Acute inflammatory process with localization on the back of the pharynx is called pharyngitis. The disease is often found against the background of acute respiratory-viral infections, but may be caused by other factors, for example, by the constant inhalation of cold air or chemical vapors, by infection from another patient, by other inflammatory and infectious diseases of closely located organs.


  • 1 disease Classification
  • 2 Symptoms
  • 3 Principles of treatment
    • 3.1 Types of antibiotics
    • 3.2 list of popular antibiotics
    • 3.3 Indications / Contraindications
    • 3.4 Rules of
  • 4 Complications
  • 5 Video


what antibiotics to take with pharyngitis in adults

disease Different types of pharyngitis accompanied by different symptoms, but the pain inThroat is a common symptom of all types of

In medicine, there are several types of the disease under consideration, each of which is characterized by certainMeaning:

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  • bacterial - develops against the background of propagation / spread of pathogenic bacteria;
  • viral - begins only if there are viruses in the body, for example, against the background of ARVI;
  • fungal - the reason for the appearance of this kind of pharyngitis is the presence in the body of various fungal colonies( most often detected fungi of the genus Candida);
  • allergic - occurs only in those people who suffer from allergies of all sorts, pharyngitis in this case will appear when inhaled the established allergen;
  • traumatic - the inflammatory process begins as a consequence of traumatic injury to the pharynx( for example, when the fish bone falls into the thickness of the tissues).

Symptoms of

Acute pharyngitis treatment with antibiotics

Photo of throat with pharyngitis

Signs of inflammatory process on the back of the pharynx are quite pronounced - they can be used for accurate diagnosis without the use of a special instrument / equipment. Symptoms of pharyngitis include:

  • painful syndrome in the throat of - it can be of different intensity and different character: sharp, constant, sharp, blunt, accompanied by burning / pitting / dryness;
  • "empty sip" syndrome - pain sharp, strong, appears with ingestion of air or own saliva, so patients with pharyngitis often drink any liquid and thus get rid of pain;
  • mucus - it accumulates in the throat, it can not be thinned, with such attempts, vomiting can occur;
  • general intoxication - this symptom is typical for all kinds of inflammatory processes: hyperthermia( high body temperature), general weakness / increased drowsiness, heaviness in the muscles( "aches");
  • enlarged lymph nodes - palpations clearly visible cervical lymph nodes, there may be slight soreness.

Often, pharyngitis is characterized by stuffy ears and nose.

Principles of treatment

Treatment of pharyngitis at home in adults what antibiotic for pharyngitis in adults is fully justified, because at the early stage of the disease the desired effect will be achieved. But if the inflammatory process is actively developing, the patient's condition worsens, then antibiotics( antibacterial drugs) can not be avoided.

Antibiotics may be prescribed by physicians in different pharmacological forms, at different dosages and the duration of the course of treatment is also determined on an individual basis. Especially if the drugs are prescribed for pharyngitis in children.

Spray from the common cold with allergies What kind of a common cold spray for allergies is indicated in the article.

What is the treatment of a common cold in the pregnancy of the 3rd trimester, indicated in this article.

What to do when a sneeze sneezes the eyes, is indicated here: http: // detskoe-zdorove-g / u-rebenka-slezyatsya-glaza-nasmork.html

Types of antibiotics

Various types of antibacterial drugs can be used to treat pharyngitis or laryngitis: theycan be used as a basic and / or complex therapy. The most popular names are:

  1. treatment of pharyngitis with antibiotics Aerosols / Sprays. These drugs have local action and are considered to be the most effective treatment for signs of pharyngitis. Some sprays and aerosols have not only antibacterial properties, but also anti-inflammatory, anti-edema.
  2. Tablets. Antibiotics in tableted form are more often prescribed as one of the components of complex therapy, they have a broad / general spectrum of action and allow not only to remove the symptoms of pharyngitis, but also to purify the entire body of viruses / pathogens. Especially effective are antibiotics in tablets with viral and bacterial pharyngitis.

