The Duo combination is a medicinal product that is actively used in the treatment of various diseases of the eyes and ears. Produce it as a light yellow or colorless solution. It is realized in a plastic bottle with a dropper. The volume of the bottle is 5 mm. In the production of the drug, components such as ciproflosacin and dexamethasone were used. Thanks to them it is possible to stop inflammation and infection.


  • 1 Indications
  • 2 Application
  • 3 Price
  • 4 Analogs
  • 5 Reviews


As already mentioned above, ciprofloxacin and dexamethasone act as active ingredients of the Combin duo. As for the first component, it has antimicrobial effect, due to which it is possible to destroy a large number of bacteria. Under the action of ciprofloxacin, microorganisms die, the synthesis of protein chains of their cell wall is disrupted. The considered component perfectly penetrates into all tissues of the eyes, having a low toxic effect. ear drops duo

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The second component is dexamethasone. It is a synthetic hormone that has a powerful anti-inflammatory effect. With it, you can manage the swelling, redness, itching and tightening of the tissue. In addition, dexamethasone has an analgesic effect, reduces the risk of developing scarring and the occurrence of allergies. Thanks to the presence of additional components, which were used in the preparation of the preparation, it is possible to increase the effectiveness of the effect and to achieve a prolonged activity of the components in the tissues.

Combine Duo for the treatment of diseases of the eyes and eyes, which are of an infectious and inflammatory nature.

The main indications for the use of drops are:

  • conjunctivitis in acute form;euphony
  • uveitis;
  • keratitis;
  • iridocyclitis;
  • dacryocystitis;
  • trauma of the eye and appendages with infectious complications;
  • acute external and middle inflammatory process of the ear passage( purulent and non-purulent).

This drug can be used as a prophylaxis after surgery and with various injuries.

Combine Duo can be used in the treatment of the following infectious-inflammatory diseases of the ear: euphony

  • acute external inflammation;
  • Acute otitis media with traumatic tympanic injuries.

But there is a contraindication for the medicine in question, which must be taken into account before using the drops. Contraindications include:

  • tuberculosis of the eye;
  • fungal lesions of the eyes;
  • viral infections occurring in the auricle;
  • trauma of the eardrum;
  • children under 18 years;
  • pregnancy;
  • Breastfeeding;
  • Hypersensitivity to the main components or to any of the additional ingredients of the drug.

drops with purulent otitis in children What drops with purulent otitis in children are the most popular and effective, will help to understand this article.

And here are some ear drops with otitis best, it will help to understand this information.

You may also be interested in learning how to treat tubo-otitis in a child: http: // tubootit-u-detej.html

But what to do when a child has a cold for the cold, this information will help you understand.

Application of

The Duo combination can not be used in pregnancy and lactation. It is also prohibited for use by patients who are under 18 years of age. If you have not found any more contraindications for yourself, then before cleaning the ear drops, clean the external auditory canal. To do this, it is worth washing and draining. Before burying the medicine in the external passage it should be warmed to body temperature. To do this, place the bottle between the palms for a few minutes. If this is not done, then instillation of unpleasant feelings. drops in the ears

Before dripping drops into the ear, the patient should lie on his side. This will facilitate the instillation process and allow penetration of the medicine into the inflammatory focus. Drip the medicine in the amount indicated in the instructions, and this is 5 drops in each ear canal. You need to do such activities 3 times a day. After this, you need to let the solution drain into the ear canal, pull the earlobe down and back. But the head should be thrown back. To be in this position for several minutes. To prevent the medicine from flowing outward, it is recommended to plug the ear canal with a cotton turunda.


You can buy the Duo Combine in any pharmacy and without a prescription. The cost of one bottle is 358 rubles.


If for some reason you can not buy the drug itself, you can pay attention to the following analogs:

  • Garazon;
    Drops Garazon


  • Dexa( and what analogs can be for Polidex drops, described in this article)
    Dex droplets


  • Pledrex;
  • Sofradex( what is the price of ear drops of Sofraks, you can learn from this article)


It will also be interesting to know what is the main reason that constantly lays ears and what means will help get rid of it.

But how to treat ear inflammation at home, and how effective this treatment is, will help understand this information.

Why lays the ears without a reason and what can be done with this, is described in this article.


  • Catherine, 35 years: "I used the drug Combinil Duo when I was diagnosed with otitis. Unfortunately, the inflammatory process was accompanied by purulent discharge and severe pain. In the beginning, I calmed the pain with pain medication, but when already he could not help me, I decided not to engage in self-medication. The doctor after the diagnosis appointed me Combinil Duo. I applied drops 3 times a day for 7 days. On the second day, my condition became noticeably better. I lost the pain, itching, and purulent discharge began to stand out not so profusely. "
  • Maxim, 45 years old: "I used the drops of the Combine Duo, when the pain in my ear arose after I walked through the strong wind without a hat. During the day the pain was not so strong, but in the evening it intensified so that it was no longer able to endure it. Then I went to the pharmacy, where I was advised to drop the Combine Duo. This is just an excellent tool with his help, I managed to stop inflammation, relieve pain and other unpleasant symptoms. It's a pity, of course, that you can not use the medicine for children. And then, when my daughter was diagnosed with otitis, I wanted to offer her, but the instruction says that it's not recommended to use the drug for children under 18 years old. "
  • Inna, 28 years old: "The drug under consideration has been in our first-aid kit for a long time. I always take it with me on a camping trip, because there are always drafts waiting for us. If I experience mild pain in the ear, then I immediately drip the solution and the next day there are no symptoms of the pathological process. But when her husband had an otitis, then the Combine Duo simply rescued us. I dripped him a solution of 5 drops 3 times a day. This treatment lasted for a week. After that, all the symptoms were eliminated, and we again could go on a campaign. "

The Duo Combine is an effective remedy for treating various ear diseases that are inflammatory-infectious. Unfortunately, it is not recommended for children to use it. But for the adult population this medicine is just a salvation. It can be used not only for treatment, but also as prevention if an operation on the ear has been performed or an injury has occurred.