Why does a child in the anus have a crack and how to treat it?

A crack is a disease of an intimate nature that touches directly on the anus and can occur not only in adults. To date, such violations can occur in children.

The crack of the rear opening is a very painful rupture, which is localized in the area of ​​the anal opening.

It can be acute if it manifests itself suddenly and heals itself for a couple of months.

If the unpleasant symptoms continue to disturb the baby for a long period of time, then urgently need to seek medical advice. Diseases of a similar nature are handled by a proctologist.

Contents of

  • Features of Infirmity in Childhood
  • Causes for Cracking
  • Symptoms of Disease
  • How to diagnose a disorder?
  • Helping a small patient
    • Proper nutrition
    • Traditional medicine
    • The word folk methods
  • Possible complications
  • Preventive measures

Features of a malaise in childhood

The main cause of vertical rupture of the anus in children is constipation. Usually it is formed as a result of malnutrition of the baby or because of fear of going to the toilet in the school or kindergarten.

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A child who routinely ignores the urge to empty the bowel is several times more likely to have colon cancer.

The longer the baby does not go to the toilet "for the most part," the more stools accumulate, which eventually become harder. It is this feature in the future that complicates the act of defecation.

When passing through the intestine, condensed feces can injure and injure its walls, which in turn leads to the formation of anal fissures.

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In children, the size of the crack formed can reach up to 1.5 centimeters. Most often such a disease affects children of preschool age. In this case, pathologies are susceptible, both boys and girls.

Reasons for cracking

Among the huge number of reasons that can have a major impact on the formation of cracks in the anus in a child, special attention should be paid to the following factors:

  1. Incorrect food ( fatty and fried foods).
  2. Hemorrhoids formation .As a rule, it becomes a consequence of constipation.
  3. The appearance of worms .Because of severe itching, the child can comb the area of ​​the anal opening, which causes the formation of cracks.
  4. Frequent constipation of .When trying to empty the intestine, solid masses of stool injure its mucosa, resulting in cracks.
  5. Diarrhea .
  6. Inflammatory Bowel Diseases .
  7. The use of some medications .
  8. Crohn's disease .
  9. Unsuccessful examination of the rectum .
  10. Act of child abuse .

Symptoms of the disease

If anal fissures appear in an infant, the symptoms will be manifested by the strong crying of the little man at the time of defecation.

In this case, the stool can be seen the presence of blood clots, indicating a lesion of the intestinal mucosa. The baby also becomes restless. This is primarily manifested in the quality of his sleep and eating.

Older children experience pain and discomfort at the time of emptying. That is why they are often afraid to admit to the appearance of such a problem.

In order to prevent pain, they can delay feces in the body, thereby only exacerbating the course of the disease course.

As soon as parents notice that the child avoids going to the toilet, and when trying to put him on the pot begins to cry and be naughty, then it will be necessary to go urgently to a consultation with the pediatrician.

The main signs of the manifestation of cracks in children include:

  • feces with an admixture of blood;
  • a feeling of discomfort in the anus;
  • pain at the moment of motor activity;
  • severe pain when trying to defecate;
  • constipation;
  • frequent vagaries and crying baby.

How to diagnose a violation?

Detection of cracks in the anus of the child is carried out by a thorough medical examination. For this, the doctor will have to examine the sphincter of the posterior foramen with the fingers.

When the baby is sitting on the pot for a long time and tuzhitsya, and emptying does not occur, but blood can be allocated, then additional medical research will be required to establish a more accurate diagnosis.

These include:

  • laboratory study of stool mass ( helps to establish an inflammatory process);
  • seeding of emptying and examination of it for the presence of worms ;
  • if necessary, the specialist will prescribe an anoscopy, irrigoscopy or rectoscopy of the of the rectum.

Based on the received data, the most effective way of eliminating the manifesting symptoms of the disease is assigned.

Helping a small patient

The goals of the treatment are to eliminate a strong inflammatory process, reduce the pain syndrome in the area of ​​anus fractures, and also in the rapid healing of the formed wounds.

For this, methods of traditional medicine, a special diet and medication can be used. In rare cases, surgical intervention is performed.

Proper nutrition

In children, one option to eliminate cracks is diet. It allows you to get rid of constipation and stabilize the work of the digestive system.

To do this, it is required to include in the daily diet those products that will contain a lot of fiber( fresh vegetables, fruits, cereals, bran bread, dairy products).Dishes are preferably stewed, boiled or baked.

Do not forget about the observance of drinking regimen.

At the same time, it is strictly forbidden to eat sweets, fried, sharp and salty foods.

Traditional medicine

To reduce the appearance of unpleasant symptoms, a doctor can prescribe anal candles, ointments or gels. Very effective in the treatment of cracks nitroglycerin ointment 0.2%.

In severe cases, special injections can be made that block nerve endings.

Levomekol, Solcoseryl, Proctosan and Ultra-Pro can be used to quickly heal wounds. Among the suppositories, benzocaine-based drugs are very well proven.

For the elimination of constipation and their prevention, it is advisable to use laxatives "Ajax" and "Senade".

The word folk methods

Among the popular recipes well recommended baths based on medicinal herbs and with the addition of manganese and potassium.

You can hold enemas from decoction of chamomile, oak bark, mint and string.

If the abovementioned methods of treatment do not give a positive effect, then surgical intervention is necessary.

Possible complications of

The formation of anal fissures in a child is fraught with the manifestation of such complications:

  • acute paraproctitis;
  • profuse bleeding from the rectum;
  • appearance of fistula;
  • colitis ulcerative;
  • in case of infection in the body increases the risk of developing blood and infectious diseases of other internal organs.

In this connection, a doctor-proctologist should diagnose and treat the patient.

Preventive measures

In order to prevent the development of cracks in the anus, it is very important to observe the following recommendations:

  • parents should ensure that the child regularly empties the intestines;
  • for prolonged sitting the baby should take breaks and engage in motor activity;
  • sports, - walking walks in the air or easy morning exercises are suitable;
  • observing the daily routine and eating healthy food;
  • hygienic procedures of genital organs and anus;
  • consumes a sufficient amount of fluid.
It is important to teach the baby that going to the toilet is not considered a shameful process. This is a normal requirement of his body.

The formation of mucosal gaps in the anus is not considered a dangerous pathology. In order to avoid serious consequences, it is necessary to deal with the treatment of a delicate disease in a timely manner and observe all the rules for care and follow the baby's nutrition.

If you have any anxiety symptoms, you need to seek medical help.

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