Hemoglobin in women. How to increase and lower hemoglobin - drugs, vitamins and dietary supplements. Table of hemoglobin in women by age

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The article will reveal to you information about what is hemoglobin in general and what it is responsible for. We will tell you how to normalize its level and what is the reason for the change in this indicator.

Content of

  • Hemoglobin norm in women by age: table
  • Low and low hemoglobin in women
  • Symptoms and causes of low hemoglobin in women
  • How to increase hemoglobin in blood?
  • Blood hemoglobin increasing products
  • Food and diet for low hemoglobin
  • Preparations containing iron, vitamins and dietary supplements for low hemoglobin
  • Elevated and high hemoglobin in women
  • Hemoglobin in pregnancy
  • Hemoglobin in women: advice and feedback
  • Video: Anemia How to treatanemia?

Hemoglobin is the main constituent of the formed elements of our blood-red cells .This component is responsible for the transfer of vital to to our oxygen tissues. For the doctor, the content of this component is one of the most important characteristics of a healthy body.

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The norm of hemoglobin in women by age: table

The main method for determining hemoglobin is a general clinical blood test. Normally, this value ranges from 120 to 140 g / l on average. An increase in these indicators can normally be observed in women who are actively involved in sports or have a harmful habit-smoking .

Norms of hemoglobin according to age

It should be noted that in certain conditions, such as pregnancy or age-related changes, it can affect the normal level of the indicator and its evaluation should be made on a separate scale.

The table shows the average hemoglobin in the blood according to the age of .

Reduced and low hemoglobin in women

  • Reduction of hemoglobin in blood levels is called iron deficiency anemia because the main constituent of this substance is iron
  • A qualified specialist is able to establish this diagnosis even before laboratory diagnosis, since the symptoms of the condition are sufficiently pronounced
  • In the peoplea similar condition is called anemia and its danger consists in the development of oxygen starvation in tissues. At the beginning of the development of pathology, the body, trying to cope with this condition alone, begins to limit the access of nutrients to the simplest tissues( like hair, nails and teeth).But with the development of iron deficiency, oxygen starvation increases and all tissues begin to suffer, including the brain and the heart muscle
  • In order to prevent serious consequences of the disease it is necessary to diagnose this condition in time and find out its cause

Symptoms and causes of low hemoglobin in women

symptoms and causeslow hemoglobin

The causes of anemia are the following:

  • Hypovitaminosis-deficient is the amount of vitamin B12, vitamin C or folic acid. All these vitamins are involved in the process of creating vitally necessary hemoglobin. In most cases, the lack of vitamin B12 in the body is caused by helminthic invasion of the intestine, since it is in the lumen of the intestine that this vitamin is absorbed. The lack of other vitamins suggests that the composition and balance of your diet is made by the is not true
  • Not the true diet leads to a low intake of essential vitamins and trace elements into the body, as a result of which the synthesis of hemoglobin
  • is impaired. Decreased thyroid function leads to a decreaseproduction of the hormone thyroxin, which regulates the absorption of iron in the lumen of the intestine, and as a consequence, a decrease in the formation of hemoglobin
  • Bleeding can cause pThis is associated with the loss not only of hemoglobin itself, but also the loss of a large number of red blood cells in general.
  • In diseases, especially ulcerative diseases, the gastrointestinal tract is depleted of the intestinal mucosa and loses its ability to adequately absorb the necessary vitamins andmicroelements
  • Stress states provoke apathetic conditions and decreased appetite, as consequence-lack of of essential substances
  • Genetic diseases of organohematopoies also lead to the formation of anemia
  • Low-activity lifestyle

Symptomatic anemia manifests as follows:

• Dryness and brittleness of hair and nails
• Pale skin
• Fatigue
• Dizziness and headache
• Heart palpitations
• Breathing disorders
• Muscle aches

How to increase hemoglobin in the blood?

How to increase the level of hemoglobin in the blood

With reduced hemoglobin, it is first necessary to find out the causes of this condition, which will depend on the tactics of further therapy.

