The monthly causes were lost. What to do if the monthly month is gone, a year?

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Amenorrhea or the disappearance of menstruation - an alarming signal that women's health is going through a difficult time. Why were lost monthly and how to return them - read in this article.

Contents of

  • Why did the month after the birth of breastfeeding disappear?
  • Why did the monthly disappear after losing weight, diet?
  • Video: How to lose weight so as not to lose the monthly?
  • The girl started a month and lost
  • Why after the sport lost the monthly?
  • After Jess, the monthly
  • disappeared. What if the monthly for a month were gone?
  • What should I do if my periods are gone for a year?
  • Video: Why did the monthly disappeared?

Monthly, "red calendar days", "these days", critical days - these are a small part of the names by which women designate such physiological process as menstruation .These cyclic changes in the female body are a kind of indicator of women's health.

There are often cases when the monthly does not come .If this happens for no apparent reason, then it is natural that

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causes fear of because of a possible illness or an unplanned pregnancy. Let's try to figure out with what problems a woman may encounter with a delay in menstruation and how to find a way out of this situation so as not to harm her own health.

Why did the month after the birth of breastfeeding disappear?

Pregnancy is one of the main reasons for the absence of menstruation. With several days of delay, almost every woman who leads a sexual life goes to the pharmacy for the test. And if the pregnancy is confirmed, the issue with menstruation is postponed by for at least 9 months.

During pregnancy, the production of eggs is stopped, which means that there are no monthly

. So, honestly and responsibly after the entire pregnancy, the woman is stored after birth with hygienic means, but the monthly ones do not come.

We all understand that pregnancy is the strongest shaking the hormonal background of the female. And even after childbirth, it takes time for this background to come back to normal. For each woman, the time of the onset of menstruation is different and related directly to the infant's breastfeeding and the individual characteristics of the organism.

Most often, after the completion of the feeding, the restores the menstrual cycle.

When feeding a baby in the pituitary gland( gland that affects growth, development of the body), prolactin is produced - a hormone that controls the production of milk. But he, in turn, suppresses the functioning of the ovaries. Thus, this is the main reason why after the delivery of menstruation does not occur.

Prolactin suppresses the work of the ovaries

If feeding occurs without supplementary feeding for a year, then the absence of menstruation can continue throughout this period. The earlier young mothers introduce lure in the baby's diet, the faster the onset of menstruation occurs .The reason for this is the production of less hormone prolactin, which, in turn, no longer suppresses the work of the ovaries.

Menstruation will not start yet:

  • Feeding frequency and volume of milk consumed are not decreasing
  • of the child is not dopaivayut water
  • there are night feedings
Breastfeeding of monthly can also not be

Thus, with breastfeeding , the onset of menstruation is directly dependent on the number andfrequency of complementary feeding. But doctors still advise mothers not to start lure too early if the of breast milk lacks the to the baby. After all, it is the mother's milk that is the most satisfying and vitamin dish for the newborn.

Why did the monthly slack after losing weight, the diet?

"Beauty terrible force" - words of the inimitable Faina Ranevskaya, who in years do not lose their "zest".It is beauty that causes many girls to do plastic surgeries, incredible hairstyles and to lose weight. Various nutritionists write books, notes in newspapers, magazines and sites to talk about the latest fashion trends in the field of proper nutrition and dietary novelties.

Most diets harm women's health

Sometimes 's desire to lose weight is gaining catastrophic proportions. After all, some girls think that the weight is not thrown off enough, the fat folds on the body pursue them in terrible dreams. And it is natural that lacks proper nutrition causes various negative consequences:

  • GI disease
  • metabolic disorders
  • weakening of the immune system
  • malfunctions in the reproductive system
Depleted diet to the body not before performing the reproductive function

Absence of monthly after diets , as a result of hormonal disorder, a fairly common situation. If the lost minerals and vitamins, which the body lost during dietary nutrition, can not begin to recover, processes that can negatively affect the work of the reproductive system of a woman can begin.

Disappearance of the monthly after the diet says that the body experiences tremendous nutritional deficiency , because of what the reproductive function is not in the priority.

Prolonged strict diet can lead to infertility

A nutritional deficiency leads to changes in in the humoral regulation and metabolism of , which leads to a decrease in the production of necessary hormones in the body. As a consequence, a woman may encounter the appearance of a cyst, various genital organs and even with the infertility of .

Video: How to lose weight so as not to lose the monthly?

The girl started the menstruation and disappeared

The appearance of the first menstrual period is an important stage of puberty for each girl. Modern adolescents are theoretically sufficiently acquainted with such physiological changes of , which await them.

Still, the media and girlfriends will not tell about the features of the new stage of life of , as mom does. Unfortunately, most adults ignore this need, which causes a lot of misunderstandings associated with the onset of menstruation. One of the first difficulties for a young girl can become sudden loss of monthly in the next cycle after the onset of physiological bleeding.

Features of the course of menstruation should be discussed with the mother

For each girl the time of the onset of menstruation individually - for someone they attack at 10, someone at 13 .In general, the normal menstruation should begin to 15 years. If this does not happen, you need to contact a pediatric gynecologist.

In , the first year after the onset of the monthly cycle may be unstable, it can vary from 20 to 40 days, and then terminate on the for several months.

This is no reason to worry. The interval between the first and subsequent menstruation can be up to the year .It is important that the child properly and integrally eat and not the
suffer any stressful situations. Through 2 years after the beginning of menstruation, the cycle in a teenager still needs to be regulated. If this does not happen, visit a doctor.

Disappearance of menstrual after their onset - normal situation

The girl should be familiar with these features, because menstruation in itself - stressful situation for a teenager, and its delay can cause an additional reason for a nervous shock.

