Otitis is a disease that is characterized by inflammation in the ears. Pathology can be of three types - external, middle and inner. It all depends on which ear section was affected. This disease is characterized by severe shooting pain, fever, general weakness, poor appetite and purulent discharge.

Today, the issue of heating the ear in otitis remains quite urgent. You can do this in various ways, but only not always and with strict adherence to the basic rules of the thermal procedure.


  • 1 Warmer heating
  • 2 Blue lamp
  • 3 With medium otitis
  • 4 With purulent otitis
  • 5 In other cases it is recommended to warm up the ears

Warming with a heating pad

warming up the ear with a warmer

Thanks to the warmth coming from the warmer, you can create an anesthetic effect. Under the influence of temperature, the blood vessels expand, the blood circulation improves in the focus of the inflammatory process, metabolic processes return to normal. Thanks to heating, it is possible to stop the further spread of inflammation and prevent the development of stagnant phenomena.

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Even with an integrated approach to therapy, dry heat activates medicines, directing them directly into the inflammatory focus.

You can use the heating pad for otitis only if the disease is not accompanied by purulent discharge and is not in the advanced stage.

With the help of heat it is possible to relieve pain and other unpleasant sensations. A similar effect is achieved due to the fact that under the influence of temperature, blood flows, stopping the pain syndrome.

It is necessary to fill the hot water bottle with warm water, then lie on it with the affected ear. The length of the procedure depends on how quickly the water in the hot water cools down. It is best to perform this procedure before going to bed. After this, it is necessary to protect yourself from drafts and cold. Warm up the ear with a warmer is prohibited at elevated temperatures up to 38 degrees, the presence of pustules in the ear or in cardiovascular disorders.

Blue lamp

ear warming blue lamp

Is it possible to heat the ear with a blue lamp? This question interests every person who has a given device at home. This kind of physiotherapy can be used to treat otitis and other ailments of the ear. But only it is necessary to do it correctly. It is allowed to heat the ears with a blue lamp in the following cases:

  • The early stage of the development of the pathological process of .If there is purulent content, the heating will have to be postponed, as this can lead to further spread of the infection to the rest of the ear. But if you start thermal procedures at the initial stage of the disease, it will allow to stop all of its unpleasant symptoms and prevent development of complications.
  • When the patient feels lumbago and pain in the ear, in the head, he has a fever. Warming up with a blue lamp in this case will allow to stop unpleasant and painful symptoms in the ear, and will also improve the overall well-being of the patient.

external diffuse otitis media And here is how external diffuse otitis is treated, this article will help to understand.

What antibiotics for purulent otitis in adults are worth using and taking, is described in this article.

What is tubo-otitis eustachiitis, and how it is treated, is described in this article: http: //prolor.ru/u/ lechenie-u / evstaxiit-simptomy.html

But how to treat tubo-otitis in children, and what medicines are the most effective, is described in this article.

In terms of application, the blue lamp is very simple. First you need to plug it into the socket. If the device has been in your pantry for a long time, you first need to make sure that it works. You can do this by clicking on the blue light when the lamp is turned on. If so, you can go directly to the procedure itself.

On the video - can I warm my ear with otitis:

Direct the lamp to the affected ear. It is important to comply with this rule: keep the lamp at a distance of about 60 cm from the affected ear. Some patients have very sensitive skin, so that during the procedure they can feel strong and scorching heat. You should not endure such symptoms. You just need to move the device to a safe distance. Believe me, the effectiveness of the procedure does not decrease from this.

When warming a person feels that he does not have enough heat, the lamp can be moved. The distance should be selected in individual mode, depending on the comfort and sensations of a particular person. The duration of one session is 15-20 minutes. You can get maximum effect if you carry out such manipulations a couple of times a day.

With average otitis

warming of the ear with medium otitis

Ear heating with medium otitis is also permitted. But it is better to do them right after the pain began to be felt. If you perform thermal manipulation at an early stage of the disease, then this will get the maximum effect with further therapy.

But to damage thermal procedures can only if the average otitis is accompanied by the formation of inflammatory fluid in the middle ear. During warming, moisture in the ear can become a cause of painful sensations.

With purulent otitis

As mentioned above, otitis can occur in several stages. When the pathology proceeds in an acute form or there is a purulent discharge from the ear canal, it is strictly forbidden to conduct thermal procedures. When the otitis is in the acute stage, but there is no pus and fluid, the heating is allowed. But the danger is that it's impossible to determine the time when pus will start to form.

And here is how the treatment of chronic tubo-otitis occurs, and with what medications, is described in this article.

What is and how acute tubo-otitis is treated is described in detail in the article.

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But what is the price of the best drops in the ears with otitis, and what is their name, described in detail in this article.

What ear drops for otitis in children are the best and most popular, and how to choose them correctly.will help you understand the information in this article.

In other cases, it is recommended to warm up the ears of

. It is advisable to perform warming up at the initial stage of otitis development. It is at this moment that the activation of normal blood circulation is necessary. The specialist will be able to prescribe the warming-up procedure at the right time, so that it will have a positive effect and lead to a rapid recovery.

Apply the warming to achieve this effect: warming up the ears

  • to stop the pain, here it is necessary to include spasmolytic manifestations;
  • normalize blood circulation;
  • deliver the medicinal components to the focus of inflammation;
  • regenerate the affected tissue;
  • approach the healing process.

Thus, heating can be used when removing the sulfur plug, to eliminate pain when the ear has blown, and when treating otitis in the initial stage.

But a neglected stage of otitis heating can not be cured. At the same time, it is even forbidden to perform such procedures, because the patients already have pus from their ear.

Also you can not visit saunas and baths, because under the influence of heat you can start serious complications.

Otitis is a fairly common disease in both children and adults. The main symptom of pathology is severe pain. For its elimination it is allowed to use heating with a lamp, salt, a heating pad, sand. Thus, you can stop the pain and improve the effect of drug treatment. But it is necessary to do thermal procedures only at the initial stage of the disease, when there is no pus and no liquid is released.