for a couple of minutes. Wait 2-3 hours, and then drip 2 drops into the affected ear several times a day. After the procedure, stop the ear with cotton wool. chamomile for ear compresses


With the help of the usual chemist's chamomile it is possible to relieve the pain of the child that has arisen as a result of ear purging. It is necessary to take raw materials in an amount of 10 g, add 200 ml of boiling water. Wait 3 hours, filter and use the ear flush. Do such procedures several times a day. But how the chemist's chamomile is used for colds is described in great detail in this article.

Treatment during pregnancy

If the ear has bled in a pregnant woman, then it is not allowed much from pharmacy products. To eliminate unpleasant symptoms, you can use drugs, based on oils and plant components. In case of acute need, vasoconstrictor drops can be used. For relief of acute pain, you can buy at the pharmacy Otypax.


Otypax for pregnant

Still it is possible to use following folk remedies:

  1. To wash the amazed ear with tincture of a camomile or a calendula. For these purposes, you can use a syringe without a needle or micro-enema.
  2. Apply compresses obtained from camphor alcohol and water, taken in equal proportions.

When the ear blew, the pain begins to build up and sometimes reaches a peak. At this time, people can not fully sleep, eat and do their own things. In order not to bring the situation to such a limit, it is necessary to make timely use of the proven means of both pharmacy and traditional medicine. If everything is done correctly and regularly, then a positive result will not take long.