Adenoids are a protective shield of the nasopharynx due to which various viruses and bacteria can not enter the human body. With their inflammation, they begin to increase in size, as a result of which the nasal breathing is disrupted in the child. Many doctors decide to perform the operation and remove the affected adenoids. But today you can resort to other effective ways, for example, oil of thuya.


  • 1 Effect of
  • 2 How to use drops
  • 3 Opinion of Komarovsky
  • 4 Price
  • 5 Reviews

The impact of

The therapeutic properties of this plant have been known since ancient times. It was in the 16th century that this tree became known as the tree of life. Tui oil effectively removes various colds.

On the photo- oil of thujas edas 801:

oil of thuja for adenoids for children

In addition, this tool has proved itself from the positive side for raising the general tone, eliminating fatigue and rapid regeneration of forces. In adenoids, the oil of thuja also has a positive effect, which is as follows:

instagram viewer
  1. In addition to removing inflammation and destroying microorganisms, thuya oil effectively reduces blood vessels, thereby restoring nasal breathing, while dripping is indicated on the package.
  2. Essential oil has an excellent immunostimulating effect. Due to this, its properties can be aligned with the properties of Echinacea. This is especially true today, when today's ecology negatively affects the human body and reduces protective functions, both in adults and children. Due to the unique composition of this natural medicine has a unique metabolic effect.
  3. In adenoids, thuya oil contributes to the recovery of epithelial tissues, normalizing local processes that occur in the cells of the nasal cavity.

treatment of adenoids in children without surgery How treatment for adenoids in children without surgery is indicated in the article.

How the treatment of adenoids in children without surgery is indicated in the article.

How adenoids look like 1 2 degrees in children, you can see on the photo here: http: // detskoe-zdorove / adenoidy-2-stepeni-u-detej-lechenie.html

The article shows how much the Vibrozil drops cost,nasal congestion.

On the video - oil of thuja for adenoids for children:

But do not use oil for children younger than 2 years for the following reasons:

  • product has toxicity;
  • allergy may occur;
  • a sharp smell of tuja oil can cause the development of laryngospasm

If a baby is diagnosed with inflammation of adenoids of 1-2 degrees, then it can be eliminated not only by an operative route. Based on the research conducted by Philippe Stammer, it became known that it is quite possible to cure this ailment with the help of folk treatment using thuya oil. Positive effect occurred in 70% of the subjects.

For 2 weeks, small patients were treated with a natural preparation. They buried it 3 times a day for 2 drops in each nasal passage. The patient must lie on his back and throw his head back. Only in this way will it be possible to deliver the medicine directly to the adenoids. At the end of the experiment, 70% of participants had a decrease in lymphoid tissue, elimination of fungi, viruses, pathogens from adenoids. burying a baby

But before you use this amazing tool, you need to know what side effects your child may have. Typically, this is an allergic reaction that occurs in patients with increased individual sensitivity to individual components of the herbal preparation. Before using it is necessary to make sure that the baby's organism does not respond to such treatment with allergy.

the baby has a cold in the morning and a cough What to do when a child has a runny nose and cough in the morning is indicated in the article.

What to do.when the child does not have a runny nose for a long time, is indicated in the article.

The article shows why the adult does not have a runny nose for a long time: http: // bolezni-n /rinit/ nasmork-ne-proxodit-2-nedeli-u-vzroslogo.html

How to use Derinat children's drops that can also help with nose problems, is specified in the article.

How to apply the drops

Instruction: In order for the treatment to have the maximum effect, it is necessary to observe the following instructions for the use of thuja oil in adenoids:

  1. Therapy with such a natural preparation should be carried out for a long time. As a rule, the course of treatment should be 6 weeks, and then make a monthly break, then continue again. Use drops 2-3 times a day, dropping 2-4 drops in each nostril. oil of thuja for adenoids for children is a good remedy
  2. Before carrying out this procedure, you must first clean the baby's nose. For these purposes, a spray based on sea water is excellent.
  3. The doctor can advise you to apply this therapy scheme: before using essential oil, drip Prothagol nose with 2 drops. Thanks to this drug it is possible to clean the nasal passages, and also to remove the inflammation. After 15-20 minutes you can drip thai oil 2 drops into each nostril. Continue in the same spirit for 7 consecutive days. Over the next week, the nose should be dripped with Argolife 2 drops 3 times a day. This drug has an antimicrobial effect, since its composition has colloidal silver. This treatment regimen must be followed for 6 weeks. Then make a week's rest, after which to apply only oil of thuja 2 drops 3 times a day.
  4. The following treatment regimen can also be effective: during 14 days, rinse the nose with sea water, and then drip 4 drops of thuya oil 3 times a day. Take a break for 2 weeks, and again repeat the course.

Opinion of Komarovsky

The presented natural preparation, according to Komarovsky, can be used in the treatment of adenoids in children. Thanks to this, the medicine successfully manages to overcome the disease. However, tuya oil is not a panacea either. Oil will be able to exert its positive influence only on condition that the treatment of the disease was carried out on time. The medicine will not be able to compete with the operation, since the consequences after such therapy can be irreparable. Surgery can be used only if the adenoids interfere with the normal functioning of the remaining organs.

On the video - about oil Tui adenoids tells Komarovsky:


Buy this herbal medicine in any pharmacy and without a prescription. It is worth only 26 rubles.


  • Tatyana, 32 years old: "Our son had adenoids, but our doctor has not yet decided to send us for surgery. I wrote out a large list of different medications, but there was no improvement. On the Internet, I subtracted about thuya oil and its useful properties. We began to wash the nose with a saline solution, and then dripped oil droplets. After a few days my baby's nasal breathing improved, now he is slowly recovering. "
  • Marina, 26 years old: "My daughter discovered adenoids, I refused to delete them, because I knew that our doctors always prescribe an operation. In the pharmacy I bought thuya oil and dripped the baby 3 times a day. In combination with this, I used salt aerosols. Within 5 days, it became much easier for us. "
  • Inna, 27 years old: "When my niece discovered adenoids, but they immediately prescribed an operation, I was against it, because to my child I cured this disease myself with thuya oil. I used it to wash the nasal passages along with the plantain extract. Within a week, the nasal breathing was relieved, and after this unpleasant illness completely retreated. "

Thuya oil is a unique product that allows you to overcome many inflammatory diseases. This product has a positive effect on adenoids in children. Despite a large number of medicinal properties, the medicine is used only after the doctor's approval to prevent the formation of complications.