How to grow fast nails for 2, 3, 5 days, a week, 2 weeks, a month? How to grow stronger nails at home?

The article contains the most effective methods, recipes and folk remedies, allowing you to quickly grow strong and beautiful nails on the hands and feet.


  • How to quickly grow long, healthy, strong and beautiful nails on the hands and feet: ways to
  • How to quickly grow nails for 2 to 3 days?
  • How fast to grow nails in 5 days?
  • How fast to grow nails in a week?
  • How fast to grow nails in 2 weeks?
  • How to grow nails for a month?
  • How to quickly grow and strengthen a broken nail?
  • How to grow and strengthen the nails quickly after the fungus?
  • How to grow gnawed nails?
  • How to quickly nail a child?
  • How to grow fingernails fast?
  • Video: How fast to grow nails?

Long strong and beautiful nails - it's their own, natural, not exaggerated or covered with artificial material - is not this the dream of every girl? If some of the ladies were rewarded by nature, endowed with smart nails of good shape, then others have to make a lot of effort to get a beautiful manicure.

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How to quickly grow long, healthy, strong and beautiful nails on the hands and feet: methods

To nails grew as quickly as possible, it is best to perform a set of procedures regularly: baths, masks, use of professional tools, folk methods.

The cheapest and fairly simple way to grow healthy nails on both hands and feet - daily steaming of hands and feet in broths of medicinal herbs and solutions of salts and minerals.

Quickly grow long, healthy, strong and beautiful nails on the hands and feet possible

IMPORTANT: Daily addition of 0.5 tsp. Salt in the bath will allow to strengthen and grow the nails by 3 mm per week.

For nail growth, iodine is often not enough. To quickly fill its deficiency and, consequently, strengthen the nails, do iodine-salt baths :

  • in a convenient container for the procedure, pour water( 100 ml)
  • add iodine( 4 drops)
  • to the water, preferably salt( 1 h.l.)
  • mix thoroughly
  • place your fingers in the resulting solution so that the liquid covers the nails more than 1 cm

The time for one procedure is 20 to 40 minutes.

IMPORTANT: Stop the iodine baths immediately, as soon as iodine ceases to absorb and begins to color the skin and nails in a yellowish-brownish hue.

If the nails can not grow because of their fragility, use fresh lemon juice .

To do this, you can simply cut the lemon into two halves and, stuck into the flesh of each of them, the nails, keep them thus 15 - 20 minutes.

Quickly grow long, healthy, strong and beautiful nails on the hands and feet will help lemon juice

Then you should rinse your hands, and "feed" the nails with cream.

You can also mix lemon juice with water( 1: 1) and make baths .

The rapid growth of nails will certainly contribute daily massage with vitamins A and E, which must be gently rubbed into the nail plates .

Also accelerate the growth and restore the health of nails will help trays of herbs :

  • pour boiling water St. John's wort( 1 tsp), chamomile flowers( 1.5 tsp) and crushed rootlings( 1 tsp)
  • coolinfusion and pour into a convenient dish
  • lower in a healing infusion of fingers and hold for 20-30 minutes
  • repeat the procedure daily
Trays of herbs will strengthen and nail the nails

3"> How quickly to grow nails for 2 to 3 days?

Those who want to grow long nails in a few days will have to immediately be disappointed: in such a short time they will not be able to grow much, no matter what you do. However, to accelerate the growth somewhat and add a few millimeters to the nails is quite realistic.

For guaranteed acceleration of nail growth use mask with red pepper .For its preparation is necessary: ​​

  • any nourishing cream( 1ch.l.)
  • red pepper( 1ch.l.)
  • boiled water( 15 drops)

ingredients mix well and a little warm up in the microwave, not boiling. Mask, lightly rubbing, apply to the surface of the nails. After 15 minutes, rinse the agent, dry the nails.

IMPORTANT: During the procedure, you may feel a burning sensation. Use the product with care so that the mask does not get on the mucous membranes of your body.

A good addition is the lemon juice, which should be applied to the nails 10-15 minutes after the mask.

During the whole time smear at night with iodine .In the morning iodine absorbed completely, so you can not worry about the yellow-brown spots left immediately after the procedure.

quickly grow nails for 2 - 3 days help mask with pepper

How to quickly grow nails for 5 days? Grow

nails 5 days is possible by means of special growth stimulants in its composition containing all necessary elements in the correct proportions( Belweder, Clever enamel ).You can buy them at the pharmacy or specialized department of the cosmetic store.

