Any painful condition at this important stage of life is troubling. Runny nose in pregnancy is a common phenomenon that can be caused by a number of reasons, but the more dangerous. How to classify such conditions and possible methods of treatment in the first trimester - all the information in our article.


  • 1 Causes of a common cold
    • 1.1 Classification of colds
    • 1.2 Allergic
  • 2 Features of treatment
  • 3 What are the means of
  • 4 What is permitted for pregnant women in the first trimester

Causes of the common cold

The most common cause of any cold is colds. As already known, all these diseases can be divided into two groups.

Classification of catarrhal diseases

  1. Viral infections : special antiviral medications, fortifying agents and preparations are needed to relieve local symptoms( sore throat, runny nose, temperature).
  2. Bacterial infections of : caused by ingestion of harmful microbes. In severe conditions, such ailments can not be cured without the use of antibiotics. Antiviral therapy will not bring results.
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Runny nose may occur against any of these types of diseases. Depending on the nature of the pathogen, the doctor will prescribe treatment and possible procedures.


allergic rhinitis in pregnant women

During pregnancy, you can feel unpleasant symptoms and allergies. For this type of cold there are also many drugs, the use of which must be agreed with the doctor.

Quite a unique case, nevertheless, sometimes in the form of a cold and permanent nasal congestion, toxemia develops. This phenomenon has received the name "rhinitis of pregnant women" and practically does not give in to treatment. Pregnancy for any organism is perceived as an invasion of a foreign organism, so nature has taken care of the necessary protection for the unborn child, reducing the immunity of the mother.

In this ambiguous phenomenon, especially in the first months of pregnancy, it is recommended to take mild vasoconstrictive drops and regularly wash the nose with sea water to protect against congestion of mucus and the onset of a foci of infections.

how to distinguish an allergic rhinitis

Learn how to distinguish an allergic rhinitis.

It describes the symptoms and treatment of sinusitis in a child of 3 years.

Exemplary prices for cough syrup Erespal: http: // erespal-pri-kakom-kashle-prinimat.html.

Features of treatment

What is dangerous for the common cold during pregnancy? The danger of a common cold during pregnancy is not limited to the probability of disease progression. By itself, this symptom signals that the body "has entered into a fight" with the disease and successfully confronts it. A characteristic feature of the common cold in this period is the impossibility of traditional treatment: many pharmacy and home methods for treating colds and cold will be dangerous for the baby.

The first trimester is also a very unstable time, when the risk of rejection of the fetus is still very high. Even the most insignificant external factors can provoke this process, so treatment should be chosen very sparing.

Early in pregnancy, there is often a decrease in immunity, which can lead to infection. Often a woman still does not know about her special status and can start treatment with conventional drugs that are not intended for this purpose.

The video tells how to treat a runny nose during pregnancy in the first trimester:

If the nasal passages are permanently clogged, sooner or later a woman begins oxygen starvation, which can lead to a lack of oxygen for the baby. Severe conditions can affect the normal development of the fetus and lead to injuries.

To avoid these serious consequences, you should immediately seek help from a specialist who will make the necessary treatment plan. Do not also forget about the basic rules of hygiene: regular airing will help to avoid too dry air in the room( also a common cause of the common cold).

To begin with, it is necessary to understand what forms there are drugs against the common cold and what impact they have on the mucous surface of the nose.

What are the

remedies? The smallest patients, as well as women in the "interesting position", are recommended to use such drugs in the form of nasal drops. Calculate the dosage is not difficult, and the soft tip - the pipette does not hurt the sensitive surface of the nasal cavity. nasal drops

Children from the age of six can use unique gels for the nasopharynx .A mild formulation formula will easily remove dried crusts in the internal cavity, and a specific consistency is absorbed without residue. The gel can also be used by adults, especially if there are problems with a curved nasal septum, polyps, or mucosal damage. unique gels for the nasopharynx

Spray for nasal administration is prescribed from one year( many drugs not earlier than six years).Usually, this dosage form is characterized by a greater concentration of active ingredient and a more convenient injection system. The spray is very convenient for adult patients, but for too young children there is a possibility of rather unpleasant sensations.

By the nature of the effect, the remedy against the common cold distinguishes:

  1. Moisturizers : the most harmless and natural. Usually these are saline solutions, whose action is aimed at cleansing the mucous membrane and restoring the normal environment. This helps to establish work and to cope with the infection more quickly. Often, these drugs are prescribed for daily hygiene, for example, infants. A great advantage of such tools is the lack of addiction, so saline solutions can be used for a long time without harm to the body. Moisturizers
  2. Vasodilators : differ more complex chemical composition, affect the swelling of the mucosa and help to remove allergic stuffiness. For relief of cold symptoms are prescribed in the first three days of the disease. After the remedy must be replaced, otherwise there is a risk of addiction. The negative consequences of this phenomenon will not only decrease the utility, but also the "boomerang effect", when the symptoms return to a larger extent and additional treatment will be required. Vasoconstrictive drugs
  3. Anti-inflammatory drops are designed for the destruction of pathogenic microorganisms: microbes, viruses and fungus. The composition of the drug will depend on the causes of the disease, the appointment is made only by the doctor and after special examinations. The effectiveness of the drug is determined by the main active ingredients and individual susceptibility. Anti-inflammatory drops for pregnant women

Timely diagnosis and selection of the drug determine the correctness of treatment and the speed of recovery. Do not neglect the study of instructions and possible contraindications. As a rule, an open bottle of nasal drops is not stored for more than a month, so do not buy medicines for future use or use a spoiled tool, the consequences of such acts may be unpredictable.

What is permissible for pregnant women in the first trimester of

What is the cure for the common cold in a pregnant woman? The main rule: no independent activity! With this it is difficult to get used to, but now you are responsible not only for your health, but also for the life of the dearest person in the world. Most drugs are not recommended during pregnancy, but the doctor can prescribe them to you if other drugs are useless. According to the above classification, you can identify all categories of drugs with which you can get rid of this unpleasant symptom.


  • Aqua Maris, Aquamaris for pregnant women
  • But Salt,
  • Humer,
  • Aqualor,
  • Dolphin,
  • Marimer,
  • Otrivin.

Vasodilators :

  • Nazol-Baby, Nazol-Baby
  • Nazole-Kids,
  • Nazik-Spray,
  • Naphthysine,
  • Glazolin,
  • Pharmazoline.

Anti-inflammatory drops:

  • Pinosol( here you can read the instruction on the use of Pinosol spray during pregnancy, also use Pinosol ointment during pregnancy), Pinosol
  • Euphorbium Compositum,
  • Grippferon.

Antihistamines :

  • Nasawal, Nazawal
  • Alcedin,
  • Nasonex.

It should not be forgotten that the common cold is just the body's response to a more serious effect. It can be a viral and bacterial infection, the first sign of exacerbation of sinusitis or an allergic reaction.

All preparations during pregnancy need to be coordinated with the doctor, as well as the use of folk methods. Do not engage in self-medication and practice non-traditional medicine.

The best way for you will be preventive measures, avoiding contacts with people who get sick and mass congestion in the period of epidemics of ARVI.Pregnancy is too wonderful and inimitable time to spend it on illness! Here it is written, whether it is possible to use drops of Derinatum at pregnancy. Also read how to treat a cold in the second trimester of pregnancy. It describes the treatment of a common cold in pregnancy in the 3rd trimester. Perhaps you will also be useful information about what you can drink from a cough during pregnancy.