When an infant has started coughing, this is a serious reason to call a doctor. The reason is that the body of such a crumb is still very tender, and the processes of metabolism occur in an accelerated mode. It is very important not to lose time, otherwise the inflammatory process will move into an acute condition. Before you begin to treat a cough in a baby, it is worthwhile to determine its cause. Only then can you get rid of not only the cough itself, but also the illness that caused it.

How is cough treatment in children in the presence of adenoids, you can learn from this article.


  • 1 main methods
    • 1.1 Medicaments
    • 1.2 compresses
    • 1.3 Ointments
  • 2 Treatment in the absence
  • 3 temperature Traditional methods
    • 3.1 Onion jam
    • 3.2 Mother coltsfoot and plantain
    • 3.3 Licorice, elecampane and marshmallow
    • 3.4 Compresses
    • 3.5 Inhalations
    • 3.6 Massage
  • 4 Treatment for Komarovsky
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Basic methods of

Therapeutic measures to eliminate dry cough in infants are slightly different from treatment morezroslyh children. Before the arrival of a doctor it is necessary to monitor the temperature of the body, because the main cause of coughing is in ARVI or ARI.

cough treatment in infants

When the doctor prescribes the necessary treatment regimen, parents should have patience, as such diseases for 2 do not pass.

Than to treat when the child starts an allergic cough, you can learn from this article.


The rescue with dry cough in such small patients is mucolytic agents. But to achieve the maximum effect is real only on condition of complex therapy. The fight against dry cough can occur with the help of Bronchicum syrup. Also have a positive effect Gedelix, dry medicine, Broncholitin. They are the ideal means to treat an infant from the first days of life. Before using medicines, it is always necessary to consult a doctor.

How to treat a wet cough in a child can be found in this article.

mucolytic agents cough treatment in infants


The use of ointments and compresses is possible in case of a rise in body temperature. The best means to combat the disease are mustard plasters. But the time of their impact should not be too long, since the babies have very delicate skin integuments. After removing the mustard plasters, the baby should wear warm clothes. Also for the compress you can use Vishnevsky ointment.

How to use inhalation to treat a dry cough in a child can be found in this article.

compresses for infants


To combat dry cough, a doctor can prescribe ointments such as Dr. Mom and Bohm Benge. Before you rub the baby, you should apply the ointment on a small area of ​​the skin. Thus, you can check the presence or absence of allergies. If there are no suspicious symptoms, there is no redness, then you can use an ointment for rubbing. Apply this treatment until all the manifestations of the disease have passed. During grinding, it is possible to convert dry cough to wet( wet) and achieve full recovery. Ointment for babies from Dr. Mom

Treatment in the absence of temperature

When a young woman( 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 months and older) has a cough, but no temperature, antibiotics should not be used. For such cases, the ideal solution is to take syrups. They contribute to the improvement of reproduction and sputum production. In addition, there are certain medications for the respiratory system that exert a combined effect. It consists in that all the forces of coughing fade with time, and the accumulated sputum is actively allocated.

From this article you can learn how to quickly cure a runny nose and cough.

When a doctor appoints a separate dose of expectorant and antitussive drugs, it is forbidden to take them at the same time. Such actions will lead to various consequences, which will provoke a serious pathology. As a rule, the presented medicines cause strong overloads in the liver and kidneys.

Very actively fighting with cough in the baby without temperature herbal medicinal herbs. But their reception and dosage should be prescribed by a doctor, otherwise you can get the opposite effect. Excellent help with inhalation with Borjomi and chamomile, which is carried out with the help of a nebulizer.

The article indicates whether there is a cough with thyroid disease.

If we talk about the specific names of mucolytic drugs, most often doctors appoint babies:

  • Mucolik;Mucolik infants of cough
  • Propane;
  • Tussamag;
  • Dr. Theiss;
  • Herbion.

Often they have a pleasant fruit taste, so the baby will like it very much, as well as saturate its body with useful vitamins.

Folk methods

An excellent effect when coughing a baby is provided by folk methods of treatment. But use them is very careful not to harm the baby. For example, you should not perform warming with mustard plasters, when the crumb has a temperature.

Than to treat a strong cough during pregnancy, you can learn from the article.

