An ordinary runny nose seems to be such a harmless "hindrance" that many simply ignore its symptoms - nasal congestion, shortness of breath, unintentional headaches, increased lacrimation. And here doctors classify it as an inflammatory disease and claim that treatment should be mandatory! Especially attentive to one's own health should be pregnant women - any inflammatory process should be controlled by the lady herself and the doctor, including a common rhinitis( rhinitis).

Contents of

  • 1 Features of rhinitis during pregnancy
  • 2 Safe folk remedies
    • 2.1 Drop recipes
    • 2.2 Recipes for inhalation
    • 2.3 Other folk methods from the common cold
  • 3 Possible complications
  • 4 Video

Features of rhinitis during pregnancy

what can you get from a cold in pregnancy In medicine, three types of rhinitisduring pregnancy:

  • viral - the disease begins due to infection, often combined with a cold / flu;
  • hormonal - there is an inadequate response of the body to hormonal changes;
  • instagram viewer
  • allergic - the cause of appearance can be absolutely any external stimulus, even if it was previously perceived to be absolutely normal.

Important: only a doctor will be able to determine the true cause of the rhinitis, so a pregnant woman needs to undergo an examination with an ENT specialist( ENT doctor) - this will guarantee the appointment of competent, safe and effective treatment.

A woman should not experiment and choose drugs that take nasal congestion and facilitate breathing - they can harm the developing body of the womb .It is advisable to use folk remedies that only act locally.

Safe folk remedies

How to quickly cure a runny nose when pregnant with folk remedies? In general, it is recommended to actively use the representatives of the flora to treat the common cold, but it is necessary to remember - in no case do not begin therapy without a preliminary examination. This warning is due to the fact that in case of an allergic rhinitis some plants can aggravate the situation and cause an even greater negative reaction of the body. Absolutely all methods of treating a common cold during pregnancy from the category of traditional medicine can be divided conditionally as follows: nasal drops, inhalations and non-standard treatment.

Recipes of drops

Kalanchoe during pregnancy from a cold Well-known from childhood prescriptions of drops from the common cold with the use of onion juice and garlic in pregnancy can not be used - they can cause a persistent allergic reaction( even if such was not previously and the rhinitis does not have an allergic etiology), provoke an increase in blood pressure. But absolutely safe, but at the same time effective in the treatment of rhinitis will be the following recipes from the common cold at home:

  1. Kalanchoe. This flower grows in almost every home, so you can get the medicine at any time. It is necessary to take a sheet of Kalanchoe, wash it and "get" juice - this can be done with a teaspoon( just squash the leaf on a plate and then collect the resulting juice into a pipette) or by grinding the sheet on a grater / blender and squeezing the juice out of the mass. Drip of Kalanchoe juice can often, with every case of congestion and difficulty breathing. Please note: almost immediately after instillation, a large sneeze begins - store your handkerchiefs / napkins.
  2. Aloe .This plant has anti-inflammatory properties and therefore the than it is possible to treat a runny nose during pregnancy does not have a therapeutic effect even with viral rhinitis. It is necessary to take a part of the leaf and get juice from it in any convenient way. Bury a few drops( 2-3) in each hole, but do not overdo it - enough three of these procedures for 24 hours.
  3. Chamomile pharmacy. It will take a decoction of this medicinal plant, which has both anti-inflammatory and disinfecting properties. Take 100 grams of dry starting material( chamomile flowers), pour boiling water( liter) and soak in the thermos for 4-6 hours. A strained broth can be instilled in 3-4 drops( for each nasal passage) the maximum number of times per day - for example, every hour. Carrot and / or apple juice. Traditional medicine generally attributes these facilities to miraculous properties, which is debatable. But they can not do any harm, therefore it is possible to dig in a carrot and / or apple juice a few drops( up to 5-8) in each nasal passage with any frequency. Please note: these two juices can not be mixed for burrowing the nose, such a cocktail should be taken orally( inside) - and tasty, and useful. Quickly cure a cold and runny nose will help other folk remedies, such as mustard powder and drops from onions.

Do not use vasoconstrictive drops to relieve the condition - the effect of these medicines is spread to the entire body, which can lead to a malnutrition of the fetus. Pregnant women can actively use inhalations, which will provide free breathing and therapeutic effect.

