Runny nose or in medical terminology rhinitis is an inflammation of the nasal mucosa. The causes of this disease is hypothermia on the background of a general weakening of immunity. Most often it happens in the autumn-winter period. Sometimes rhinitis can be a concomitant symptom of infectious diseases like measles, diphtheria or influenza.


  • 1 Types and symptoms of the common cold
  • 2 Folk medications
  • 3 Folk physiotherapy
  • 4 Video

Species and symptoms of the common cold

Symptoms of acute rhinitis are traditional: at first the patient feels weak and fatigued and "sits" in the throat. After this, the stage of sneezing begins, the nose begins to leak, the breathing becomes complicated due to the obstruction of the nasal passages. The most common forms of runny nose are viral, allergic and bacterial rhinitis. These forms are successfully treated and folk recipes at home.

Vasomotor rhinitis, which is caused by a violation of vascular tone in the nasal sinuses, should be treated only through a trip to the otolaryngologist. Otherwise, this will lead to serious complications and will be dealt with operatively.

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What to do, when a cough and a runny nose does not pass for a long time and what medicines must be taken for this, is indicated in the article.

  • Viral rhinitis is an infection that enters the body by airborne droplets. Unlike other types of rhinitis, the onset of it immediately passes to the acute phase, but it does not last long. Inflamed mucous membrane of the nose, abundant transparent discharge - these are the characteristic signs of a viral rhinitis.
  • Allergic rhinitis is a widespread problem, accompanied by sneezing, itchy nose and runny nose. It arises either against the background of external stimuli, or against a background of hereditary predisposition.
  • Bacterial rhinitis - discharge will be purulent, yellow, chills and headache may be felt. A common phenomenon is edema of the nasal concha.

The runny nose does not go away, you can understand what to do and what medicines to take, after reading the article.

Folk medications

Aloe and Kalanchoe - effective remedies for the treatment of the common cold

Popular, and most importantly proven folk remedies for the common cold are recipes based on aloe and onions.

The child does not have a runny nose, what to do and what medicine should be taken first, you can understand reading the article.

  • Calanchoe juice or aloe bury for 3-5 drops 4-5 times a day. After each procedure, make a light massage with the fingers of the wings of the nose. In passing, you can wash the nasal sinuses with saline solution with a couple drops of iodine in the morning.

Another proven mixture for instillation into the nose is still the same aloe juice, connected in equal proportions with liquid honey. This means is instilled 1-2 times a day. However, it is important to remember that honey is a product that is allergenic and can only be used by those with whom it does not cause a reaction.

After reading the article it becomes clear what can wash the nose of a child with a cold and how long it is necessary to do it.

  • Onion juice is also an affordable and effective option for rhinitis. Drip a couple drops in each nostril in the morning and evening, and the symptoms of the common cold will become much easier.
  • In the acute stage of the disease, as well as with purulent discharge, this recipe is shown: dilute fresh onion and garlic juice with water or liquid honey in a ratio of 1:50.Daily use 3-4 times.
  • Tea tree oil is a good express remedy against the common cold. They need to lubricate the nasal sinuses in the early stages of the disease.
  • Also against the common cold, you can lubricate with foam of laundry soap. Naturally, you should use only natural soap, without chemical additives, perfumes and other by-products.
  • Severe forms of rhinitis and sinusitis are treated with the following composition: we take 1 t.l.juice of onion, milk, vodka, vegetable unrefined oil, honey, and shavings of dark household soap. All put in enameled dishes and dissolve the ingredients in a water bath until uniform. Then pour the mixture into a sealed jar and cool it. Using cotton buds, put this ointment in the nostrils for 15 minutes. After a while, sneezing and copious discharge will begin. After the procedure, it is desirable to drip "Pinosol" so as not to overdry the mucous membrane. Within a week, doing these manipulations daily, you will heal even the acute form of the disease.

The ear has been filled with a cold, what to do and what medicines to apply for it, you can find out by reading the article.

St. John's wort oil also helps with an acute cold. It is used on 2-3 drops in each nostril up to three times a day.

Folk physiotherapy

For heating, you can use the blue lamp - Minin reflector

The pantry of folk remedies from the common cold is rich not only with homeopathic solutions and ointments, but also with physiotherapy procedures. The main ones are: heating, inhalation and washing. These treatments are more sparing and have fewer contraindications.

Which homeopathic tablets from the common cold are used most often and in what dosages, you can understand reading the article.

  • Warm the nose bridge with the Minin reflector, better known as the "blue lamp" for 10-15 minutes before going to bed. In Soviet times, it was a very popular remedy for colds and otitis. If the reflector is not in the house, it does not matter. For heating, you can use salt in linen bags , which is preheated in the oven or on a battery and then applied to the nasal sinuses from the outside.
  • Nasopharyngeal flushing is an effective manipulation. In a glass of warm water, dissolve 1 teaspoon.salt and 2-3 drops of iodine. A three-time rinse will be enough to remove the swelling of the nasal sinuses and feel better.
  • The rinses are also carried out with a decoction of a blackberry or a clearing.

In the initial stages, soda inhalations are useful. Litre of water bring to a boil, throw a handful of leaves of eucalyptus, we again give a boil. Add 1 tbsp.soda and lightly cool. We breathe over the saucepan.

What children's drops from the common cold are best taken and in what doses, is indicated in the article.

  • In equal parts take the yarrow, the root of the violet tricolor, sage, oregano and the bark of the Kalina. Pour cold water and insist for an hour. Apply as inhalation.
  • Take the bark of willow, oak, linden color, mint leaves and beast in equal parts. Pour a liter of boiling water and let it brew for 3-4 hours. Before use add 5 drops of fir oil. Daily to conduct inhalation procedures for two procedures daily for two days.
  • For the removal of the tumor, which often happens in allergic rhinitis, you can do the following inhalation of chamomile, sage and calendula. First, prepare a dry mixture in the proportion of 3: 3: 1.A tablespoon of the mixture is filled with 300 ml of water and boiled for 2 minutes. Then insist for half an hour and filter. The procedures are carried out according to the same scheme.

From the contents of this article it becomes clear whether it is worthwhile to walk with a child with a cold or it is better to stay at home.


Even more folk recipes from the wool in this video:

In any case, you should be extremely cautious, using any folk remedy for the treatment of chronic rhinitis or its acute form, as everything here is very individual. In particular, this applies to children. Do classical inhalations "above the saucepan", remember - the steam should not burn the respiratory tract , but be warm and pleasant. If possible, it makes sense to use an inhaler. Approach to treatment with the mind and stay healthy!