However, you can use these tools:

  • every day to do nail bath with sea salt
  • smear nails iodine at the base
  • keep your nails in hot herbal teas
Grow nails in 5 days, you can use the pharmacy

growth stimulators How quickly grow nails fora week?

A week is enough time for growing long nails. So try not just to grow, but also to maximally strengthen your nails. For this you will not need express methods, like masks with pepper or complex measures.

It is enough to select 1 - 2 most suitable procedures and perform them regularly. Simultaneously with the external impact on the nail plates, start taking a chemist's vitamin complex for the healing of nails and hair.

IMPORTANT: Try as little as possible to injure the nails: avoid contact with household cleaning, cleaning service and wash the dishes in rubber gloves, make a neat manicure - cuticle removal plays an important role in strengthening the nail plate.

For a week, for which you plan to grow nails, include in the diet foods containing gelatin.

To grow your nails for a week, try to injure them as little as possible

How fast to grow nails in 2 weeks?

For 14 days, healthy nails can grow well even without any special procedures or activities.

If your nails do not grow or break down when you reach a certain length, your body probably suffers from a lack of vitamins and minerals. Usually the lack of nail growth is accompanied by their fragility, fragility and lackluster unhealthy color.

Get ready for the fact that the next 2 weeks you will not only have to deal with the nails, but also strengthen the entire body. Start by selecting

pharmacy vitamin complex: Merz spezial dragees, Vitrum Beauty, Vivasan, Viaderm ® Complete, Medobiotin, Aevitum Activity, Pantovigar or other means of similar composition and steps.

Taking a vitamin complex can grow nails for 2 weeks

Any of these drugs will not only stimulate the growth of nails, but also improve the condition of the hair.

Perhaps, only the intake of vitamins will be enough to restore health and enhance the growth of nails. But foreign aid of the nail plate is also not hurt:

  • every night before going to bed, apply iodine to the peeled varnish
  • nails every morning rub into the nails vitamins A and E
  • make a gentle massage of fingers - this will promote blood flow and strengthen the nail growth
  • 2 times a weekmake baths with sea salt
  • rub nail plates with lemon juice 3- 4 times a week

How to grow nails for a month?

If you give a month to restore your nails, then for sure you are familiar with such problems as fragility, delamination, thinning of nail plates .The cause of these troubles, as well as problems with hair and teeth, is avitaminosis.

IMPORTANT: The growth rate of a healthy nail is 3-4 mm per month. If your nails grow more slowly, it can be perceived as a signal of metabolic disorders or the development of pathology in the circulatory system.

For a month you need to restore the vitamin balance in the body, then the overgrown nails will long please the eye.

First, revise your power supply .Eliminate fatty, fried, sweet. Obligatory products of your diet should henceforth be cheese, cottage cheese, fish, nuts, fresh fruits and vegetables. Try not to abandon the delicacies containing gelatin.

Secondly, start taking chemist's vitamins for nails and hair.
Thirdly, as often as possible, spoil your nails with baths with iodine and sea salt, as well as salon paraffin masks

IMPORTANT: The conscientious regular performance of all these procedures will necessarily improve the look and condition of the nails and resume their active growth.

To grow your nails in a month, you need to restore the balance of vitamins in your body

How to quickly grow and strengthen a broken nail?

If a manicure spoiled one broken nail, do not panic - you can quickly fix it with the help of improvised tools. But to restore the nail is possible only if it is broken no more than 1/3 of the length.

For this you will need:

  • tea bag
  • super glue
  • any clear varnish
  • polishing file
A tea bag will help quickly seal the damaged nail

The nail repair will not take you more than 10 minutes. So:

Pour the contents of the

out of the sachet. Cut out a thin strip from the sachet that repeats the size and shape of the crack on the nail.

  1. Polish the damaged nail with the
  2. nail file. On the strip cut from the tea bag, apply a thin layer of
  3. adhesive. Apply the strip to the crack and gently press the
  4. Top with another thin layer of
  5. adhesive. Wait for complete drying.
  6. Apply the third, final adhesive layer
  7. Trim the excess paper with the nail scissors
  8. Polish the entire nail nand help nail files
  9. treated surface with alcohol or acetone
  10. Wash and dry your hands
  11. Apply on the affected nail clearcoat layer 1-2

IMPORTANT: Do not attempt to repair the nail that broke a finger very close to the beam.