The same way the hemoglobin level is adjusted depends on the degree of anemia. Given a high deficit without drug treatment can not do. We list the main points of anemia correction, but it is worth remembering that in all cases they are not appropriate:

• Correction of nutrition and development of a specific diet with elevated iron and vitamin content
• Treatment of thyroid pathology or hormone replacement therapy
• Reimbursement of lost blood volumewith bleeding with whole blood or of erythrocetrical of
mass • Correction of the number of red blood cells in the genetic pathologies of
• Elimination of stresss situations
• Drug reimbursement of iron deficiency in the body of the patient

products increase the hemoglobin in the blood

When anemic syndrome is mandatory it is recommended to supply the correction. We will consider the main products recommended for use in anemia. These include:

• Animal products origin-beef , tongue, lamb, white rabbit meat, kidney and liver. As yolk eggs
Dried figs , raisins, dried apricots and prunes
Juices-apple and pomegranate
Buckwheat groats
• Recommended for drinking boar brew
• Beans
• Apples of green varieties and plums
• Walnut and almonds

Products for increasing hemoglobin

All these products contain a large amount of iron. Our body is able to independently adjust the required amount of it upon ingestion with food.

An important point is to increase the volume of fluid used. During therapy, it is recommended to drink ¼ cup every half hour.

Nutrition and diet for low hemoglobin

  • We have already listed the main products recommended for use with low hemoglobin, but do not be too literally follow only this list
  • Any food should be varied and balanced. There is an opinion that the greatest amount of iron contains apples. But in fact iron is digested better from meat products, but do not be limited to them.
  • Ask for help in preparing your diet to a specialist dietician who, following the recommendations of the hematologist, will develop the most suitable diet for you.

Preparations containing iron, vitamins and dietary supplements at lowhemoglobin

Preparations containing iron, vitamins and dietary supplements with low hemoglobin

Medication correction is performed in the following cases:
• If observance of the dietary therapy is not possiblefor specific reasons
• If the hemoglobin level is too low and the
continues to fall • If diet therapy does not
bring an improvement in the
situation • If the patient is to undergo surgical intervention

Hemoglobin preparations are prescribed exclusively by by the doctor .

Often prescription drugs are:
• Totem
Ferrum lek

The proposed drugs are well absorbed and transferred by the patient. They practically do not irritate the intestinal mucosa, they have a liquid consistency.

Preparations ferrous iron in the form of tablets:
Sorbifer Durules
• Totem

Side effects of tablet forms can serve as indigestion and flatulence.

Preparations in the form of injections:
• Ferum-Lek

The advantages of this form are the absence of the phase of passage of the intestine and the possibility of using the drug in diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.

Biologically active supplements and vitamin complexes are also quite effective in the treatment of iron deficiency anemia. Some trade names for such products are:
Nutrimax Vision
Vitabiotics Feroglobin B12

Recall that only a doctor can choose and designate a drug, do not do it yourself.

Elevated and high hemoglobin in women

Elevated and high hemoglobin + in women
  • The reasons for this condition can be, as it is, normal and the body's reactions, and serious pathologies
  • . Normally, high hemoglobin level may indicate high physical exertion or prolonged statehypoxia in the past. Such a condition does not require intervention and correction from outside, it returns to the normal values ​​with time
  • . It is worth paying attention to the increase in hemoglobin, if there were no obvious reasons. It can talk about serious pathology. Elevated hemoglobin can indicate the development of diabetes, heart disease, intestinal obstruction or cardiac and respiratory failure
  • Many-not means good. With a significant increase in the index from 180 g / l, the blood viscosity increases, microcirculation of is broken and oxygen delivery to tissues is also disrupted, as is the case with anemia

. Hemoglobin in pregnancy

It is very important to monitor hemoglobin during pregnancy precisely because at its lownot only mother, but also the baby suffers.
We will expand the topic of hemoglobin during pregnancy in the next article.

Hemoglobin in pregnancy. What is the danger of low hemoglobin in pregnancy? Vitamins and preparations that raise hemoglobin

Hemoglobin in women: advice and feedback

Be attentive to your health and regularly take general clinical blood test. It should be noted that the level of the indicator can fall during the period of menstruation and keep low rates for another 7-10 days. For this reason, the right days for research should be selected.

Video: Anemia How to treat anemia?

  • May 01, 2018
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