Schizandra Chinese: useful and medicinal properties, indications and contraindications for use. Tincture, tea, magnolia vine: instructions for use to increase pressure, potency, immunity, in cosmetology

The use and medicinal properties of Chinese magnolia vine. Treatment of diabetes, anorexia, potency, low blood pressure.


  • Schisandra chinese: useful and curative properties, vitamins and contraindications
  • Schisandra is a natural energetic, well tones up the body
  • Tincture of fruits and seeds of magnolia vine: indications, instructions for use
  • Tea with Chinese magnolia vine: benefit and harm, how to brew
  • How to brewroot, stems and branches of Schisandra?
  • Chinese magnolia vine: properties, application
  • Schisandra Chinese syrup: instruction manual
  • Schizandra raises or lowers the pressure?
  • Schisandra at low pressure: prescription application
  • Is it possible to drink magnolia syrup during pregnancy at low pressure?
  • Is it possible to drink magnolia vine syrup for children?
  • Eleutherococcus, ginseng, lemongrasses
  • Schisandra in cosmetology: prescriptions for use on face and hair
  • Tincture of magnolia seeds for improving potency in men
  • instagram viewer
  • Treatment of anorexia with magnolia desiccant
  • Schisandra for immunity
  • Schisandra in diabetes
  • Citrine of lemongrass in bodybuilding
  • Caffeine and Schizandra: application
  • Schizandra Chinese or Far Eastern: reviews
  • Video: medicinal properties of Chinese magnolia vine

We learn about the benefits of plants from ancestors and theirneighbors.

So in China there is to this day a culture of receiving herbs for therapeutic and preventive purposes. We will focus on magnolia and its unique qualities.

Schisandra chinese: useful and curative properties, vitamins and contraindications

Chinese magnolia fruit is ripe and ready for collection

Schisandra chinese is a liana reaching a length of up to 15 meters. It has many consecutive leaves in the form of the heart. Blossoms at the turn of spring and summer. Fruits ripen up to 20 berries in each bunch.

Useful properties are possessed by the whole surface part of the Chinese magnolia vine:

  • fresh fruits
  • fruits dry
  • leaves
  • stalk bark
  • roots

The first on 1/5 consist of organic acids:

  • apple
  • wine
  • lemon

Have in their chemical composition:

  • mineral salts
  • vitamins C and E
  • trace elements - potassium, zinc, silver, copper, manganese, molybdenum, nickel, iron, sulfur, phosphorus, calcium, titanium

The second is rich:

  • with water-soluble substances
  • with starch
  • ash
  • by fiber

The third is a storehouse of essential oils.

Schisandra Chinese is used to treat:

  • respiratory diseases - bronchitis, bronchial asthma, tuberculosis,
  • digestive organs - stomach, intestine,
  • of the liver and kidneys
  • teeth with scurvy
  • of children's dysentery
  • anemia
  • loss of visual acuity
  • excess weight
  • hormonal imbalance, especially in women

In addition to the therapeutic effect on the human body, Chinese magnolia vine has contraindications. It is better to refuse from it if you are annoyed:

  • blood pressure jumps up
  • heart disease, liver diseases
  • epilepsy
  • ARD
  • insomnia and any sleep disorders
  • addiction to increased emotional excitability

Like most nature gifts, it's better to brew lemon grass:

  • for childrenover 12 years old
  • by women who have left the gestation period and breastfeeding the baby

In addition, magnolia vine without consulting and supervising a naturopathic doctor increasesDevelopment:

  • allergic reactions
  • overexcitation and insomnia, especially if taking it in the afternoon
  • headaches
  • stomach disorders
  • blood pressure jumps up

Schisandra - a natural energetic, well tones up the body

lemongrass berries are scattered on the table and cut

Homeland of Schisandra - Celestial. And the history of its use in food by prescription is akin to the country itself.

Thanks to the ability of magnolia vine to affect the nervous system and the brain of a person, after eating it inside, a person experiences a surge of energy and vivacity, comes into the tonus.

