The use of this wonderful and unusually tasty fruit has long been not limited to gastronomic delights. Bananas are widely used for the preparation of cosmetic masks and nutritional compositions. With the help of a banana, you can easily return the hair lost shine and strength. One of the most amazing abilities of a sun fruit will be a good effect in treating a cough. Prepare a tasty and useful medicine, as well as learn the features of "banana" treatment and little tricks will help the information of this article.

In an adult, a dry cough does not clear away, what to do about it, you can learn from the article.


  • 1 Action
  • 2 Basic methods
    • 2.1 Syrup
    • 2.2 With honey
    • 2.3 Mixture
    • 2.4 Kissel
  • 3 Reviews


banana cough recipe

A real storehouse of vitamins, minerals and beneficial trace elements - the banana is famous for its ability to quickly restore strength and energy to a depleted body. The main trump card of this fruit is potassium, which is involved in most human life processes.

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Its drawback leads to undesirable consequences, including: fatigue, deterioration of the skin, nails and hair, impaired cardiovascular function, liver and kidney function. The lack of potassium is expressed in periodic muscle pains, seizures and disruption of the water - salt balance, as well as the long healing of wounds and cuts.

For what reason does the child have a cough without cold symptoms, you can learn from the article.

The video is a recipe for making a banana from a cough:

How a tracheal cough is treated in a child, you can learn from this article.

In bananas, a significant amount of potassium, so regular use of this useful fruit can reduce the likelihood of such health problems. Such tasty therapy also helps with a variety of ailments, from chronic depression to kidney problems. A banana is also used to treat a cough. This is helped by other components, which will be discussed in our article a little later.

What treatment for a wheezing cough in a child is the best, you can learn from the article.

Basic methods

banana from cough recipe to baby

For treatment, fully ripe but not loose fruits are selected. The rind and white veins do not participate in the preparation, moreover, they can give the drug an undesirable tart taste. For any of the suggested recipes, the banana is kneaded with a fork or ground in any suitable way for you.

The prepared mixture is not stored for a long time, therefore it is necessary to calculate a single or daily portion. Do not use the mixture the next day, unless it is prescribed in the recipe.

Banana "medicines" give a very good effect, but if after a couple of days there is no visible improvement, it is worthwhile to see a doctor. Such methods can not completely replace medical treatment, especially if bronchitis or pneumonia is diagnosed. It is best in these cases to use banana mixture as an additional expectorant. Do not use this remedy with a moist and productive cough, it is intended for dry cough.

The article describes how to treat dry cough bronchitis.


One ripe banana chop into a slurry, add half a cup of water and a little sugar( to thicken the syrup).Mix everything well and put it on a water bath. The total cooking time is not more than 7-10 minutes, after the mass darkens, remove from heat and cool a little. Take in hot form, you can use it in small amounts even for small children. banana cough syrup

What to do when a child has a dry cough at night, you can read this article, because it has all the information.

With honey


One ripe banana grind to a mushy state, add a tablespoon of honey and put it on a water bath. As soon as the mass darkens( usually after 7-10 minutes), remove the container from the heat and cool it. Take one spoonful of the mixture, you need to eat the entire portion for the day.

# 2:

Shred the banana with one tablespoon of natural honey. The prepared mixture should be taken thrice a day by a teaspoon to children and the dining room - for adults. The agent can be stored in the refrigerator. Consume several days until complete recovery.

What to do when a child with a fever without coughing has a sore throat, is indicated in the article.

On the video - a banana recipe with honey from cough:

Than to treat a dry cough in an adult, you can find out by reading the article.

Mixture of

In a mashed banana puree( take one fruit) add three tablespoons of ordinary cocoa powder( which is not instant cooking, but for cooking), all mixed until smooth. One glass of milk to boil( if the milk is checked and home can be simply heated), then add to the mixture. If desired, you can throw a spoonful of honey. Everything is mixed and you can drink. This banana cocktail not only very effectively cures cough, but also has an incredibly pleasant taste, for this child, this treatment is sure to like. banana and cocoa from cough


The pulp of a large ripe banana is chopped and mixed with a tablespoon of sugar. In a separate container, boil a glass of water and pour the resulting mixture with steep boiling water. Then insist for a minimum of half an hour and then the kissel can be taken. Use of this jelly is recommended for half a glass every two hours. Usually treatment does not take more than five days, and significant improvements are noticeable much earlier.

Urebinka 6 months of dry cough, what to do about it, is indicated in the description in the article.

banana jelly from cough

Treatment with banana helps with dry cough, as well as a protracted cold. A little unconventional way, however, is characterized by high efficiency. Additional ingredients of the proposed formulations can cause allergic reactions, so you can use banana mixtures in pure form. A great advantage is the absolute safety of the method. This means can be treated pregnant and lactating women, as well as young children.

What kind of cough for teething in children appears most often, is stated in the article.


  • Pavel, 34 years old: "This means that our wife uses to treat the initial stage of colds and coughing. I like everything very little, everything is delicious. I am a little skeptical about the methods I have, although I highly respect traditional medicine. Maybe it's because I do not think bananas are "our" product and I still remember the time when they were in the house on big holidays. In general, as a preventive remedy such recipes are suitable, but really serious bronchitis or pneumonia is unlikely to be cured. "
  • Olga, 29 years old: « A slightly unusual and intriguing recipe, but I already checked it in action and now I advise everyone. I do not know what the dirty trick is, but they really work! Being pregnant, I managed to get sick with bronchitis, and even in a sanatorium, literally on the first week of rest. Probably did not dry her hair after the pool or took a walk in the fresh air. In general, the reason is unimportant, the main thing is that when I turned to the on-call therapist, I was offered a choice of two options. First it will go home and continue treatment at the place of residence, and the second option was just these banana - honey mixes without cooking. To say that I was surprised to hear this from a doctor is not true. I was shocked! I did not want to return home, of course( when there is still a chance to pobazdelnichat four weeks in a row).Thinking that there would be no harm, and I did not want to drink medicine, I decided to experiment with myself. In addition, the therapist prescribed mukaltin, rubbing and procedures at the local polyclinic. Maybe the complex approach worked, maybe this desire was a huge recovery soon, but we won bronchitis and even relatively quickly. Most of all I liked the pleasant taste and safety of the mixture. As is characteristic, I used to have bronchitis before, but I always had a cough still about a week after the final recovery. At that time, he went through five days without a trace. An unusual but very effective tool. "
  • Valentina, 36 years old: "A similar recipe was used to treat her daughter when she was 10 years old. Previously, I was just afraid to try, although my husband and I periodically try this remedy. I will not say that everything turned out to be cured, but with the initial stages of the disease, almost always the cough receded. Daughter also helped, now even sometimes I use as a prophylaxis. If there is an epidemic in school or I notice a periodic cough in the mornings and at night, I immediately cook with honey and give at least a week. In bananas, a lot of potassium is contained and vitamin C, although it is not sour. Maybe it's all about this, but as a preventive remedy such recipes are very popular. I also want to try a recipe with cocoa. I know that cocoa butter works very well when coughing, probably the principle of action is the same. "