Rice diet

Rice is a product with unique properties. Rice is delicious and nutritious, it can be combined, preparing appetizing dishes, with so many products. But that is not all. Rice is able to adsorb and remove salt, slag, and other harmful substances from the body. It is not surprising that rice forms the basis of many diets for weight loss( as they are commonly called: rice diets), and is also an important component of a number of methods of cleaning the body. Rice diet for weight loss

The rice diet in one of the most "hard" options is this: one glass of rice to cook and eat during the day in small portions, washing down with apple juice. If this greatly hurts the hunger, then you can eat 2-3 more apples, better than green ones. The duration of a rice diet in this option is from 1 to 3 days, a one-day diet option can be repeated once a week, three-day - once a month.

Perhaps such a variant of the rice diet will seem too heavy for you. Try then to take more rice, up to 500 grams per day, boil it and add it( when cooking or after it - it really depends on the recipe of a particular dish), fish( only lean!), Vegetables and fruits( carrots, onions, peas, corn, raisins. ..).Such dishes can be invented and cook a lot and very different - here is the space for your culinary fantasy! Therefore, to sustain a rice diet in this version will be quite simple. Observe only such a prerequisite - the total number of all "additives", taken together, should not exceed 200 grams per day. In addition, between the main meals you can eat up to half a kilogram( a day, not once:) fruits, you can drink unsweetened juices( preferably apple), tea without sugar, water - simple and non-carbonated mineral. In this variant, the rice diet lasts up to 7-10 days, it can be repeated no more than once every two months.

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Cleansing the body with rice

Often the term "rice diet" is called a rather fashionable method of cleansing the body, in fact, a diet is not. It consists in the following: for two weeks every morning on an empty stomach to eat two tablespoons of rice cooked in a special way( as - about this a little later), after that 2 hours nothing is. Then during the day you can eat in the usual way, not restricting yourself in any way( however, it's better to exclude fat and spicy from the diet).And to prepare rice for this method it is necessary so: two tablespoons of rice( ie one morning portion) to pour a glass of water and 4 days to keep in a cool place, changing water daily. After 4 days, wash rice, cook, after washing again, rinse, and you can eat. To have a ready-made rice you had daily, as you already understood, you need to have 4 of these glasses, every day releasing and refilling the one that came up the line.

For any of the variants of the rice diet, it is better to use rice as a raw rice: it contains, in contrast to white rice, a sufficient amount of B vitamins. When applying a rice diet in any of its variations, it is recommended to take potassium preparations so that the body does not develop a deficiency of this vital element.

Weight loss diets
  • Apr 23, 2018
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