Liquid diet

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The essence of the liquid diet is quite understandable from its name. It consists that from a diet completely any solid products are excluded, and there are only drinks in it. There are two options for this diet.

The first variant of the liquid diet

This diet consists of two phases, each lasting a week. The first week is actually a liquid diet, and the second is a very smooth and accurate way out of it.

Menu of the liquid phase of the diet

9.00 - a glass of oatmeal broth( 2 tablespoons of oat flakes pour two cups of boiling water, insist 10 minutes, then stir and strain), a cup of black coffee or tea without sugar.
10.00 - a glass of vegetable broth.
11.00 - a glass of hot boiled water.
12.00 - a glass of diluted fruit juice( three quarters of a glass of apple, orange, grape or pear juice, better than freshly squeezed, dilute a quarter cup of warm boiled water).
13.00 - a glass of milk with a fat content of not more than 2.5%.
14.00 - a glass of hot boiled water.
15.00 - a glass of weak berry or fruit compote, cooked without sugar.

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16.00 - a glass of weak meat broth.
17.00 - a glass of hot boiled water.
18.00 - a glass of hot boiled water.
19.00 hours - a glass of half-diluted boiled water of vegetable juice( tomato, pumpkin or a mixture of carrot and cabbage).
20.00 - a glass of vegetable broth.
21.00 - a glass of hot boiled water.
22.00 - a glass of kefir with fat content of no more than 2,5%.

Weekly exit from the

diet The menu gradually adds solid products. The diet this week should be the following.

1-3 days

9.00 - a glass of tea, boiled potatoes of medium size.
12.00 - 200 grams of boiled cauliflower, a glass of tomato juice.
15.00 - 50 grams of potatoes stewed with cabbage and carrots, a glass of fruit juice.
18.00 - salad from boiled beet with garlic, a glass of vegetable juice or water.
21.00 - a glass of yogurt.

4-7th day

9.00 - a plate of Hercules porridge( 150 grams), a glass of tea or half cup of coffee without sugar.
12.00 - spinach with herbs, a glass of tomato juice.
15.00 - a portion of vinaigrette, seasoned with a tablespoon of vegetable oil.
18.00 - boiled cabbage with carrots( 150 grams).
21.00 - a glass of yogurt.

For 7 days out of the diet, you can easily lose 3-4 kilograms of weight, and total weight loss for 2 weeks will be from 8 to 12 kilograms.

The second variant of the liquid diet

This variant differs from the first in that it gives a little more freedom in planning your daily diet. The first week is also purely drinking, but the schedule is strictly by the hour is not painted.

Rules for the drinking phase of the

  • diet each drink that is allowed during a diet is assigned a certain number of glasses( see the label below);
  • the total number of "glasses" drunk per day should not exceed 130( less - it is possible, but not much, the body should receive the necessary minimum of nutrients);
  • it is desirable to have a glass of each of these drinks in the daytime ration, however, sometimes one of them is allowed to pass;
  • other glasses can be "picked up" by any beverage from the list, but not by the same;
  • in the morning, the first is recommended to drink an oat broth, and finish the day with a glass of kefir just before sleep;
  • other drinks can be drunk in any order, as you prefer, but distributing them more or less evenly for the whole day, a ration of the previous variant of the diet may well serve as an example guide;
  • except these drinks, you can drink how much you want ordinary water, black coffee and tea without sugar.

Glasses of drinks

For each of the drinks, the "cost" is indicated in glasses of one glass( 200 ml).

  • Oat broth( prepared, as described in the first version of the diet) - 5 points.
  • Vegetable juice diluted with water 1: 1 - 10 points.
  • Fruit juice, diluted with water for a third - 20 points.
  • Milk fat content is not more than 2.5% - 20 points.
  • Kefir( fat content is not more than 2,5%) - 10 points. Meat broth - 20 points.
  • Weak compote, fruit or berry, sugar-free - 5 points.
  • Vegetable broth - 5 points.

All broths and broths should be sufficiently weak, without salt, spices and any kind of seasonings.

Duration of the diet

The liquid phase of the diet lasts 7 days. However, if you really liked the diet, then you can extend it for another 1-2 weeks, but you must:
reduce the consumption of drinks to 80 points;
add a "solid" dinner: 100-200 grams of salad of chopped cabbage, grated carrots, finely chopped walnuts, dried apricots and boiled rice.

Exit from the diet

The exit from the liquid diet in this option lasts 3 days, during which it is necessary to adhere to the following diet:

  • 1 day - boiled vegetables;
  • 2 day - boiled vegetables plus a plate of liquid porridge, a slice of bread, a salad of raw cabbage and carrots for dinner;
  • 3 day - you can eat in the usual way, eliminating any fatty foods and meals;You can eat bread no more than 2 pieces.

To lose weight for a week of a liquid phase and three days of an exit from a diet it is possible on 6-8 kgs.

Weight loss diets
  • Apr 23, 2018
  • 38
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