Bright symptoms of similar effects:

  • heartbeat
  • increase in the rhythm of breathing

Chinese hunters ate the fruits of magnolia vine to stay active during waking and performing their activities.

Nowadays this plant helps to cope with:

  • decline in strength of
  • mental and physical fatigue
  • stagnation or weak movement of blood
  • reduced function of lung and heart

Tincture of fruits and seeds of magnolia vine: indications, instructions for use

on a leaf on a table scattered seedsand dry fruits of Schizandra

The maximum concentration of nutrients in magnolia vine is in fruits and seeds. Therefore, it is often them that are brewed with a curative or tonic purpose.

Fruits and seeds take dry:

  • whole
  • grinded in a coffee grinder

Before taking a Schisandra tincture, test for sensitivity and adverse reactions. For this morning, on an empty stomach, drink a tablespoon of tincture. The reaction will appear after 30-40 minutes and last 4-5 hours.

Tincture of whole fruits and seeds of lemongrass prepare as follows:

  • pour 10 liters of raw material with litters of boiling water and leave to infuse for 30-60 minutes
  • drink before meals or 4 hours after 1 tablespoon 2 times a day

Water and alcohol /vodka. The difference is in the duration of the infusion and will be 14 days. Dosage varies from 20 to 40 drops at a time with the number of receptions 2-4 per day.
Consider your "experience" of magnolia-vinegar intake: the smaller it is, the fewer drops you take at a time.

  • Grind in a coffee grinder fruits and seeds take in the amount of a tablespoon.
  • Brew with a glass of boiling water or alcohol. In the latter case, maintain a proportion of 1: 5.
  • Insist on water for up to an hour, on alcohol - 2 weeks.
  • Drink 2 times a day on a tablespoon of water infusion or 20 drops of alcohol.

Tea with Chinese lemongrass: use and harm, how to brew

cup of fragrant tea with Chinese lemonade

Tea with the addition of tincture of Schisandra or brewed from its dry fruits / leaves is a natural remedy for increasing the body's resistance to catarrhal diseases.
It also helps to keep cheerful, regain a healthy tone after a tiring physical exertion, for example, after training in the gym.

The harm of Schizandra in tea is caused by:

  • errors in the brewing of
  • during the day over the norm of
  • by overnight intake of
  • by ignoring the presence of those diseases that are indicated in the list of contraindications

. As the tea leaves, take that part of the Schizandra that suits you best. For example, for the treatment of caries or scurvy roots of the plant.

So, the order of brewing of Schisandra:

  • measuring unit of dry raw material pour a glass of boiling water in an enameled container,
  • put it on a water bath, bring to a boil and support for 10 minutes,
  • remove to cool and infuse for half an hour,
  • drink 1 cup at a time,
  • , if desired, sweetening of tea with sugar.

The second way to get tea with lemongrass is to add 10-15 drops of its tincture to the ready-made drink.

How to brew root, stems and branches of Schisandra?

dry vine of magnolia vine for brewing and treating

Stems and branches of magnolia vine suitable for brewing are suitable either young or only bark from old ones.

The root has a developed structure, similar to raspberry. That is, he has a mass of shoots under the ground, which ensure the reproduction and good nutrition of the ground part of the plant.

  • Prepare root, branches and stems either in early spring or late autumn. Dry them in a draft in a horizontal position.
  • To brew the bark crush to the state of sand, stems and roots cut into short pieces up to 1 cm.
  • Longer fragments are allowed. The main thing is that they can be completely immersed in water during brewing.

Algorithm and dosage use the same as that we saw in the previous section.

Essential oil of Chinese magnolia vine: properties, application

jar with essential oil of Schisandra

The essential oil of Schisandra has its own special use in various areas:

  • cosmetology - to reduce the visibility of pores of oily and combination skin,
  • in the healing and treatment of diseases, for example, hypotension, pediculosis, varicose veins,
  • in the removal of fatigue and increased concentration, memory ability,
  • disinfection of air and objects.

