Ear pain in otitis is extremely unpleasant, and is difficult to tolerate. Even for adults, this experience is hard given, what to say about children. Thoracic babies do not ask to be patient, and older children sometimes can not stand a strong earache, crying and rolling up hysterics.

To get rid of uncomfortable sensations, and to stop the inflammatory process in the auditory canals, it is necessary to use complex treatment with the use of antibacterial agents, physiotherapy procedures and local treatment in the form of ear drops. The last form of therapy will be discussed in the article. We will tell you what ear drops for otitis in children help the best, find out in which cases this or that drug will work.


  • 1 symptoms
  • 2 choice of drug
    • 2.1 Otipaks
    • 2.2 Sofradeks
    • 2.3 otinum
    • 2.4 Tsipromed
    • 2.5 Otofa
    • 2.6 Normaks
    • 2.7 Anauran
    • 2.8 Garazon
    • 2.9 Kandibiotik
  • 3 purulent otitis
  • 4 Recommendations
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Symptoms of the disease

How to understand that the child has otitis media. Of course, if he already understands the speech, he will show on the aching ear, but what to do if the otitis in a nursing baby. In this case, the baby just cries, and for whatever reason - it's unclear.

So, otitis in a child gives the following symptoms: earthen instillation for children

  • high fever;
  • runny nose;
  • capriciousness, irritability;
  • sleep disorders;
  • from the ear flows liquid;
  • loss of appetite.

If you notice your child's symptoms, you need to see a doctor sooner: the sooner adequate treatment starts, the faster you will help the baby. And, in addition, avoid possible serious complications.

The choice of the drug

Most often, children have otitis media of the middle ear. This type of disease usually occurs as a complication after a cold and a cold. This type of otitis is very painful: in the middle ear, liquid and mucus accumulate, they press on the walls of nearby vessels, resulting in a feeling of bursting. Let's give a complete overview of the ear drops used to treat otitis in children.

how many days to treat otitis And here how many days to treat otitis in the home, it helps to understand the information from this article.

What symptoms of otitis in children under one year exist and how to determine them, is described in this article.

But what are the symptoms and what is the treatment for otitis media in this article: http: //prolor.ru/u/ simptomy-u / priznaki-otita.html

You may also be interested in knowing if antibiotics are needed in otitis media.


A popular drug for treating otitis media. The safety of the drug makes it possible to use it even in the treatment of infants. Suitable for the treatment of otitis media of the middle ear, including that which appeared as a complication after colds.


Drops Otypaks

It is not allowed to use it in case of a damaged eardrum, and also with individual sensitivity to the constituents of the preparation. The course of treatment - no more than 10 days: 4 drops three times a day.

Drops are suitable for infants and older children. However, before you use, you should consult a specialist and conduct a child's examination. Perhaps the doctor will prescribe a more suitable drug. But how to use Otipax drops in the ear with inflammation, will help understand this article.


The drug is used in the treatment of acute and chronic cases of external otitis media, it is effective in bacterial infection of the auditory canals.

drops of Sophradex


You can not use it:

  • in case of perforation of the membrane;
  • with sensitivity to the ingredients of the agent;
  • for fungal or viral infections.

For those who want to learn more about eye and ear drops of Sofradex, it is worthwhile to follow the link and read the contents of this article.

It is also prohibited to use it for the treatment of newborns and infants. The course of treatment - no longer than a week: three drops four times a day. As a rule, the drug does not cause side effects. However, in rare cases, it can lead to allergies in the form of a local rash, itching. If this happens, you need to see a doctor so that he can prescribe another remedy.


Drops in the ears Otinum can be used to treat otitis in children of any age. However, if the child is not yet a year old, treatment with this drug should be under constant medical supervision. The medication is effective in otitis media of the middle and outer ear. It is used to relieve severe pain. The course of treatment depends on the severity of the disease, and is appointed by the doctor.

drops of otinum


Before instillation this preparation is recommended to be warmed up in hands that the procedure has not caused unpleasant sensations, and the medicine has acted more effectively. The otinum is good because it has no side effects. However, this does not mean that you can dig in drops of any amount of time: with too long application, the drug can adversely affect the level of hearing.


This drug is effective for the treatment of external otitis media, acute and chronic middle, relief of postoperative complications. Also, the drug is also used as an antibacterial agent when extracting a foreign body from the child's ear canal. The remedy will help in case of purulent otitis.

drops Tsipromed


Before Cipromed is instilled, it is recommended to rinse the ears and clean them from sulfur. This preparation will help the medicine to work more effectively. A remedy is not recommended for hypersensitivity to its constituents. Sometimes Cipromed can cause a local allergic reaction in the form of itching, and a burning sensation in the ear.

