Catarrhal angina( code for mb 10 - J03) - one of the varieties of angina, is considered to be the lightest of the species. First of all, because it rarely requires antibiotics. However, catarrhal sinus is also different in its course. If, in normal angina, first the physiological first signs of angina appear in the form of pain during swallowing, then there is a strong intoxication. Infection with bacteria poison the body and a person feels angina as signs of poisoning. At first, it is not always possible to assume its presence, since there are no primary signs.

Special activity such an angina acquires in the off-season, when the viruses are activated, and the body begins to weaken. Especially it concerns pharyngeal infections, which are sensitive to climate change. The specificity of the catarrhal form is that it involves all the airways in the process. Due to this, in spite of the fact that the form is considered relatively easy, such tonsillitis is often fraught with serious complications. Also, it can easily become a lacunar form.

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  • 1 causes and predisposing factors
  • 2 first signs
    • 2.1 Diagnostics
  • 3 Treatments
    • 3.1 home and in the hospital
    • 3.2 Folk remedies
    • 3.3 Complications catarrhal angina
  • 4 Video

causes and predisposing factors

how to treat catarrhal angina The most common reason for a decrease in immunity, andactivation of bacteria;

  1. pneumococci;
  2. of staphylococci;
  3. fungal candida class.

Infections are sensitive to weather change, the number of sunny days. But the immune system normally restrains aggressiveness, suppressing the activity of microbes. But it is at the beginning of winter and spring that immunity falls for natural reasons.

The only way to avoid the activation of pharyngeal infections is the seasonal intake of drugs that enhance immunity.

The first signs

Catarrhal angina shows the first signs of poisoning the body. A person feels broken, the strongest weakness. Against this background, high temperature rises, but for a while even the blood does not show signs of infection. External catarrhal angina concerns only palatine tonsils. They become inflamed and increase, but lymph nodes can also grow in parallel. They become painful, large. Sometimes on the tongue you can see a small film, which quickly disappears.

Catarrhal angina is rich in symptoms, which grows literally by the clock:

  • catarrhal angina how to treat local hyperemia of the tonsils;
  • swelling of the affected tissues;
  • severe dryness and a subsequent cough;
  • severe pain in the larynx;
  • headaches;
  • fever;
  • temperature fluctuations.

And these signs can be expressed against a background of strong weakness and dizziness. But if there is severe intoxication, additional symptoms may appear:

  1. vomiting, nausea;What to do when children have vomiting with laryngitis, is indicated in this article.
  2. abdominal pain;
  3. disorder of the intestine.

At the first stage of catarrhal angina, only palatine tonsils are involved in the process. But if you do not determine the diagnosis in time or put it wrong, the pharyngeal tonsillar, lymph nodes and lateral grooves of the pharynx will join.

The temperature is kept at high values ​​for several days, gradually decreasing to a normal level. With puffiness and inflammation of the tonsils themselves, the situation is the same: for two days the swelling grows, after another two drops, and after another two disappears. But slight soreness and slight difficulty in swallowing can bother for another two weeks.


photo of catarrhal angina

A good doctor will take a swab from the pharynx to pinpoint the type of angina

Diagnosis of catarrhal sinus almost always causes problems. And this despite the fact that it is considered the simplest. Most often the doctor puts the initial form of either lacunar or follicular. A young specialist can easily confuse clinical blood tests. The fact is that only with a severe form in the blood leukocytosis is observed. And if the catarrhal form proceeds non-aggressively, without causing a high temperature, then in the urine there may be no protein. A good doctor will take a swab from the cavity to pinpoint the type of malicious agent.

Treatment, when pershit and sore throat What is the treatment, when pershit and sore throat, is indicated in this article.

Is it possible to warm a sore throat, specified in this article.

How to gargle with throat furatsilinom with angina, it is indicated here: http: // furacilin-pri-angine.html

On this basis, can diagnose diseases that are not related to the truth. But do not rush to worry, because the catarrhal form often passes faster than a person "ripens" before the doctor.

If, nevertheless, a doctor is required for catarrhal angina, then the signs become more pronounced and the catarrhal sinus itself most likely passed into another form.

Methods of treatment

Home and hospital

Treatment of catarrhal with antibiotics antibiotic for catarrhal angina is allowed only when it is clinically proven that there are bacteria. This is not a frequent phenomenon. More often the treatment is reduced to reception of immunomodulators in a complex with a shock dose of microelements. The treatment regimen is aimed at maintaining and activating the immune system so that it can destroy the infection on its own.

If the nature is microbial fungal, then antifungal drugs are prescribed: Biseptol, Bactrim. Any treatment includes rinsing with antiseptics: Miramistin, Furacilin, iodine.

In the presence of pain and high fever, you can take preparations of the group of non-steroids: Ibuprofen, for example.

Folk remedies

symptoms of catarrhal angina

Bed rest with angina should be observed for at least 5 days

Catarrhal angina loves when conditions are created to it:

  1. bed rest for 5 days( minimum value);
  2. warm and frequent drink;
  3. nutrition with increased protein content;
  4. intake of vitamins in its pure form( pomegranates, oranges, tangerines).

This type of sore throat can not be treated with conventional methods, so as not to provoke progression. It is better to use folk remedies for sore throats. Therefore, you need only rinse your larynx with weak decoctions of chamomile, oak bark, sage, and you can also rinse your throat with soda, salt and iodine. This will reduce swelling and will have the desired anti-inflammatory effect.

Complications of catarrhal

treatment of catarrhal angina

Such an unpleasant disease as pyelonephritis is a frequent complication in angina

The most common complication is the transition to a more complex form of angina. And already it can strike all over the body. In particular, the following can develop:

  • myocarditis;
  • pyelonephritis;
  • arthritis;
  • otitis media of the middle ear( most frequent);But how to treat otitis media of the middle ear, is indicated in the article.
  • bleeding.

Attention should be paid to the fact that the complication is not an instantaneous process. It does not come at once, it takes time to develop the consequences. Usually you can speak about the safely transferred angina only when 14 days have passed from the moment of recovery. It is exactly how much time it takes for the disease to form secondary diseases.

According to statistics, 75% of patients who refused to lie in bed for 5 days, were victims of severe complications.


What first steps should be taken with angina see in this video:

Only competent and timely treatment can save against such serious consequences. But the most important thing in treatment is bed rest. Angina can not stand when she is moved on her feet. This is one of the diseases that is very vindictive and can give complications at a time when a person has already recovered.