Otitis is an inflammatory process of the middle ear that can occur in people of any age. Illness with rather unpleasant symptoms and complications, therefore both diagnostics and therapy should be performed by a specialist.

The considered inflammatory process can arise as an independent disease and as a complication in acute respiratory viral infections. The most common diagnosis is secondary otitis, which will reveal classic signs of a cold - cough, runny nose, headache. The danger of the disease is that, in the absence of professional treatment, the inflammatory process( by the way, it can be accompanied by the accumulation of purulent substance in the ear) spreads to the nasal sinuses and further on ascending.

Contents of

  • 1 Contents of
    • 1 Contents of
      • 1 Treatment of drops
      • 2 Treatment with drops
        • 2.1 The most popular formulations
        • 2.2 How to correctly apply drops
        • 2.3 Indications / contraindications
      • 3 Possible complications
      • 4 Video
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Important about otitis

Everyone should know the first signs of otitis:

  1. drops in otitis in adults Pain in the ear. This symptom can be pronounced, but can be slightly hidden, not intensive. Patients can differently characterize the pain syndrome - "lumbago", pulling / aching, increasing, subsiding and so on. Note: for colds, due to a common cold, ears can be laid - this is not a sign of otitis, but in combination with pain syndrome, congestion can indicate the development of an inflammatory process.
  2. Hyperthermia. A rise in body temperature, even if otitis is primary and not burdened by other diseases, will certainly be observed, but there is also a feature - never considered the inflammatory process does not provoke a critically high body temperature, it usually ranges between 37-38 degrees.
  3. Highlights. This symptom is not necessary - in some patients there is no allocation at all. But more patients complain of their large number, dense structure and unpleasant odor.

Note: the otitis can begin practically asymptomatically - only a small stuffiness and a non-intensive pain in the ear can indicate the onset of the inflammatory process. Optimal in this period to seek help from a doctor - the pathology will be quickly and effectively cured without complications.

Therapy for otitis can be varied, but ear drops are recognized as the most effective - they have several actions at once, quickly removing unpleasant symptoms and conducting anti-inflammatory treatment.

Treatment with drops

what ear drops are better for otitis

Do not engage in self-medication - ear drops should be selected by a doctor!

Preparations for treatment of otitis, in particular ear drops, should be selected by the doctor - specific recommendations will depend on the stage of development of the inflammatory process, the causes of the development of pathology, the acute or chronic form of otitis in the patient, and so on. It is worthwhile choosing the drops not only in terms of cost, but also according to the following criteria:

  • they should be suitable for both children and adults - this moment is dictated by economic benefit, because even protracted otitis will be cured by fewer drops than it contains in the vial;
  • it is desirable to acquire a drug with the presence of antibacterial drugs( antibiotics).

watery eyes sore head cold What to do when tearing eyes hurts the head of a runny nose, indicated in the article.

What to do.when the headache has laid down ears a rhinitis, it is specified in article.

What causes when the head and lays its ears, is indicated here: http: //prolor.ru/u/ simptomy-u / zakladyvaet-uxo-prichina-lechenie.html

There is a wide range of such medicines on the market, so it is worth knowing which of them will be the best choice.

The most popular drugs

  1. drops-at-ootitis7 Otypax. Effective ear drops for diagnosing otitis early in development. The composition contains not only anti-inflammatory / antiviral components, but also lidocaine. It is he who has an anesthetic effect, which is important for the patient - the pain syndrome in otitis is really strong and painful. Note: Some people have a powerful allergy to lidocaine ( although in general there is no allergic reaction to a variety of irritants), therefore, before using Otopipx drops, it must be excluded by conducting an allergic test. To do this, it is enough to apply a small amount of drops on the nasal mucosa and wait 30 minutes - this is the reaction time of the organism and the external stimulus.
  2. Sofredex. The drug should be instilled in 2-3 drops in the diseased ear at least three times a day. Please note: the product contains components that can become the strongest allergen - people with previously diagnosed
    with a sensitized allergic reaction to any stimulus to use Sofradeks in the treatment of otitis is strictly prohibited.
  3. . Presented drops quickly return normal hearing( relieve congestion), relieve the pain syndrome and have an antibacterial effect.
  4. Danzyl. The composition of drops includes the antibiotic oxoflacin, so people with hypersensitivity or individual intolerance Dancil is contraindicated.

To check for an allergic reaction, it is enough to apply a small amount of drops on the nasal mucosa and wait 30 minutes - this is the reaction time of the organism and the external stimulus.

How to use the drops

otitis ear treatment drops The recommended dosage of the listed products is 2-3 drops in each ear at least 3 times a day. Important: when instilling the product into the diseased ear, it is necessary to tilt the head in the opposite direction, pull the auricle aside and slightly upwards, and after instillation of the drops, close the entrance to the auditory passage with cotton wool.

Important: if you have to treat otitis media with pediatric patients, then the dosage should be halved. The duration of otitis treatment is at least 5 days, but even with the disappearance of all the symptoms described above, it is not necessary to interrupt therapy without the permission of the attending physician and the follow-up examination.

runny cold without fever What to do when a runny nose has a weakness without fever, specify in the article.

Which antibiotic for coughing and runny nose in adults is most often used, is indicated in the article.

How to overcome a runny nose and cough with teething is indicated here: http: //prolor.ru/g/ detskoe-zdorove-g / kashel-pri-prorezyvanii-zubov-u-detej.html

Note: if regular use of drops to treat otitis does not give the desired effect, then it is necessary to consult with the attending physician - it may be necessary to adjust the treatment regimen or complete abolition / replacement of the drug.

Indications / contraindications

The above mentioned drops can be applied with the appearance of the first signs of the onset inflammatory process. Some patients with diagnosed chronic otitis media, knowing the approach of exacerbation, independently select the means.

Please note that ear drops can not be categorically applied to the following categories of patients: pregnant and lactating women( but there are means that are allowed to use - a doctor's consultation is needed), as well as people with hypersensitivity or individual intolerance to antibiotics( for example, drops from otitis with antibiotic)

Possible complications of

drops in otitis in adults

The most serious complication of otitis is meningitis. That's why you need to visit a doctor as soon as possible.

Otitis can cause abnormalities in the work. .. of the gastrointestinal tract! The fact is that the middle ear and abdominal cavity are "connected" by one nerve. Therefore, doctors are not surprised when diagnosed otitis reveals flatulence, bloating, diarrhea or constipation, vomiting. This complication of the inflammatory process in the middle ear is especially common in pediatric patients, but also in zrovroshnyh there may be false symptoms of appendicitis with developing otitis.

In the absence of professional help for the treatment of otitis can go to meningitis - the most serious complication.


Learn how to make ear drops from otitis at home:

Use of ear drops in the treatment of otitis is the best option for carrying out antibacterial, anti-inflammatory and analgesic therapy. It is only necessary to know which of them will have the greatest effect and will be absolutely safe for the patient.