Varikotsele - favorable prognosis after Marmara surgery

marbling operation Varicocele is a varicose veins located in the groin-shaped plexus of the testicle. Often this disease becomes the main cause of infertility in men.

In most cases( 95% of varicoceles fixed), varicose veins are found on the left side. Blood from the left vein of the testicle enters the left vein of the kidney at an angle of 90 ° C.

The hydrostatic pressure in the left testicle is stronger than the resistance of the valves, and the blood rushes into the veins of the testicle.


  • Operation Marmara - general information
  • What are the advantages of the method?
  • Technique for conducting
  • Possible complications of
  • Postoperative period
  • Patients ask - Doctors meet
    • What bothers men?
  • Cost of surgery in Russia

Operation Marmara - general information

Operation with varicocele according to the Marmara method is currently used much more often than other methods because it is the least traumatic, does not require opening of abdominal tissues, and after it is carried on the body of the patient does not remainscars and scars.

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After surgery on varicocele for Marmara, complications are almost absent.

What are the advantages of the method?

The advantages of this operation are:

  • its small invasiveness due to the small size of the surgical incision;
  • rapid recovery of the patient's physical condition in the postoperative period;
  • excellent cosmetic effect - with an unaided eye the incision is then impossible to notice;
  • no possible complications( if they are, it is very rare).

Due to the localization of the main artery and the subsequent intersection of small and large veins of the spermatic cord, the disease goes away once and for all.

The operation can be performed on an outpatient basis, so hospitalization of the patient is not required in this case. In a home setting, the patient tolerates surgical intervention much easier.

The preparatory period includes a number of standard procedures and the delivery of necessary tests: general and biochemical blood test, hepatitis analysis, general urine analysis, HIV test.

The condition of the heart is checked by electrocardiogram, lungs - by chest x-ray. The level of hormones is determined, a spermogram is made.

Technique for conducting

The patient transfers the entire procedure in a clear consciousness, because the surgical intervention occurs under local anesthesia. Technique for Marmara

After the painkillers start to act and the affected area becomes insensitive to external influences, the surgeon makes a tiny incision in the groin area. As a rule, it does not exceed 2-3 cm in length.

Gradually, layer by layer, the doctor gets to the canal where the swollen vein is located. It is bandaged, stitched and crossed.

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The movements of the surgeon are accurate and fast, so the operation is very fast and the patient does not experience any painful sensations at this stage.

How the Marmara surgery works with the varicocele: the technique is clearly visible on the video:

Possible complications

The incision is small in size, so the wound is tightened quite quickly, and on the 8th day the seams can be removed.

During this period it is undesirable to load the body with physical exercises, make sudden movements, get into drafts of .

With strict adherence to medical recommendations, after 6 months the patient returns to the usual way of life, goes to work, goes in for sports.

But even such a simple surgical intervention can cause complications, more often arising as a result of a medical error.

Very rarely in the seams applied to the wound, nerves can get caught, which then cause severe pain. But if the technique of the operation is observed consistently and clearly, this can not happen.

And only in extreme cases:

  • may occur relapse;
  • in the testicle fluid accumulates, causing the dropsy of the testicle;
  • is infected with a tiny wound and inflammation develops;
  • incision is bleeding.

Postoperative period

Section in the operation of Marmara Within 1 month after the operation( the minimum period is 3 weeks), men who underwent operative intervention should abstain from sexual intercourse.

During the first months during an intimate contact with a woman, there may be discomfort, which disappears without a trace.

Within a few days after the operation, the patient must protect the patient area from friction and careless touch with a suspensions - a special bandage for the scrotum that holds the spermatic cord and the scrotum in a suspended state and does not allow the tissues to stretch under the weight of the tissues.

The sooner the disease is detected and the operation is performed, the less the risk of various complications. The genital function of a man is in most cases completely preserved.

After 3 months necessarily spermogramma is surrendered, according to the results of which it is possible to judge the ability of spermatozoa to fertilize.

Patients ask - doctors answer

About how effective and safe Marmara's operation with varicocele can be judged by examining the questions of patients who have undergone the intervention and the answers of doctors to them.

What bothers men?

Two weeks have passed since the operation day, but the operated testicle continues to ache strongly. To the touch, it is not so clearly felt as the right testicle.

Is this normal and how long will the discomfort continue?

Michael, 29 years old

Drawing non-intensive pains are due to the distribution of blood flow in the operated area. This is a normal sign. After 1-1,5 months, discomfort should pass.

Physician phlebologist

The operation was done in as early as adolescence. Then almost no pain felt. At sexual contact, there are no uncomfortable sensations, but when I stand, the veins in the testicle again become swollen.

Is this normal, because the prognosis of the doctors was positive?

Andrei, 25 years old

A number of examinations, including ultrasound examinations, have to be passed again. There may be a relapse. Do not over tighten with a doctor.

Physician phlebologist

First after the operation, everything went well. The testicle decreased considerably and became normal in size.

One month has passed. Now in the sitting position at the palpation I feel a lump of veins, and from them one - especially large.

Sometimes disturb the pain when moving. Was a medical error committed, or are these phenomena temporary, and soon everything will pass?

Our readers recommend!
For the treatment and prevention of varicose veins and hemorrhoids, our readers use the method first voiced by Malysheva. Having carefully studied it, we decided to offer it to your attention. Opinion of doctors. .. »

Alexey, 33 years old

Continue to observe your feelings. It is too early to draw conclusions. But after 2 months, be sure to sign up for a second ultrasound.

Doctor phlebologist

Before the operation he was constantly engaged in sports. The operation was carried out 2 months ago. Discomfortable sensations are, but only occasionally. Tell me, please, when will I be able to return to my previous way of life and re-engage in my favorite sporting activity?

Vasily, 24 years old

Do not stress the body with strong physical exertion for more than 3-4 months. In the meantime, gradually increase the load, so that the body gets used to it gradually. The pain must soon pass completely.

Physician phlebologist

The operation was done not so long ago, about 1, 5 months ago. I hardly feel pain, but I'm worried that the testicle does not decrease in size. It seems to me that, on the contrary, it is increasing every day. What to do?

Andrey, 22 years old

Be sure to make an appointment with a urologist who will schedule a series of follow-up visits. The tumor for such a period should be significantly reduced.

Physician phlebologist

Cost of operation in Russia

Price of operation Marmara 35 000-40 000 thousand .At the same time, its cost includes living in the ward for one day intervention operative( the offer is relevant for residents of other cities), local anesthesia, dressing and examination by a doctor for 14 days after the procedure.

The main thing for varicocele is timely treatment of , which guarantees successful operation and quick rehabilitation. But after the surgical intervention for several more months you need to constantly visit the attending physician, who can give an accurate forecast for the future.

Despite the apparent simplicity of the operation, it is necessary to take the procedure very seriously. If you have enough willpower to leave bad habits forever in the past - the chances of a full recovery are significantly increased.

But when there is a question about what is more important: alcohol or the future child - the answer is absolutely obvious. It's time to make the right choice, because people are forging their own destiny themselves.

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  • Feb 27, 2018
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