Apply it as follows:

  • for aroma - 3 drops for every 15 square meters of room,
  • massage - combine 1: 5 essential oil of magnolia vine and any basic,
  • disinfection of objects - in a glass of water add 10 drops, moisten a rag and wipe the surface,
  • elimination of wide pores on the skin - mix it with wheat germ oil in an amount of 7 and 10 drops, respectively.
    Wadded with a cotton disc on the skin and leave it for 10 minutes.
    Wash off with warm water and natural soap. Moisturize the skin with your usual cream or chamomile infusion,
  • air freshener in the car - for vivacity and preservation of driver care while driving,
  • for cosmetic purposes - add 3 drops for every 15 g of the product.

Chinese magnolia syrup: Instruction for use

Chinese magnolia rose syrup bottle

Magnolia syrup is common in pharmacies. An instruction is always attached to it.

Take Schisandra syrup if you are annoyed:

  • hypotension
  • viral diseases
  • loss of strength and drowsiness

And also it is good for poisoning, loss of potency in men.

Be sure to pay attention to contraindications until the vial is opened with a syrup.

Take 1-2 tablespoons during breakfast for 2 weeks. Perhaps a more prolonged use - up to 3 weeks. Then it should be interrupted for 21 days.

In a year, repeated courses with magnolia syrup are allowed up to 4 times.

Schisandra raises or lowers the pressure?

The fruits of Schizandra have a pronounced ability to increase low blood pressure.

The rest of its parts - seeds, stems and bark in its composition have other substances. However, doctors are unanimous in the opinion that they should not be brewed in order to reduce high blood pressure.

Schisandra at low pressure: prescriptions of application

freshly cut lemongrass berries for preparation of tinctures and syrup

If hypotension accompanies you during periods of nervous and physical exhaustion, take Schizandra.

At the same time it will suit you in:

  • water and alcohol tincture
  • tea is brewed and as an additive to the ready drink
  • syrup
  • jam and canned sweetened juice

Tincture add in a glass of water in an amount of 20 drops for half an hour before breakfast and lunch. Take a month.

For tea, brew dried ground seeds and fruits or only the last. Here are 2 recipes:

  • with a glass of boiling water pour a measuring unit of dry shredded raw materials in a thermos.
    Soak for 6-12 hours and drink half the glass 2 times in the morning 30 minutes before breakfast and lunch,
  • prepare the alcoholic infusion of berries and magnolia seeds according to the recipe discussed in the section above.
    Take an empty stomach with 20-40 drops and half a glass of clean water an hour before meals twice a day. The duration of the course is a month.

Is it possible to drink magnolia syrup during pregnancy at low blood pressure?

the pregnant woman measures her pressure

Yes, if you do not have any of the diseases listed in the list of contraindications for taking Schizandra. And the doctor who watches your pregnancy, has himself appointed or approved your proposal to take Schisandra syrup.

By the way, in addition to raising the low pressure in the early stages of waiting for the baby, it will help to smooth the symptoms of toxicosis.

Is it possible to drink magnolia vine syrup for children?

Due to the lack of a culture of taking medicinal herbs and the flowering of the production of chemicals, doctors will respond negatively. And they will add that it is better to start giving the syrup of magnolia vine to a child after 12 years of age.

Some people in white coats can voice another age line - 5-7 years.

Therefore, parents should consciously weigh all the nuances of their child's health status and decide whether to give lemongrass syrup or wait.

Please note that:

  • as a prophylactic means of taking Schizandra by a child reduces the likelihood of influenza diseases by 4 times,
  • dysentery in a child is gently eliminated by Schizandra.

Eleutherococcus, ginseng, Schisandra

a handful of adaptogenic preparations in the form of capsules and tablets

All of the herbs listed in the title refer to adaptogens, agents that have a beneficial effect on the human body and allow for better adaptation to stress. The latter are due to:

  • heat and cold, that is, air temperature changes
  • time zone change
  • hunger, cold
  • viral diseases during epidemics
  • fatigue physical, mental
  • reduce visual acuity and attention

Even individually, each kind of adaptogen helps to alignfeel better, gain strength. Especially the simultaneous intake of ginseng, magnolia vine and eleutherococcus will lift you to your feet in all senses.

