Herbal baths. Should I take a bath of herbs? Are they effective?

From this article you will find out which fitovanny can be used for various diseases and nervous disorders, as well as how to properly prepare a herbal bath for a child.


  • Herbal baths at home
  • Herbal infusion for baths
  • Useful herbal baths for the body
  • Soothing herbal baths
  • Herbal bath for the legs
  • Herbal baths for children
  • Herbal baths for newborns
  • Herbal baths for weight loss
  • Herbal baths for psoriasis
  • Herbal baths with cystitis
  • Herbal baths: tips and reviews

Fitovanny with by the addition of healing plants and herbs are known its Curative , relaxing and revitalizing properties , so such procedures are popular in SPA - clinics , therapeutic and cosmetic centers . Following basic rules , arrange such bath in home conditions not will special complexity .

Therapeutic herbal baths at home

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  • The healing bath can be easily prepared by adding natural plant components with specific therapeutic effects to the water.
  • Depending on the type of medicinal herbs, temperature and duration of the procedure, the bath will have an effect. It is useful to combine a herbal bath with a hydromassage or a contrast shower
  • For medicinal herbs you can use decoctions and infusions of flowers, leaves, fruits and rhizomes of medicinal plants and herbs in fresh or dried form, as well as dry extracts or alcohol tinctures.
  • Herbal baths have a health-diseases, muscle pains, rheumatism, acute and chronic diseases of the genitourinary system, nervous and mental disorders, sleep disorders, relieve stress and fatigue, increase the immunity of

Aromatic baths - coniferous, sage, citrus with the addition of essential oils of patchouli, tea tree, ylang-ylang, geranium, orange, lemon, rosemary, bergamot are used in aesthetic cosmetology to enhance blood circulation and pore opening, which promotes penetration of active substances through the skin,which have a local and general rejuvenating effect.

Treatment with baths is usually carried out in several courses for 10-20 procedures. It is necessary to follow the general rules of the hydropathic procedures:

  • Before bathing, perform the mandatory hygienic procedures - clean the skin with a scrub and shower gel or soap, wipe the pumice zone with coarse skin
  • . During the treatment bath, do self-massage, starting with the toes, graduallymoving higher. Massage can be done with a massage brush or mitten
  • After the massage, relax and lie for 5-7 minutes
  • To avoid drying the skin after frequent water procedures, use a moisturizing cream, lotion or oil

Herbal infusion for baths

The most commonly used for preparing herbal teas are infusions offlowers of chamomile, lime, marigold, turn, celandine, thyme, lavender, mint leaves, oak bark, juniper fruit, birch, fir, pine.

250-300 grams of dried herbs, flowers or plant rhizomes pour 1 liter of water and boil for 10 minutes, then leave for half an hour for infusion, then strain and add to the bath.

Useful herbal baths for the body

  • Relaxing herbal bath for daily stress and fatigue is done at a temperature of 37º, its duration is 20-30 minutes
  • The warming bath at 38-42º will increase blood circulation and help prevent colds( duration is no more than 10-15 minutes)
  • For an invigorating bath the water temperature is 24-29º, 5-10 minutes in cool water will be enough to feel the burst of strength and energy

Chamomile bath thanks to content ether molecular weight oils provide calming and regenerating action when catarrhal conditions and skin diseases , open and internal inflammatory processes , wounds , abscesses .

The bark of oak bark has astringent and analgesic properties. Due to the content of tannic acid in the plant, baths with oak bark have antipyretic and healing effect, are used to treat frostbite, burns, atopic dermatitis, varicose veins.

The fruits of juniper and dogrose contain essential oils, organic acids and phytoncides, have anti-inflammatory and diuretic properties. Water procedures with decoctions of these berries are effective for diseases of the genitourinary system, skin diseases, edema and varicose veins.

Soothing herbal baths

  • Conifer bath adding broth pine or fir branches have expressed relaxing impact , normalize features cardio - vascular system, beneficial affect on the general state of the organism , especially in the period spread viral and infectious diseases and post-traumatic period
  • Baths with infusion from the root of valerian soothe the nervous system, relieve nervous stress and stressful conditions, restore composure and sleep
  • Baths with infusion of herbs - motherwort, wormwood and linden flowers will help cope with irritation and fatigue, contribute to the overall relaxation and removal of muscle tone

Herbal bath collection

Also beneficial are therapeutic baths with the addition of the following medicinal herbs, providingNo significant healing effect:

  • Collecting mint, oregano and thyme will help to cheer up, feel the morning freshness and lightness. For the bath, take 200 ml of infusion of each of the herbs individually( 2-3 tablespoons per 1 glass of water), then add to the prepared warm bath
  • Collecting valerian and motherwort with needles will relieve the emotional tension and give a restful sleep. For one glass of each infusion, add to warm water, do water procedures 2 to 3 times a week before going to bed for 15 minutes.
  • When sweating and oily, irritable skin will help the bath with the addition of sage, string and oak bark. Prepare one glass of each infusion, add to hot water, after the bath take a contrast shower and rub the skin with a hard terry towel.

Herbal Foot Bath

The herbs for the foot baths, which help to eliminate fatigue and puffiness of the legs, and also positively affect the aesthetic appearance of the feet, are many. Among them the most useful are nettle, horsetail, marigold flowers, St. John's wort, mint. You can also use decoctions of fresh fruit peels - pomegranate and citrus fruits.