Recipes for inhalation

inhalation during pregnancy with a cold

A "grandfather's" method of inhalation with a teapot or a wide bowl is ideal for pregnant

Pregnant women can only inhale if there is no hyperthermia( fever). You can use a professional nebulizer, but in the absence of such equipment, the inhalation procedure is possible - no one has canceled the "grandfather's" method with a teapot or a wide dish. Before starting to be inhaled, several rules for pregnant women should be observed:

  • the maximum permissible duration of inhalation is 7 minutes;
  • if breathing is difficult, therapeutic couples should enter the body through the nose;
  • can be inhaled only in breaks between meals - not earlier than 60 minutes after eating;
  • for half an hour pregnant should be kept warm - you can not go out into the street or into a well-ventilated room;
  • breathing should be even. what can you get from a cold in pregnancy?

What can be used as a remedy:

  • garlic and onion - it is advisable to consult with your doctor about the advisability of their use, but their oils perfectly restore free breathing;
  • broth of thyme / chamomile / sage - choose one thing and prepare a decoction( strong, based on a tablespoon of dry source on half a cup of water);
  • essential oils of tea tree / eucalyptus .

Other folk methods from the common cold

Effective washing of the nose can be effective - it will help to get rid of stuffiness, make accumulated mucus more liquid and contribute to its quickest release. Flushing can be performed in pregnant women without fear for the health of the unborn child - they have an exclusively local effect. Rinse the nasal passages followed by decoctions of chamomile, sage, thyme or ordinary salt water( 1 tablespoon per glass of warm water).

asterisk from a cold in pregnancy

An asterisk can be used in pregnancy, but make sure that there are no allergic reactions

Many pregnant women with a cold( regardless of its etiology) actively use the famous Vietnamese balm "Asterisk" - just lubricate them with the wings of the nose, put a strip on the area under the nose and the stuffiness disappears. But keep in mind: in the "Zvezdochka" there are essential oils of cloves / eucalyptus / anise and other plants, which can provoke the strongest allergic reaction, up to Quincke's edema.

coryza a month does not pass
Runny nose a month does not pass, what to do with it and what means, it becomes clear after reading the article.

What to do when the cough and runny nose do not pass for a long time, you can learn from this article.

The child does not have a runny nose for a long time, what to do with this is stated in the article: http: // bolezni-n /rinit/ nasmork-ne-proxodit-2-nedeli-u-rebenka.html

It will be correct if before applying "Zvezdochki" a womanwill hold an allergy test - just inhale the scent of the balm and wait 5-10 minutes. If the body reacts adequately, there are no shortness of breath and heart palpitations, then you can start the procedure safely.
To remove the inflammation and clear the nasal passages from the accumulated mucus thermal procedures will also help: put pouches with heated salt / buckwheat on the nose bridge and maxillary sinuses, use the "blue lamp".But remember a few rules:

  • treatment of a cold in pregnancy with folk remedies during pregnancy heating is prohibited at elevated body temperature and arterial pressure;
  • the duration of the procedure is a maximum of 10 minutes, it is better to limit 5-7;
  • is strictly forbidden to soar feet in mustard, do any compresses - this can provoke miscarriage and / or premature birth.

Treatment of a runny nose in pregnant women should not be limited solely to the procedures described - the body is significantly weakened, it will be necessary to support it and restore the functionality of the immune system.

To help immunity you need to drink broth of dogrose( if there are no problems with the kidneys), tea with raspberries, milk with honey. To quickly get rid of rhinitis, it is worth taking walks in the fresh air, fully eating.

Possible complications of

than it is possible to treat a runny nose during pregnancy

Runny nose during pregnancy can lead to serious complications

Ignore the symptoms of rhinitis is not worth it - it not only disrupts the habitual rhythm of life and provokes insomnia / headaches, but can lead to various complications. To such it is possible to carry:

  • development of symptoms of sinusitis and sinusitis - inflammatory processes in the paranasal sinuses. Often lingering rhinitis turns into a chronic form, provokes sinusitis, frontal - these diseases will require more serious treatment;
  • appearance of otitis features - ear inflammation;
  • increase in peripheral lymph nodes .

But after the birth of a child, you should pay attention to the fact that he also can get sick. And if the baby has a wet cough, it is worth knowing what measures to treat it is necessary to take. What is the treatment for a wet cough in a baby, you can find out by reading this article.


This video tells how to properly treat pregnant women:

Rhinitis is a hotbed of inflammation, which during pregnancy can lead to negative consequences for the health of the woman and for the development of the fetus. By the folk methods listed, you can literally get rid of symptoms not only from a few days ago, but also qualitatively, fully cure the inflammatory process.