Take a herbal mixture of herbs in tinctures of 20-30 drops 40 minutes before breakfast for 14-21 days. Continue the break and, if necessary, repeat the course again.

Schisandra in cosmetology: prescriptions for the face and hair

the girl has a well-groomed face and hair thanks to the use of the fruit of the Schisandra

Schizandra has been appreciated in cosmetology. At the same time, all its parts are equally beneficial in creams, lotions, masks and rinses.

Schisandra and wrinkles will smooth, and refresh the skin of the face, and activate its tone, and hair will give speed for growth, and will strengthen their bulbs.

Several recipes for skin care:

  • for oily skin.
    Prepare an alcoholic infusion of 2 units of crushed fresh berries of Schisandra and 0.5 liters of vodka. Leave in a dark place for a week in a glass container under the lid.
    Add 1 unit of glycerin to the infusion. Dilute with water in a proportion of 1: 4 a small amount in a different container.
    Use as a toner for the face in the morning and evening.
  • for dry skin.
    Mix 0.5 units of crushed Schizandra fruit with 1 unit of fatty sour cream. Spread on your face and rinse with medium-fat milk after 10 minutes.

Healing conditioner for hair with lemongrass:

  • half a liter of boiling water pour the crushed fresh leaves, branches and fruits in the amount of 1 measuring unit, leave in the thermos infusion,
  • after 3 hours strain and wring the pieces of Schizandra,
  • rinse hair after washing.

Tincture of Schisandra seeds to improve potency in men

magnolia seeds under magnifying glass

One of the effects of magnolia vine on the body of men is the improvement of potency. However, do not rely only on the plant.

Take the examination, consult with the doctor before taking the tincture of Schisandra. So you reduce the likelihood of activation of other diseases listed in the list of contraindications.

Tincture of magnolia vine to improve the potency, cook either on:

  • vodka
  • boiling water

To reduce the shelf life of the medicinal product, use 50 g of vodka or a glass of hot water.

In the first case, take 30 drops 3 times a day, in the second - after 12 hours of infusion, divide the liquid into 2 parts for reception. Sweeten with sugar if desired.

Treatment of anorexia with magnolia extract

Sad girl with no appetite for anorexia needs treatment with Schizandra

Schisandra extract due to pronounced effects on the nervous, digestive, circulatory system and lung function is effective for the treatment of anorexia.

Plus, it activates the body's internal forces to resist viruses. The last moment is also relevant for patients with anorexia.

  • Schisandra is a low-calorie product, therefore from the first days of treatment it can be taken.
  • The second point - this plant eliminates depressive moods. The inhalation of its fragrance activates the areas of the brain responsible for the vigor of well-being and positive perception of the surrounding world.

Be sure to follow the dosage indicated on the syrup, or doctor's recommendation.

Schisandra for immunity

a plate of dried magnolia vine for brewing in tea for immunity

During the anticipated epidemics of acute respiratory infections, influenza, after severe illnesses, poisonings, and also for people with a dynamic pace of life, preventive measures for immunity are extremely important.
One of them is the reception of natural adaptogens. Among the latter a decent place is reserved for Schizandra.

As a result of its admission you:

will improve appetite and well-being

  • leave apathy, depression, fatigue
  • cardiac muscle and vascular systems will get the stimulus for well-coordinated work
  • will come in a healthy tone hollow internal organs
  • will increase the body's resistance to attacks of viruses, bacteria, toxicsubstances

Take in any convenient way for yourself dry or fresh parts of magnolia vine:

  • as an alcohol tincture, diluting it in a glass of water / tea
  • as a water infusion brewed in a thermos of
  • chew dry powdered material twice a day before meals
  • eat aromatic jam / jam during tea drinking

Schisandra with diabetes

the Schizandra fruit is flooded with water for the preparation of a syrup for taking with diabetes

Thanks to the substance in the Schisandra seeds, schisandrine, it helps to lower the sugar level inblood and remove harmful substances from it.

The fruits of the plant open the hidden reserves of the immune and biosystems of the human body. And this has a beneficial effect on the natural displacement of foreign substances from our body, prevents their subsidence and accumulation.