  • Take the 3rd station.l.horsetail field, pour a glass of boiling water, leave to stand for an hour
  • Add strained infusion into warm water and lower your legs for 20 minutes to relieve tension and fatigue
  • Boil 500 ml of water, strew 100 g of calendula flowers, cover the container with a lid, remove from the plate and removeleave for 40 minutes, then strain the infusion and add to the bath. Such procedures have wound-healing and bactericidal properties, are useful for damages to the skin of the feet - cracks, abrasions, abrasions, callosities
  • Take 50 g nettle and St. John's wort, pour two cups of boiling water and leave for half an hour. Then strain the infusion and add to hot water. Foot baths stimulate blood circulation, have a regenerating and restoring effect.
  • After water procedures, carefully wipe your feet and the space between your fingers. Wet skin can easily crack, which can lead to infection
  • Then apply a nourishing foot cream and put on cotton socks

Herbal baths for children

The purpose of herbal baths for children can be different, depending on what kind of grass you use for bathing. Therapeutic baths can remove fatigue, calming before bed, clearing and improving the skin, improving metabolic processes in the body, and strengthening immunity. If you have any problems with your baby's health, be sure to consult a doctor about the possibility of treating herbal baths.

  • For dermatitis and neurodermatitis, as well as skin dryness for children, oatmeal baths will be useful, due to the large content of nutrients, trace elements and valuable oils in it. To prepare such a bath put 50 g of oatmeal in a gauze pouch, hold it a little in warm water, then wring out
  • Relaxing and soothing baths for children are recommended to make from the infusion of chamomile, string, birch leaves, nettle, lime-colored. Such water procedures are useful for strengthening the nervous system and improving sleep
  • At the first sign of colds, a bath with eucalyptus oil( 10-15 drops) is effective, which is a natural disinfectant and helps to quickly stop the symptoms of the disease

Herbal baths for newborns

Daily bathing of babiespediatricians are also advised to conduct by adding boiled herbs to herbs with pronounced antiseptic, bactericidal and relaxing properties. To prepare the infusion, take 30 g of pharmacy grass for 100 ml of water, boil for 10 minutes, then cool and strain through gauze.

  • Pediatricians also recommend daily bathing of infants by adding decoctions of herbs to boiled water with pronounced antiseptic, bactericidal and relaxing properties. To prepare the infusion, take 30 g of pharmacy herb per 100 ml of water, boil for 10 minutes, then cool and strain through the cheesecloth. When skin rashes, sweat, atopic dermatitis, diaper rash, baths are added with the addition of tinctures of oak bark, pine buds, hips,which are natural antiseptics and have a mild wound-healing effect.
  • Baths against swelling of the abdomen are beneficial for children prone to spasms and colic. It is recommended to use decoction of motherwort, cones of hops, bearberry, fennel. Such baths can be done twice a day before feeding
  • Soothing baths are useful for active kids with moody, restless behavior and sleep disturbances. For such procedures, valerian, lavender, thyme, mint

will suit you. Herbal slimming baths

If you want to get rid of excess weight, therapeutic baths can provide additional help. It should be understood that it is impossible to lose weight only with the help of water procedures, the baths are only an auxiliary means for improving metabolism, enhancing blood circulation, toning and regeneration of the skin.

  • Among the herbs that help lose weight, you can name the most valuable: tartar, mint, oregano, calendula flowers, chamomile, rose hips, yarrow, rosemary, leaves and currants. Decoctions of these plants have a beneficial effect on the skin during periods of diets and physical activities aimed at weight loss, help to maintain skin elasticity, prevent loss of elasticity and hydration
  • All broths are prepared in the usual way, they need to be added to warm water at a temperature of no higher than 35-37º,bath for 3 minutes. In the process of losing weight, you should pay attention to the regularity of the procedures, alternate herbal baths with hydromassage and contrasting douche and aqua aerobics classes.

Herbal baths with psoriasis

Psoriasis belongs to to group chronic diseases skin , requiring continuous supporting therapy for . In period exacerbation appear characteristic unpleasant manifestations , weaken or eliminate which may not only medicated and physiotherapy means , but and therapeutic fitovanny .

  • Herbal bath help normalize water - fat balance surface layer skin , reduce intensity rash and education ulcers , soften , remove itching , irritation and peeling , have common tonic action of . For improve overall state recommended alternate composition grass
  • liquid or dry Pharmacy extract needles dissolve in one glass water , add in warm water , take bath about 20 minutes . For 100 g flowers chamomile , thyme and bark oak fill Z with glasses water and boil 10 minutes , strain . procedure spend at average temperature water duration 30 minutes
  • baths birch tincture possess bactericidal , regenerating and anti properties , so widely applied at heavy skin pathologies - eczema , neurodermatitis , psoriasis , dermatoses various origin
  • For preparation tincture chop in mortar or blender fresh birch kidney and leaves , fill alcohol or vodka in ratio 1 : W , insist in during the of the week .Add in water 100 ml tinctures , bath temperature should be maximum high , duration procedure - not more 15

minutes Herbal bath cystitis

Diseases of the genitourinary of the , system to the which refers to cystitis , often are caused by microorganisms , provoking inflammatory processes . Diagnosis and Therapy in such cases should held strictly under the control of doctor compliance with all recommendations and reception antibacterial drugs .

  • Herbal baths with cystitis are applied , as complementary medicine in composed of complex treatment . Good analgesic and antimicrobial action have bath addition infusion flowers daisy , pine needles or collection of equal parts Hypericum , celandine and yarrow
  • water temperature should compile 38 - 40º , take bath in during 20 minutes , then carefully wipe the skin , wear warm underwear

Herbal baths: tips and reviews

  • Mar 03, 2018
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