If pharyngitis develops against the background of allergies, then in addition to antibiotics, the patient must be prescribed a course of antihistamines. In many cases, antibacterial preparations in tablet form are not prescribed at all - it is enough to undergo the prescribed course of treatment with sprays / aerosols, enhancing their effectiveness with folk remedies.

The list of popular antibiotics

pharyngitis treatment with antibiotics

Antibiotics can be prescribed both in the form of tablets and in the form of local agents - aerosols, sprays

The most commonly used antibacterial drugs in the treatment of the inflammatory process of the posterior pharyngeal wall:

  • Bioparox / Cameton / Miramistin -form of aerosols, can be used both as antibiotics, and as antiseptics;
  • Hexalysis - tablets for resorption, have a combined effect;
  • Amoxicillin - capsules belonging to the penicillin group;
  • Azithromycin is an antibiotic from the macrolide group and is prescribed for penicillin intolerance;
  • Cefadroxil - the latest generation of antibacterial drugs, has a complex effect.

treatment of the common cold with folk remedies How is the catarrhal treatment of folk remedies quickly and efficiently indicated in the article.

How the allergic rhinitis is treated with folk remedies is indicated in this article.

Why lays a nose without a cold, is indicated here: http: // zakladyvaet-nos-bez-nasmorka-prichiny.html

Indications / contraindications

antibiotic for tonsillitis and pharyngitis Antibiotics for pharyngitis are prescribed for too severe a disease - the patient will show signs of severe intoxication, the etiology of the inflammatory processviral and / or bacterial. With allergic and traumatic pharyngitis antibiotics may not have the proper effect - it is necessary to get rid of the cause provoking the inflammatory process.

Antibiotics for the treatment of pharyngitis are categorically contraindicated in the following groups of patients:

  • children under the age of 6 years;
  • pregnant and lactating women;
  • with diagnosed renal and / or hepatic insufficiency;
  • with ulcer disease.

Please note: the physician has the option to make assignments variably. If, for example, a patient has an early diagnosed stomach / duodenal ulcer, tablets can be excluded but used to treat aerosols / sprays.

Rules for the use of

antibiotic for pharyngitis in adults

Do not stop taking antibacterial drugs even if all the symptoms of pharyngitis

have disappeared. To ensure that antibiotic therapy is really effective and safe, the following rules for their use should be strictly observed:

  • antibiotics for pharyngitis and laryngitis the dosage and duration of administration should be determined only by the doctor in charge. This moment is too individual - takes into account the age of the patient, his general state of health, the absence / presence of individual intolerance / hypersensitivity;
  • the prescribed course of treatment should be done completely - you can not stop taking antibacterial drugs even if all the symptoms of pharyngitis have disappeared. Otherwise, a recurrence of the inflammatory process on the posterior wall of the pharynx occurs in 97% of cases - the bacteria again begin to grow, multiply and spread;
  • antibiotics should never be used concomitantly with alcohol and some other medications - this question should be clarified by your doctor or by yourself.

Usually the course of treatment is 10 days, but some drugs can be used no more than 3-5 days in a row - this indicator is individual and determined only by a specialist. In the absence of effect when using the prescribed medication the doctor must correct the treatment regimen.

Capsules should be taken one hour before meals or two hours later, with plenty of water( not milk, juice, mineral water).Sprays, aerosols and absorbable tablets should be used only after meals, and within 2 hours after the procedure you should not eat food and liquid.

Please note: when injecting aerosol / spray the patient should take a deep breath - so the drug will spread more evenly over the throat.

Complications of

treatment of pharyngitis in adults preparations antibiotics

Untreated pharyngitis is dangerous for complications, including transitions to the chronic form

Pharyngitis in acute form can spread to other ENT organs and then it will be about complications:

  • bronchitis / pneumonia;
  • laryngitis / tracheitis. Uninfected pharyngitis, taking place in an acute form, always turns into a chronic.


    More about other methods of pharyngitis treatment in this video:

    Pharyngitis is a fairly safe disease for human health and life. But to treat this inflammatory process on the back of the throat is absolutely necessary! And if the disease is accompanied by high fever, general intoxication, then you should not refuse taking antibiotics - only they can quickly and fully rid the body of pathogenic / pathogenic microorganisms.