The broken nail can be restored

If the nail is not repaired, trim it neatly and shorten the remaining nails.

You will be able to quickly grow with mixture of red ground pepper ( 0,5 tsp) and hand cream ( 0,5 tsp), which must be applied to the nails daily for 10-12minutes.

How to grow and strengthen the nails quickly after the fungus?

If the nails are affected by a fungus, there can be no question of their growth and strengthening until the disease is completely cured. Otherwise, the overgrown nail will also be infected and mutilated by a fungal disease.

IMPORTANT: The treatment of nail fungus( onychomycosis) is handled by a dermatologist. Based on the results of the tests, he prescribes antifungal drugs for external and internal use. Independently, the nail fungus is not treated.

One of the antifungal drugs that helps improve the condition of the nail plates is Terbinafine .This drug is available as a spray for external use, and in the form of tablets.

After the fungus is defeated, you need to take to nail .And only after full saturation of the nail plates with vitamins A, E, iodine and calcium can you try to start releasing the nails.

To grow and strengthen the nails quickly after the fungus fails, if the nail plates are damaged

How to grow nail gum?

The habit of gnawing on nails is one of the most difficult to eradicate. Even good nails have no chance, if every day they are subjected to intense chewing, biting and licking.

Therefore, first of all, try to get rid of bad habits. Here are some of the most popular ways to quit nails:

  1. Spread nails with bitter pepper , which at the same time will slightly speed up their growth.
  2. Use a special anti-glaze ( for example Innoxa ) which has a very unpleasant taste
  3. . Make an expensive manicure , which will be a pitygnaw
  4. Ask close to beat you on the hands of whenever you pull your fingers in the mouth
  5. Write yourself a fine : 1 gnawed nail = 1 washing floors( 10 push-ups, 40 sit-ups, etc.)

IMPORTANT: Do not expect quick results, even if you manage to get rid of a bad habit. Traumatized nails will be for some time "moving away from shock" - you will not notice a millimeter of gain for a long time. Be patient.

Nails can be restored using trays of medicinal herbs .Every day( or every time you want to chew your nails), dip your fingers for 15-20 minutes in with a warm infusion of calendula, chamomile, St. John's wort, or burdock root .

Use these herbs for nails together or separately - the effect will be much better than from permanent tooth damage.

The most important thing - when the nails gain strength and begin to grow at last, try not to break and not gnaw with such difficulty the centimeters that were removed.

To stop gnawing your nails, smear your fingers with bitter pepper

How fast to grow your nails to your child?

In order to grow the nails to the child, you can use all of the above methods, but do not recommend using a mask that contains red pepper.

The child may accidentally pull his / her hands in the mouth or scratch his / her eyes. Then children's tears can not be avoided, and the child is unlikely to agree to further procedures.

Quickly to grow nails to the child it is possible by means of special drugstores

How to grow nails on legs quickly?

The growth of nails on the legs is complicated by the constant wearing of shoes, stockings and tights. If you need to quickly grow your toenails, try to keep your feet breathing as often as possible.

In addition, the growth of nails on your feet will accelerate vitamin masks, rubbing oils and herbal baths.

You can quickly nail your toenails with paraffin baths

paraffin baths also help the nails to grow on their feet:

  • on a water bath, melt the paraffin( it is sold in a pharmacy) and let it cool
  • into warm paraffin wax, lower your toes and give itto harden
  • wrap your feet in a food film, and then - in a woolen scarf and leave for 30-40 minutes
  • rinse the paraffin under a stream of warm water

Once a month you can make an bath of infusions of chamomile flowers and white wine :

  • dry chamomile flowers( 2 tsp) pour boiling water( 1 item)
  • let it brew under the lid 40 - 60 min
  • add white wine( 30 ml)
  • make the bath by immersing the nails in infusion for 20 minutes

Strengthennails on the feet will help rub by cranberry or lemon juice, warmed with olive, soy or peach oil .

Long beautiful nails - the result of a long work and special strengthening procedures

Each of these methods is good in its own way and will definitely give results if all necessary procedures are performed regularly. The most important thing is not to despair and not to stop acting if in the first few days you do not notice the changes.

Video: How fast to grow nails?

  • Mar 03, 2018
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