Today, the pharmaceutical industry produces quite a large number of drugs for the treatment of colds and other diseases of the respiratory system. In their medical practice, doctors increasingly prescribe to patients such medications as Sinupret and Tonzilgon.

These two drugs are used for inhalations in the treatment of colds. And although it may seem to many that these are absolutely two identical medicines, they have a number of differences that need to be known before using this or that remedy.


  • 1 What is the difference in the composition and effect of
  • 2 When prescribe drugs
  • 3 Can I use
  • 4 simultaneously What is better

What is different in composition and action

Two drugs are released in the form of drops and tablets. They are based on plant components. Thanks to them, the pharmacological effect is achieved. Starch, water, silicon, glucose, ethyl alcohol and calcium were used to develop the medicine. Well, now let's look at the composition and the effect of each of the products presented.

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Tonzylgon is a medicinal product, in the preparation of which such components were used: Sinupret or tonzigon what is better

  • dandelion;
  • Oak bark;
  • herb wax;
  • yarrow;
  • chamomile.
  • root of the althea.

The complex effect of the plants under consideration and allows to reduce the negative effect of the virus on the mucous membranes of the respiratory tract. The medicine acts on the cough center, as a result of which it lends itself to depression, the swelling of mucous membranes decreases. In addition, the drug improves nonspecific immunity, has anti-allergic effect. Efficiently reduces inflammation and eliminates bacteria.

If we talk about Tonzylgon in tablets, then in its development, the same components were used as for the preparation of drops.

But here are Sinupret

  • potato and maize starch,
  • lactose,
  • glucose monohydrate,
  • silica,
  • stearic acid and sheath components.

Sinupret is a tablet and solution for inhalations that contains components such as primrose flowers, elder flowers, verbena, gentian roots and sorrel. The action of the drug is aimed at inhibiting the cough reflex. It dilutes and evacuates sputum. Also, the drug effectively reduces puffiness and inflammation. It can be used by children from 2 years of age, when there are complaints of nasal congestion. Since the composition of the drug is safe, it can be used by both young children and women during pregnancy.

cough in a child without cold symptoms Why there is a cough in a child without signs of a cold, and what medicines are most effective for this, is described in this article.

But what is the best remedy for cold and cold is the best in this article.

How effective is tea with honey and lemon for colds, and how to properly use such a remedy is indicated in this article: http: // simptomy-g / limon-pri-prostude.html

What to do when a cold has sat down a voice and what meansthe best for this disease, will help to understand this article.

When prescribing drugs

These drugs are prescribed in the treatment of the infectious process. But their influence can differ and it is important to consider it when choosing. To conduct simultaneous reception of Tonsilgonum with Sinupretom it is not recommended.

Tonzylgon is used to treat the following diseases: tonsillon

  • inflammatory processes( laryngitis, pharyngitis, rhinitis);
  • bacterial processes, where Tonzylgon is used as part of a comprehensive treatment;
  • for avoiding complications in ARVI;
  • for the prolongation of remission of a chronic form of colds;
  • for increasing the resistance of the body.

And Sinupret can use in the treatment of the following ailments:

  • is an inflammatory process that affects the sinuses of the nose( frontal sinus, maxillary sinusitis, etmoiditis);
  • inflammation of the acute course with increased viscosity and production of mucus.

Can I use

sinupret and tonsil

simultaneously? These drugs can be used for children and adults at any age. Before applying them, the vial with the contents should be shaken thoroughly, and then, keeping it in a vertical position, count the required amount. Single dose will be 25 drops. It is necessary to perform inhalations 3-4 times a day.

When all the symptoms of acute inflammation are behind, then you can use the inhalation solution, but only once a day. Applying Tonzilgon or Sinupret, it is possible to consolidate the healing process for a long time. These drops can be used for inhalations for the treatment of acute and chronic laryngitis, tracheitis and pharyngitis. Do inhalations should be using a nebulizer. Thanks to this device, it is possible to convert the alcohol solution into an aerosol. Thus, all components of the drugs as deeply as possible penetrate deeply into the affected mucous membranes.

To a solution obtained on the basis of one of the given preparation, had an excellent moisturizing effect, it is necessary to dilute it with saline in advance.

But the necessary proportion depends on the age of the patient:

  1. For adults and children over 7 years old, it is necessary to take the medicine and saline in equal proportions.
  2. For children 1-7 years, you need to take drops with saline in a ratio of 1: 2.
  3. If inhalations will be performed to a child under 1 year, then 1 ml of the drug will be 3 ml of saline.

To perform one inhalation procedure, it is necessary to pour about 3-4 ml of the solution into the nebulizer. Carry out medical procedures 3 times a day.

Take Tonzilgo in a dragee to take 2 pieces 5 times a day. But Sinupret in tablets can be used for children from 6-17 years old for 1 tablet 3 times a day. Dosage for adults is 2 dragees 3 times a day.

It remains a fairly common question as to whether Sinupret and Tonziggon can be used together. Doctors do not recommend this, as to obtain the maximum therapeutic effect of this does not work, but an allergic reaction can arise, because every person has an individual organism.

How effective is the cranberry during pregnancy for colds, and what remedies can replace this tool, is described in this article.

And here is it possible for pregnant women to raspberry for colds, and what is the best recipe, will help to understand this information.

How effective is the raspberry jam with colds for children and how it should be used, is described in this article.

What essential oils for the prevention of colds should be used in the first place, is indicated here.

And here's how to use viburnum for a cold, and what recipes are the most popular, described in this article.

Which is better

Having considered these two drugs, the question arises as to what is better to use Tonzilgon or Sinupret?

To answer this, the following factors must be taken into account:

  • Nature of the pathological process .If there is increased production of mucus, then it is best to use Sinupret. But to treat chronic forms of the disease is with the help of Tonzilgon. Sinupret in tablets
  • Age of the patient .Since the drops contain alcohol, when using their children, extreme care must be taken. In addition, Sinupret is banned from admission to children under 2 years of age, but Tonzilgon can be used from birth.
  • Pregnancy and lactation. Tonzylgon, intended for inhalation, can be used during pregnancy and feeding. But Sinupret is banned for use by women breastfeeding.

In addition, when treating a child it is better to use Sinupret, as it should be used less often than its analogue. Also Tonzilgon leads to the development of allergies. But best of all, if the right to choose to entrust the treating doctor. Only he will wash away the effective medicine and the correct dosage.

Although Tonzilgon and Sinupret are very similar in terms of impact and use, they have a number of differences that make it possible to choose one or another medication. In this case, it is necessary to build on the course of the disease, the patient's age and individual characteristics.