Nasal congestion is a fairly common phenomenon among children. It arises because of the edema of the nasal mucosa, the development of which is affected by the inflammatory process in the nasal cavity. Most often the nose stops breathing after a long stay in the cold, when a person begins to inhale the cold air with his mouth.

More swelling occurs in smokers, lovers of alcoholic beverages and hot food. In addition, the patient has painful sensations when swallowing, perspiration, dryness in the oral cavity. The first time in children there is an unproductive cough, which eventually becomes wet.


  • 1 treatment in adults
    • 1.1 allergic swelling
    • 1.2 Viral swelling
    • 1.3 Treatment of bacterial rhinitis
    • 1.4 Treatment nose injury
    • 1.5 Folk remedies
  • 2 treatment in children
    • 2.1 Folk remedies
    • 2.2 Opinion Komarovsky

Treatment atadults

Nasal edema in adults is carried out taking into account what caused the development of the pathological process.

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Allergic Edema

The doctor will prescribe antihistamines. Their task is to eliminate contact with the allergen. For these purposes, the following drugs can be prescribed:

  • Tavegil,


  • Cetrin,


  • Loratadin.

It is necessary to flush the nose with the help of Aquamarine and Aquaphor .With allergies, you can use local drugs that have anti-allergic effect - Tafen and Fliksonase.



To eliminate nasal congestion and to facilitate breathing, it is necessary to use vasoconstrictive drops - Tizin, Nazivin.



Viral edema

If swelling occurs against a viral infection, the patient is assigned to wash the nasal cavity using saline or saline. Also, the therapy scheme will include such antiviral medications as Kagocel and Ingavirin .


Ingavirin in capsules

The temperature can be brought down with Ibuqlin and Nurofen .When swelling of the nasal mucosa may appoint ointments with a warming effect. Most often these are ointments, which contain menthol and camphor.



Treatment of bacterial rhinitis

Therapy of edema that is of a bacterial nature is carried out with the help of nasal drops with antibacterial effect.



This includes SofraDex and Polydex .

Immune stimulants must necessarily be included in the treatment regimen - Cycloferon, Bronchomunal. To flush the nasal cavity, Furacilin and Miramistin are used.



Treatment of a nasal injury

If the swelling of the nasal mucosa is caused by a trauma, then the first thing to do is put a cold compress on the affected area. You can stop swelling with drops with vasoconstrictive effect. To activate the healing, it is necessary to treat the affected nasal mucosa with healing ointments.

In addition, adults should carefully monitor the hygiene of the nasal cavity. For this purpose it is necessary to wash out a nose and to remove blood clots. During rehabilitation, you need to be as little as possible in the cold, use drugs that soften and increase secretion.

Folk remedies

To regenerate the mucosa in adults, you can use proven folk remedies:

  • Drip nose with iodinated water solution .For these purposes it is necessary to take 20 g of water and 1 drop of iodine. With the resulting solution, drip the nose 3 times a day. The positive effect of therapy can be seen in 3 days. solution of iodinated water
  • Decoction of herbs .Take 10 g of oak bark, pour 200 ml of water. Burn in the fire for 15 minutes. Filter and drip with the resulting decoction of the nose 3 times a day.
  • To improve the drainage of mucus, use infusion of herbs such as licorice, elecampane and marshmallow. Take them in equal quantities, add 2 cups of boiling water and wait 8 hours. The filtered broth is taken 100 ml 3 times a day.
  • For washing, you can use a solution of sea salt. Take 10 g of salt and 500 ml of water. Pour the solution into a saucer and then draw in each nostril. Perform washing 4 times a day.
  • Carrot juice should be combined with 2-3 drops of olive oil and garlic juice. Drip with a solution of the nose 3 times a day for 2 drops in each nasal passage.
  • Take 40 ml of onion juice and mix with 10 ml of honey. Wait 30 minutes, then drip 2 drops 3 times a day.

application of an asterisk for colds But how effective is the use of an asterisk for colds, and what medicines should be used, is described in detail in this article.

