Many people have experienced discomfort due to the arising cod in the ears. If such a symptom is troubled once or twice, then there is no cause for concern. But when a crash in the ears - this is a frequent phenomenon, which is accompanied by painful sensations, it is necessary to visit a doctor. To influence the occurrence of cod in the ears may be various causes, but more often it is a signal that the activation stage includes inflammatory processes.


  • 1 reasons
    • 1.1 Otitis
    • 1.2 Colds
    • 1.3 Pharyngitis
    • 1.4 Malocclusion
    • 1.5 Joint diseases
    • 1.6 cerumen
    • 1.7 dislocation of the mandible
    • 1.8 osteochondrosis
  • 2 Conservative treatment
  • 3 Folk treatment


Treatment of cod in the ears is impossible if you do not understand what influenced the development of such symptoms.


otitis of the ears

Crying in the ears most often occurs as a result of the development of the inflammatory process in the outer, middle or inner ear. With such a pathological process, the spits are formed both at rest and during physical activity.

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There is still stuffiness of the ear, and noise is accompanied by pain. This pathological process must necessarily be treated by first registering with an ENT.


cold and earache complication

Clicks in the ears can for a cold disease. Rhinitis is accompanied by the concentration of mucus near the Eustachian tube. Then it flows down the back wall of the nasopharynx. Noise in the ears is very often a symptom of the edema of the nasal mucosa and pharynx.

These symptoms are secondary. As soon as the cold is over, the crack disappears.


This pathological process is characterized by swelling of the auditory tube, unpleasant symptoms in the nasopharynx and tinnitus in the ears. Cure with the inflammatory process can only the doctor in the appointment of adequate therapy.

Incorrect bite

Often, a crackling in the ears is a signal of an incorrectly formed occlusion. This is due to uneven muscle contraction during meals. If the position of the teeth also does not correspond to the norm, then the load on the jaw and muscle tissue increases. In this case, patients note unpleasant clicks in the ear.

Joint Diseases

joint disease

In case of diagnosing arthrosis or arthritis, damage is caused to bones and cartilage. This generates a characteristic crackle in the ears. The pathological process for a long time may not make itself felt. Patients are difficult to open their mouth, there is a crunch in the joints and ears. They are also worried about the pain in the area of ​​defeat during the reception of solid food.

If you do not take any action, then there will be a shift of the lower jaw to the sides, the lips will begin to fall, and the face will acquire asymmetrical lines. The affected joint is difficult to feel and leads to pain. In this case, it increases during chewing. The joint swells, and the skin under it blush. Patients develop symptoms of intoxication.

Gray plug

Excessive accumulation of sulfur in the ears leads to clicks when swallowing, yawning and other movements of the lower jaw. This process is caused by prolonged use of the phone, headphones or mechanical trauma.

why a buzz in the ears And that's why the buzzing in the ears and by what means you can get rid of it, is described in this article.

What causes the itching and hurting of the ear inside, and how you can cope with this problem, is described in this article.

Why a yellow liquid flows out of the ear from the ear, and what means you can get rid of it, this article will help to understand: http: // simptomy-u / techet-iz-uxa-zheltaya-zhidkost-u-vzroslogo.html

But how to dig in the ears and how to do it yourself is described in this article.

Dislocation of the lower jaw

With the dislocation of the lower jaw dislocated, a characteristic crunch in the ears may develop. The cause of the pathological process lies in the fact that the ligaments are stretched, and the capsule of the vessel is susceptible to chronic inflammation. dislocation of lower jaw

Over time, the head of the lower jaw is deformed, and the closing of the teeth is broken.


As in the pathological process under consideration the accumulated salt exerts pressure on the vessels and capillaries. As a result, oxygen starvation of the brain is observed. This leads to the development of dizziness, blurred vision, nausea and disturbed sleep. To stop this problem, you need manual therapy and exercise therapy.

On a video crackle in the ears:

Conservative treatment of

appeal to LOR

To stop clicks and cracks in the ears, the main cause of the symptoms should be established. All treatment should be directed to its elimination. Initially, the doctor listens to all the patient's complaints, and then assigns a comprehensive diagnosis to determine the etiopathogenetic factors. In this case, compulsory computed tomography of the nasopharynx remains. When it is performed, it is possible to determine the degree of curvature of the septum in the nose.

If clicking in the ears is the result of an incorrect bite, then you need to visit the dentist's office. He will choose a sparing diet and appoint a daily brushing of teeth. For the treatment of catarrhal diseases will require drugs aimed at stimulating the body's defenses.

When clicking in the ears is a symptom of infectious otitis media, the physician selects the comprehensive and thorough therapy. In the treatment regimen, antibiotics, ear drops with anti-inflammatory and vasoconstrictive effect, vitamin-mineral complexes are administered. But what are the testimonials about the Uhonorm drops exist in this article.

If clicking in the ears occurs when swallowing, then you need to stop the spasm in the muscles of the pharynx. For these purposes, use muscle relaxants, which relax the muscles. In the severe course of the disease, when conservative therapy does not give a positive result, the doctor prescribes surgery. consultation of doctors

When the creaking in the ear was due to the accumulation of sulfur, the resulting plug should be removed. It is best to do this in the doctor's office. At home, you can use special drops that allow you to soften the sulfur plug. Most often this is 3% hydrogen peroxide. But it is not always possible to do this procedure at home, as it is possible to break the integrity of the tympanic membrane.

What drops of ear pain in an adult exist, and how to properly select the right drops, is described in great detail in this article.

But what ear drops with inflammation of the ear should be used in the first place, is described in great detail in this article.

What ear drops with graying of the ear are the most popular, is described here in the article.

For those who want to know about the list of ear drops at the otitis, and which ones are worth using, will help to understand this information.

Folk treatment

Folk methods of therapy can be used only if the crackling in the ears is not a symptom of a serious pathological process. Effective are such recipes:

  • If the cause of unpleasant symptoms is sulfuric cork, then you can use almond oil to remove it. You can buy it at the pharmacy. Drip the product into the affected ear for 2-3 drops. Do this before going to bed, bringing the oil to body temperature. And in the morning insert into the ear passage a cotton turunda. This will protect the ear from hypothermia. The duration of such therapy should be 14 days. almond oil
  • To relieve symptoms in otitis, it is necessary to use propolis tincture. To obtain it, take 10 g finely chopped propolis and add 100 ml of alcohol. Set the container in a dark place for 3 weeks. In the filtered composition, pat the cotton swab and place it in the ear ball.
  • It is possible to eliminate the crackling in the ears with the help of birch tar. Take it in the amount of 10 grams, add in 200 ml of milk. To conduct reception of the prepared means during the day in small sips. It is better to take the medicine on an empty stomach. The duration of therapy will be 2 weeks.
  • You can use an infusion of Schisandra. The amount of the drug is 20-30 drops. To conduct a reception for 30 days. But only use tincture of magnolia vine is forbidden to people with hypertension.

Cracks in the ears may seem at first sight not such an important symptom to worry. And this is true, if it occurs extremely rarely. If the symptomatology is repeated regularly, but also accompanied by other signs in the form of pain, nausea, dizziness, then it is a serious disease that urgently needs to be treated.