Onion jam

This medicine effectively copes with the disease in children up to 2 months, and it can be done very quickly. To make it, you need to chop the onion on a grater, add honey in a ratio of 1: 1.wait 1.5 hours, until the composition is fed, drain the juice and give the crumb over a dessert spoon every hour. onion jam from a cough

Mother-and-Stepmother and Plantain

This herb is acceptable from 4 months of age. In the form of a medicine, a decoction prepared on the basis of these components is used. For its preparation, it is necessary to take a mother-and-stepmother and a plantain on a spoon, pour them into a thermos bottle, add 500 ml of boiling water. Infuse for 2 hours. The baby can take 2 spoons 15 minutes before meals. This medicine has an expectorant effect. If you find that after receiving the formula the baby has a vomiting reflex, then it is worth reducing the dosage. Mother-and-stepmother and plantain against coughing

Licorice, elephant and marshmallow

Licorice root has a positive effect during cough treatment. The maximum effect can be achieved with a combined intake of licorice, elecampane and althei. Take the presented components in equal proportion. On the table spoon of collection there are 2 glasses of boiling water. Infuse for 8 hours. Take the received medicine on 50 ml 2-3 times a day. Licorice, elephant and marshmallow

Why coughing and vomiting after eating, you can learn from this article.


To accelerate the healing process, warming compresses can be used. They are represented by the following recipes:

  1. From honey. Knead the honey cake using honey, sunflower oil and flour. The resulting cake should have a dense consistency, so that after it is placed on the chest, it does not spread out anywhere. Some mothers add mustard powder during cooking. But doing this is not always appropriate, since the baby's skin is very tender and this can provoke an allergic reaction. Use mustard can be children who have reached 4 months of age.
  2. Install a compress of camphor oil. Licorice, elephant and marshmallow
  3. To warm up, use a potato compress.
  4. Badger fat, insulated in gauze compresses, is suitable for grinding.

To get the necessary effect from a compress, it's worth to know the sequence of actions when executing it:

  1. Add a sheet to several layers.
  2. Lay the medical composition.
  3. Above put another sheet.
  4. Polyethylene layer.
  5. Secure everything with gauze.

How is the treatment of dry cough folk remedies, you can learn from this article.

The video tells about the treatment of cough in babies folk remedies:


To facilitate the condition of a small patient and to eliminate dry cough, it is necessary to use inhaled passive type. For their implementation, it is necessary to fill the bath with boiling water, wait for the room to warm up in pairs. The baby is brought into this room, so that he breathes in pairs for 5 minutes. If there is no allergy to eucalyptus essential oil, you can add a few drops to the water. inhalation of infants


In addition to all the presented options, treatment has an excellent effect in the treatment of cough in infants has a massage. It should be based on gentle pats and tapping. The treatment area is the chest and feet of the baby. You can achieve maximum effect when using vegetable balsams. Such measures can improve the process of sputum discharge. massage for babies from cough

Treatment of Komarovsky

A well-known pediatrician Komarovsky suggests using such harmless and effective remedies for babies in cures for babies such as Mucaltin, potassium iodide, Bromhexine, Lazolvan. These drugs should always be in the home medicine cabinet. The necessary dosage and the need for their use can be determined only by the doctor, taking into account the specific case.

What is the best cure for a smoker's cough, stated in the article.

On the video - about the cough in the infant and its treatment tells Dr. Komarovsky:

If the parents try to defeat the cough on their own, then this is not only a meaningless, but dangerous hobby. If you constantly change medications that have not had an immediate effect, then it is very unreasonable.

At first it is very important to simply determine the cause that triggered the cough. Perhaps there is a plant in the room, a wool carpet, a dry air. All these factors greatly influence the formation of the presented symptom.

Sometimes it's enough just to let the baby breathe fresh air, like coughing it leaves. After all, this sign is considered the result of attempts by the body to eliminate the dry remains of mucus in the nasopharynx. Therapy, aimed at eliminating only one cough, is a kind of cosmetic repair, because over time this symptom will again be felt, because the true cause of its formation has not been eliminated.

The body of infants is not yet so strong and strong. Very often it can be affected by a variety of diseases, the symptom of which is a cough. To treat such a condition, it is necessary to first determine the cause of the symptom, and afterwards to carry out effective therapy according to the doctor's prescription.