Do not use it if there is intolerance to the components of the medication. The course of treatment - until the symptoms of otitis disappear: three times a day for five drops. It is used to treat children who are already a year old. But how to properly use the ear drops Tsipromed children, will help understand this article.


An effective and very popular drug for otitis treatment. Helps with an external chronic form of the disease, with an average chronic and acute otitis. In addition, it treats Otofa and the perforated eardrum, which is advantageously different from most similar means.

Otof drops


The product contains an effective antibiotic, and has anti-inflammatory and antiseptic effects. In addition, Otofa is recommended as a restorative and analgesic treatment after operations on the ears.

Do not use if there is intolerance to rifamycin. An allergy usually manifests itself as an itch in the ear canal, where the agent has been injected. There are no side effects of the drug. The course of treatment: a week for three drops three times a day. But what is the price of drops in Otof's ears, you can learn from this article.


This drug is indicated only to "adult" children: those who are already 12 years old. But even in this case, it should be used with caution. The remedy is used for various types of otitis media: both internal and external. Bury it four to six times a day for three drops.



Because of their low cost and high efficiency, these drops are one of the most popular earplugs on the market today. Drops help, including, and with purulent otitis. Can also be used as a rehabilitative treatment after operations on the ears.

In case of intolerance to norfloxacin, it should not be used. Side effects, except for rare local allergic reactions, the drug does not.


These drops can be used if the child has reached the age of one year. The product has a local anesthetic and antibacterial effect. The drug will help with:

  • external and average acute otitis media;
  • chronic otitis media;
  • in the event of postoperative complications.

The drug quickly enough to stop the pain, so it can be recommended in case of severe pain. Sometimes these drops cause local manifestations of allergies in the form of skin rashes and itching. In this case, it is recommended that the treatment be discontinued, and consult a doctor to resolve the problem.



Anauran drops are not allowed to be used when the eardrum ruptures. Course - week: 2-3 drops four times a day. This tool has many positive reviews, and is one of the most effective ways to help a child with otitis.


This drug is a thoughtful combination of an effective antibiotic and an anti-inflammatory drug. It can be used if the tympanic membrane is not damaged. The remedy is useless against pain, but it kills the bacteria that caused the disease perfectly.

nasal drops


Children under the age of six years Garazon is not assigned. The course of treatment: before the removal of symptoms of otitis 2-4 times a day for 2-4 drops. Before the drops are introduced, it is necessary to clean the ear passages from sulfur and other contaminants.


This is one of the most effective combined preparations of the new generation. You can buy it only by prescription: there is no money on sale.

Candybiotic has a diverse therapeutic effect:

  • antifungal;
  • is an anti-inflammatory;
  • is an analgesic.

In addition to the above, the drug acts as a strong antibiotic. The remedy can be used if the child already has six years. In the perforation of the membrane, the drug should not be dripped.



The agent is effective if otitis has an allergic, fungal, bacterial or viral nature. That is, in almost all cases. Course - no more than 10 days: three to four procedures a day for 3-5 drops.

Purulent otitis

It is much easier to cope with the disease at an early stage, but not all medications will help with the disease. If the otitis has caused suppuration, you need drops containing antibiotic that have anti-inflammatory and antibacterial effects.

Which of the considered types of drugs are suitable in this case .

  • Otofa;
  • Normax;
  • Cipromed.

These drugs will be the most effective measure to stop inflammatory symptoms and eliminate purulent infection.


Do not self-medicate when it comes to children. Be sure to show the child to the doctor, and only after the specialist appoints the medicine, buy the right drops. Only a professional approach will ensure a quick and reliable disposal of the problem without complications and consequences.

Many of the drops, especially those containing lidocaine, can not be used when perforating the tympanic membrane. In this case, even complete loss of hearing is possible. Therefore, a visit to the doctor must be made surely, in order to know exactly the cause of the earache.

Otitis can be caused by bacteria and fungi. In these cases, the choice of medication will be different. However, the doctor will be able to offer a drug with a complex effect.

On video treatment of otitis in children:

When swelling of the auditory canals, it is necessary to use a remedy with antihistamine components that will gently help improve the child's well-being. If there is a lot of sulfur in the ear, and a cork is formed, you can pick up such drops that this plug will soften.

If the baby is less than a year old, it is best to use the safe French Otypax remedy, which is allowed even for use during pregnancy. In infancy, babies and their parents have to be particularly difficult if an illness has occurred, so it is necessary that the medicine help as quickly as possible, but without harming the child's health.

We examined the features of the choice of ear drops in otitis in children. As you saw, there are a lot of worthy drugs, and everyone has certain advantages. But the final appointment of the right remedy should be made by a doctor, and the information in the article will give you an idea of ​​the most effective and reliable drugs.