It will also be interesting to know what is dangerous for tonsillitis in pregnancy.

For those who want to learn how to quickly defeat common cold with cold, go to: http: // narodnye-sredstva-ot-prostudy-nasmorka-i-kashlya.html

What nyxes in the genyantritis should be done, andwhat is their name, is described in this article.

Treatment in children

When performing medical treatment of edema of the nasal mucosa in children, it should be borne in mind that all activities should be performed under the supervision of a doctor. This is particularly true for infants, who can suffocate in a dream or during feeding. Most often, doctors prescribe to their small patients a drug with vasoconstrictive effect.

This includes Vibrocil. It still has an antihistamine effect. When it was developed, phenylephrine was used, which cures edema. But what is better to use, Vibrocil or Nazivin for children, is described in detail in this article.

vibrating disc


Vasodilating drops can not be used for a long time, as complications can occur.

Using Nafazoline, Ephedrine or Tetrazoline, should be discontinued after 7 days. After this, there may be even more swelling. It is better to use drops that have a lasting effect for the treatment of baby edema of the nose.



Folk remedies

Use of folk remedies for the treatment of mucosal edema in children is possible only on the condition that they will be part of complex therapy. The following recipes are considered effective:

  • You can get rid of swelling of the throat and nose with the help of a collection that includes such herbs: calendula, marshmallow, chamomile and plantain .Take raw materials in an amount of 40 grams, add 200 ml of boiling water. Infuse for 30 minutes, filter out and administer 100 ml 4 times a day. But how to use chamomile for cough for babies, is described in great detail in this article. tincture of calendula
  • Take 200 ml of warm water, add a few spoons of sea salt .Using a syringe, rinse the nasal cavity with the resulting solution. Such manipulations are performed 3 times a day. But how you can warm your throat with salt, and how to do it correctly, is described in this article.
  • Place a glass of water and a few drops of fir, pine or cedar in a wide container. Loan bend over the tank, taking cover with a towel. Inhale for 20 minutes. Perform manipulation 2 times a day. As far as the mixture of essential oils helps against colds, and how they should be used, it helps to understand this information.
  • You can stop the swelling of the nasal mucosa with the help of aloe, beet or calanchoe juice. For example, honey is combined with beet juice, and onion juice is best mixed with vegetable oil. Drip drops in the nose 2 times a day.
  • Take the lemon juice and add water in the ratio 1: 1 .The resulting solution is used to wash the nasal cavity. At the end of the procedure, it is necessary to form a cotton swab, soak it in saline solution. Such manipulations must be carried out as often as possible. Lemon will eliminate germs, and salt will stop swelling. But how to make honey with a lemon for a cold, and how effective this tool is, is described in great detail in this article.

The opinion of Komarovsky

The famous pediatrician Komarovsky says that the treatment of edema of the nasal mucosa in children will be correct and effective if you use a set of healing manipulations. The doctor recommends that the baby perform washings using a saline solution or sea salt to facilitate breathing. To obtain such a solution at home, take 9 g of salt and 1 l of water.

The prepared solution will not burn the nasal mucosa, but will have a gentle cleansing, removing the infection and dense secretions. With the help of a saline solution, you can stop a dry cough, and still moisten the mucous throat and remove the infection.

On the video edema of the nasal mucosa in a child:

When the edema appeared against the background of the common cold, and the baby can not fully blow his nose, Komarovsky advises parents to carry out such activities:

  1. Fill the pipette with medicinal solution and send it to one nasal passage of the baby in the amount of 2-3 drops.
  2. Rotate the baby's head so that the processed nostril is at the top.
  3. Now you can perform similar actions with another nostril, and then again turn it in the opposite direction.
  4. Using a small enema, suck off the mucous discharge from two nostrils.

Mucosal edema in children and adults leads to shortness of breath. The essence of the treatment is reduced to facilitating breathing and to stop the influence of harmful microorganisms, which influenced the development of the pathological process. And although the presented methods are considered effective, they can be applied only after agreeing all the moments with the doctor.