In China, magnesium is treated with the initial stages of diabetes and necessarily include it in the list of drugs in severe forms of the disease.

Take Schizandra in tinctures, syrup, eat fresh berries along with the seeds, cook compotes for consumption during the day.

Remember that taking magnolia vine for medicinal purposes involves lengthy and alternating with interruptions. For example, 3 weeks of eating berries, 1 week relaxing.

Tincture of lemongrass in bodybuilding

bodybuilder constantly takes lemongrass to maintain its shape and body weight

Professionals and amateurs in sports also respect Schizandra for its good for the body. First of all - for natural origin and soft impact on organs and systems.

For example, it is appropriate to take tincture of magnolia vine on alcohol or on water by athletes during:

  • preparation for
  • competitions in physical training in
  • regular training for building muscle mass, improving appetite and assimilating food
  • active workouts

The fruits of this plant will provide the athlete:

  • lifting adrenaline
  • improving training quality by increasing energy
  • resistance to diseases
  • teamworknervous system
  • reduction of feeling of fatigue after training and inflow of vivacity for other activities
  • growth is enduranceawns

Depending on the purpose of receiving a single dosage athlete fluctuate within 15-30 drops. Drinking Schizandra can be chosen - either before or after eating.

Caffeine and Schisandra: application of

near a cup of coffee lie a slice of apple and lemongrass berries

It is common knowledge that caffeine affects the human body as an energetic. It awakens the brain and stimulates its work, and you also feel a surge of strength and inspiration.

Schizandra has similar properties. The only difference is that it does not cause addiction. And the period of return to your normal state is softer after the plant adaptogen.

A mixture of caffeine and Schisandra sometimes use:

  • students,
  • people in front of a responsible meeting / negotiations,
  • those who work according to the schedule of work at night, and in the daytime tries to fulfill at least something of the intended for the family / home / themselves

Enough to dissolve in a glasswarm water 2 capsules of caffeine and a tablespoon of Schisandra vinaigrette and drink before / after a meal to feel brisk, full of energy and active for the next 5 hours.

Schisandra Chinese or Far Eastern: reviews

picture with a list of specific benefits for organs and systems of man

Barbara, student
Hot time during the session requires maximum concentration of attention, memory and presence in the exam. I can not say that I had problems with this in my school years. But with the transition to university changed my pace of life - has become more dynamic. Because sometimes physical forces began to leave me, apathy arose.

Mom suggested that syrup of magnolia vine, which cope with my condition plus increase resistance to viruses. I followed her advice and felt a difference on myself - again, vivacity, activity, mindfulness and sharpness of memory returned. Since then, before each session I drink a course of Schizandra and recommend it to all my friends.

Semen, entrepreneur
My life is a speedy kaleidoscope. But I like this pace. I set the business on a good level and continue to develop new directions. In addition, I pay attention to my health - I go to the gym.

The coach somehow noticed that a few trainings I was not in the best physical and emotional form. Then I had a couple of big projects burning and all my thoughts were in them.

The berries of Schisandra were the salvage. He began to chew them before each training and felt a rush of strength, vivacity. My indicators in bodybuilding, health and personal life have clearly become higher.

Vera Sergeevna, housewife-needlewoman
The life of pensioners who surround me is not joyful - it's sickness, then depression. I was not attracted to such a prospect, therefore I have long turned my attention to Chinese magnolia vine.

My grandmother was herbalist and gave me some knowledge of green friends. So I remembered that my grandmother kept physical activity, sharp eyes and optimism until her death. She attributed these merits to the regularity of magnolia-vine. She added to her tea, and wiped her face, and drank the tincture. So I began to do the same thing and continue for 20 years.

Grandchildren with pleasure come to visit me, we play with them intellectual and agile games. And in my spare time I am doing handicrafts for the whole family and my friends. Everybody wears my creations with pleasure.

So, we have examined the amazing properties of Chinese magnolia vine, its benefits for the human body, the features of taking in various diseases, as well as contraindications.

Stay healthy!

Video: medicinal properties of Chinese magnolia vine

  • Mar 03, 2018
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