Golden Staphylococci are pathogenic bacteria that live quietly on the mucous membranes and dermis of a person. If there are no provoking factors, then they do not make themselves felt. Since these bacteria are pathogenic, they are able to synthesize specific toxins and enzymes. They cause a destructive effect on the vital activity of cells.

Only active immunity can inhibit the active spread and development of these microorganisms. If the protective forces of the body have failed, then the golden staphylococcus passes into an attack and leads to the development of a pathological process on the mucosa in the nose.


  • 1 Symptoms
  • 2 Medical treatment
    • 2.1 Antibiotics
    • 2.2 Staphylococcal bacteriophage
    • 2.3 Medicines on sea salt based
    • 2.4 Chlorophyllipt
    • 2.5 Zelenka
    • 2.6 Ointments
  • 3 Folk remedies


Staphylococcus aureus in a child can strike even the mucousnose. The spread of infection is possible even in small numbers. And the concentration of bacteria rises every day.

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For the examined pathological process, the following symptoms are typical:

  • sensation of pruritus in the nose and soporous secretions;Staphylococcus aureus in the nose
  • secret is allocated in excess;
  • herpes around the nose and on the lips;
  • general fatigue and lethargy;
  • body temperature jumps;
  • headache;
  • complicated breathing due to nasal congestion;
  • increased adenoid coat;
  • formation of the common cold;
  • a lesion of the throat and redness of it;
  • enlargement of the tonsils.

Certain signs may appear single, and some of them are missing at all. The clinical picture of the child acts as a protective reaction of the body. And the overall health of a small patient is noticeably worse. Staphylococcus aureus acts passively, but for a long time. A thorough diagnosis is required to ensure that the treatment is properly prepared.

On video, how dangerous is the staphylococcus aureus in the nose in the child:

Medical treatment

Today, there are many ways of therapy aimed at fighting with Staphylococcus aureus. Only a doctor can prescribe this or that medicine to a child. Here he is guided by the severity of the pathological process and the age of the patient.


These medications are prescribed by the doctor at the initial stage of pathology development. Thanks to them, it is possible to neutralize pathogenic microbes and to alleviate the condition of the patient. On some antibiotics in Staphylococcus aureus has developed immunity. But there are a number of medicines that successfully fight bacteria in the nose in a child:

  • Cetriaxone,


  • Azithromycin( and here's how to use Azithromycin for genyantritis, this article will help us understand)

    Azithromycin in capsules

  • Amoxicam,


  • Vancomycin.

When taking such drugs, it is understood that they have a number of side effects, so the child should take them with great care. In addition, in combination with antibiotics, the baby should be prescribed biologics, thanks to which it is possible to maintain the gastrointestinal microflora.

Can Tonzillon be Pregnant? And here is it possible to Tonzillon during pregnancy and how to use it correctly, will help to understand this article.

Why is constantly scratched in the nose and by what means, including medicinal can get rid of this problem, will help understand this article.

What if the runny nose and nasal congestion do not go away and how quickly to get rid of such a problem is described in this article: http: // lechenie-n / ne-proxodit-zalozhennost-nosa-chto-delat.html

And here's how to treat edemamucous a nose and what agents can be used in house described in this article.

Staphylococcal bacteriophage

This drug can only be used if it was diagnosed with Staphylococcus aureus in the nose, but complications are absent. The total duration of application will be 21 days. After treatment, the child must again take tests. If they are positive, the doctor prescribes restorative therapy.

Drugs based on sea salt

Buy them today at any pharmacy. And make sure that it contains sea salt. It effectively affects the bacteria, and also removes the excess of the snot secret. The most effective drugs are Akvvmaris, Dolphin( and here's how to rinse your nose Dolphin, described in this article).


This drug showed high efficacy in the treatment of Staphylococcus aureus. It contains such active components as extracts of chlorophylls a and b, obtained from eucalyptus. The medicine is sold in the form of an oil or spirit tincture, and there is also a tablet preparation.



Chlorophyllipt has a narrow spectrum of influence, and it is also able to stop all staphylococci. If the child has intolerance to the eucalyptus ester, such treatment can cause the development of skin allergy, edema of the mucous face and nasopharynx. But how to use Chlorophyllipt in angina will help to understand this article.


And although Staphylococcus aureus shows increased resistance to strong antibiotics, it is susceptible to regular greens. If there are ulcers, the green diamond can be used to treat the affected areas.


When treating staphylococcus in the nose of a child, a doctor can prescribe ointments. If we consider the most modern and effective ointment, then this is Bactroban. In its composition there is such an effective component as antibiotic mupirocin.



It has a local effect on bacteria. You can use the ointment to surface treatment of the nasal passages or to make cotton swabs. Carry out such activities 2 times a day.

And here's how to cleanse the nasopharynx from chronic mucus, and what remedies are best used, is described in this article.

Why do crusts and sores arise in the nose and what ointments are worth using, is described in this article.

Folk remedies

Nontraditional options for the treatment of Staphylococcus aureus in the nose in a child should be used only in combination with basic treatment. Bacteria are sensitive to various herbs and plants, including sage, plantain, echinacea and burdock. If a serious illness is observed, then one plant will not be able to cope with it. In this case, you need to use complex, multicomponent decoctions.

Such recipes remain effective:

  1. Juice of the root of parsley and celery. The received medicine should be taken to children in the chronic form of staphylococcal disease. It is necessary to take the root of celery and the root of parsley in a 1: 2 ratio. Finely chop, squeeze the juice and take a 10 ml dose 40 minutes before eating.
    root and parsley root juice

    Parsley root juice and celery

  2. Burdock root and comfrey .On the basis of these plants it is fashionable to teach an effective infusion for rinsing. Roots shall be finely chopped, mixed in equal amounts and 200 grams of boiling water added to 20 g of raw material. After half an hour, the filtered and warm infusion is used for washing.
  3. Burdock and Echinacea .It is necessary to take 20 g of Echinacea root, 20 g of burdock root. Add 1 liter of boiling water. Stir on the fire for about 20 minutes. Filter and take 20 ml 3 times a day. Drink the medicine for 3 days. Contraindicated for children under 3 years.

Staphylococcus aureus in the nose in a child contributes to the development of numerous respiratory diseases. If you do not start their timely treatment, then the condition of a small patient deteriorates sharply, because the pathological process leads to the development of a number of complications. Therapy must necessarily be comprehensive, because you need to eliminate bacteria, relieve symptoms and improve immunity.