Why after the sport lost the monthly?

The mechanism of the female body sometimes presents surprises as malfunctions of the menstrual cycle .Even with the right lifestyle, including a full meal and exercise, the monthly all and do not come on time. Many girls write off such malfunctions exactly on sport training .Are they right?

Missed the monthly after sports activities

In part, yes, but not the training itself negatively affects the body, but their activity and the volume of .If you spent the whole winter modestly spending your leisure time in front of the TV, and by the summer decided to pull up the figure with a reinforced portion of training, then this can lead to unexpected consequences.

The big load of , which like a snow avalanche is piled on an unprepared organism, is a real stress for the body. So do not be surprised if the day you circled on the calendar in a red circle, the menstruation will not start.

The big load exhausts the body

And many decide that the sport is not for them - throw out new sneakers and sit down again to the TV.But it's not in the sport itself, but in that the muscles get the unusually exhausting load. This leads to fatigue, and if this fatigue is daily, then it is already about chronic fatigue. This is the cause of the violation of the cycle.

We can not forget that for a better result some mountain athletes try various anabolic drugs. And testosterone, which is, in fact, a male hormone, suppresses the female hormone estrogen and introduces an imbalance in the work of the female body.

Anabolic intake can lead to hormonal imbalance

Thus, if has occurred undesirable changes in the cycle after the beginning of sports loads, this does not mean that the sport is not for you and it is necessary to abandon it. It is required only to change intensity of employment and to refuse preparations harmful to female health.

After JAS, the monthly

disappeared. To date, there is a huge selection of contraceptives for , which can save you from unwanted pregnancy. Some of them lead to malfunctions in the menstrual cycle, especially the contraceptive pill.

Contraceptive "Jes"

Tablet birth control pills in its composition have a specific set of female hormones , which with daily use change the work of the ovaries. Thus, the follicle does not ripen and does not come out of the egg. The onset of ovulation becomes impossible, which in turn prevents and pregnancy.

Now quite a lot of women choose exactly the contraceptive pills, as the main type of contraception. One of the options for this protection are tablets "Jess".

Jesse is a drug that has a low dosage of hormones - ethinyl estradiol and drospirenone. Number of tablets in the blister - 28 pieces - for reception from the first critical day without interruption.

Receiving birth control pills

This medication affects the ovaries to suppress ovulation , thickens the mucus, thereby preventing sperm from penetrating the egg.

The effect of the drug on the ovaries leads to changes in the in the menstrual cycle. Therefore, often women observe a lack of monthly after the start of taking this contraceptive. The most common failure occurs only for one cycle of and if you continue to drink the next blister, then next month everything should come back to normal.

For the second month after the start of taking birth control pills, menstruation resumes

If you did not wait for the menstruation and next month - you should visit a gynecologist. The doctor will conduct the necessary examination, if necessary, prescribe tests. After this, he will advise the necessary treatment or a change in the method of contraception.

Women who have thyroid problems have a long delay in menstruation after taking "Jess."

Reviews of women who use "Jess" are extremely positive - taking the drug most often passes without serious consequences of for the hormonal background and reproductive system and menstruation even passes easier.

Control of hormonal drugs should be supervised by a doctor

Every woman should understand that contraceptives can not be compared with vitamins and to drink them uncontrolled .When taking medications in this category, you should always consult with a specialist.

What if the monthly for a month were gone?

When a woman is delayed, first of all, should exclude pregnancy .If the test is negative, and menstruation does not occur more than 10 days, you can make an appointment with a doctor to exclude the gynecological disease or inflammation.

Among the main causes of the pathological delay in menstruation are:

  • stresses
  • diets
  • climate change
  • taking certain medicines
  • thyroid diseases
  • polycystic ovary
Menses may disappear during menopause

Women whose age is approaching to 50 years of may suspect the onset of menopause. This is an indicator that the reproductive period in a woman's life is already coming to an end.

Many are convinced that the delay in menstruation, if it is not a case of pregnancy, is not deadly and worrying about this is not worth it. But still it is important to find out the causes of , because of which the delay occurred, because for many gynecological diseases it is the delay of menstruation that is the first symptom of .

Long delay in menstruation - an occasion to visit a specialist

A delay in menstruation can be a warning sign, which must be paid attention in time, because at stake is your reproductive health and future well-being.

What should I do if my periods are gone for a year?

The absence of menstruation in a woman of reproductive age, which lasts more than six months, is called amenorrhea. Amenorrhoea is not an independent deviation, it is only a symptom that signals a more serious disorder in the woman's body.

Distinguish false and true amenorrhea. About false amenorrhea is said when mechanical factors in the body of a woman do not give the possibility of blood to stand out. These are rare enough cases that can be detected only when examined by a doctor.

With amenorrhea, menstruation is absent for several cycles.

True amenorrhea indicates a violation of the hormonal background of a woman.

During adolescence and after childbirth, has a physiological amenorrhea. It is not dangerous and with the right lifestyle, the menstrual cycle returns to normal.

Pathological amenorrhea - absence of a period without cause for a year is a serious signal about the disease of internal organs. Immediately, should consult a doctor , because only a thorough examination, weight measurement, anamnesis, clarification of habits and lifestyle in general will allow to understand the cause of the disease and prescribe adequate treatment.

With pathological amenorrhea, you should consult a gynecologist

. The absence of a monthly one is not always a sign of pregnancy, but is often a symptom of any malfunction in the female reproductive system. It is important to listen to such signals of the body and visit the gynecologist, in order to timely reveal the pathology and live a full life again.

Video: Why did the monthly disappeared?

  • Apr 25, 2018
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