Molluscum contagiosum in adults on the body and on the face. Treatment of molluscum contagiosum in women and men. Removal of shellfish

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Molluscum contagiosum is a disease that can cause a lot of complexes, because hitting the body and face of a person's education on the skin can significantly increase in size and strength.


  • Reasons for the appearance of molluscum contagiosum in adults
  • Video: Contagiosum molluscum. Elena Malysheva
  • Symptoms of molluscum contagiosum in adults
  • Molluscum contagiosum in adults on the eyelid, photo
  • Molluscum contagiosum in adults on the face, photo
  • Molluscum contagiosum in adults on the genitals, photo
  • Treatment of molluscum contagiosum in adults
  • Video: What to do with molluscum contagiosum. Komarovsky
  • Laser removal of molluscum contagiosum
  • Removing of molluscum with nitrogen
  • Smear from molluscum contagiosum
  • Contagiosum molluscum in adults:
  • reviews Video: Contagiosum mollusc: symptoms and treatment

Numerous spherical, soft formations may be a symptom of infection with the molluscan virus. This phenomenon gives significant trouble both purely aesthetic, and associated with a certain discomfort. As

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diagnose disease and what is its treatment - about everything in detail learn from this article.

Causes of the appearance of molluscum contagiosum in adults

Molluscum contagiosum is a disease caused by a virus that is classified as a group of pox. Most often it affects skin , in rare cases, and mucous. The virus is active only against humans - no cases of infection have been detected.

The molluscan virus causes formation on the skin

The sick person is a source of danger and spread of the virus, and the transmission can occur in two main ways:

  • in direct contact with the mollusc carrier( during sexual intercourse, kiss, handshake)
  • at a household level throughpersonal belongings of a person infected with a virus( towel, personal hygiene items and even through the pool water that had contact with the sick person).

Video: Contagious mollusk. Elena Malysheva

Symptoms of molluscum contagiosum in adults

Immediately after infection with , the symptomatology of the disease does not appear .After passing several weeks and even months, when the incubation period is completed, the patient can see the first lesions on the skin.

Skin rash

The first manifestations of the disease are expressed in the appearance of single nodules that have different locations:

  • on the face( usually in children)
  • in the inguinal zone
  • on the genitals
  • on the hips
  • on the abdomen

Initially papules havesmall dimensions from 1 to 2 mm and look like waxy pink drops.

Contagious mollusk on the stomach

In the center of the formation there is a small depression, and the inner content of the looks like a white curd. Soon the size of the nodules begins to increase to 5 mm , along with this the number grows.

Purulent process in damaged papule

The number of papules in most cases fluctuates from several pieces to ten .In medicine, there are also known cases of the formation of several dozen elements, united or arising separately. The most common cause of this massive occurrence of formations caused by this virus is combing of papules and transfer of infectious internal contents to the skin.

As a rule, the number of elements of a molluscum contagiosum on the skin depends on the immunity of the patient .If the immune system functions well and produces a sufficient number of antibodies, then the formations will be single.

People who suffer from diseases such as AIDS , affecting the immune system, will have more large formations( from 7 mm ).

Multiple formations when infected with the molluscan contagiosa virus

In more advanced cases of , pruritus may occur, in rare cases painful sensations in the area of ​​the rash. With constant combing of papules, inflammation, redness around the node and the onset of a purulent process can occur.

Contagious clam in adults on the eyelid, photo

Along with the appearance on the body of a molluscum contagiosum, can also appear on the eyelids of the .Initially, there is a small node directly on the eyelid or along its edge. In the future, education can grow, as can their numbers increase. A white slurry is released from the small hole in the nodule when pressing .

Contagious clam on the upper eyelid

The danger of the papule's location of the molluscum contagiosum on the eyelid is that close proximity to the eye can lead to the ingestion of the nodule into the conjunctive cavity of the .This can provoke co-morbidities such as conjunctivitis, blepharitis or keratitis .Treatment of these eye diseases is traditionally done.

Discharges from papules can cause conjunctivitis

Contagious clam in adults on face, photo

One of the most unpleasant manifestations of molluscum contagiosum is the appearance of papules on the face of .Most suffer from this:

  • nose
  • cheeks
  • chin
  • eyes
Contagious mollusk on the chin

As a rule, the formations are not numerous and do not differ in size, but even single small papules spoil the aesthetics of the face and cause some complexes in the patient.

Also rashes can itch , and as a result of accidental damage will inflame, which further exacerbates the overall picture.

Facial papules

Education on the face papules of molluscum contagiosum occurs more often in children than in adults. If this still happens, then this speaks about the depression of the immune system and the need to strengthen immunity, as well as to conduct a test for various immune diseases.

Contagious mollusc in adults on the genitals, photo

Specific manifestation of molluscum contagiosum in adults is the appearance of papules on the genitals. They can be formed either directly on the penis or in the vagina, and in the inguinal zone, on the pubis, on the inner side of the thighs and buttocks.

Molluscum contagiosum on labia majora

The nodules on this part of the body of the do not differ from the formations in other places of the .Papules have a globular shape, a depression from which the cheesy mass is released. The molluscum contagiosum on the genitals can have many elements of different sizes.

Papules in pubic zone

Treatment of molluscum contagiosum in adults

The molluscum contaminant on the human body for several months , after which it can disappear after the last nodule has died off and no longer occur. For several months the body retains immunity against the causative agent of disease. As far as treatment is concerned, it consists of measures aimed at strengthening immunity, and actions aimed at exterminating nodules.

Treatment of molluscum contagiosum presupposes its removal

Papules of molluscum contagiosum are treated with such substances:

  • iodine
  • fukortsin
  • celandine
  • hydrogen peroxide
  • some acids
It is not recommended to lubricate papules "green"

In case of painful sensations of , papules are treated with lidocaine .To strengthen the immune response the doctor prescribes various immunomodulators in the form of suppositories( Viferon, Laferabion) , tablets and drops. It makes sense to use some antiviral drugs.

Viferon candles activate the immunity of

It is also important that prevent the patient from contacting contaminated hygiene items and clothing otherwise the fight against the disease will be unsuccessful - there is a high risk of recurrence.

In addition, sexual partners should be treated together and for its period it is necessary completely to to refuse sexual contacts .

Video: What to do with molluscum contagiosum. Komarovsky

Laser removal of molluscum contagiosum

A fast and effective method for controlling molluscum contagiosum is its removal using laser. This procedure is carried out quickly and is absolutely painless, as it is performed under the influence of local anesthesia.

Laser removal of molluscum contagiosum

The advantage of the method is that is removed in sterile conditions, , which prevents the contents of the papules from getting to other areas of the skin and the appearance of new formations. If the specialist completely removes all nodules, the patient is absolutely healthy and no new papules will be formed.

Nitrogen removal of molluscum contagiosum

An alternative to laser removal of molluscum contagiosum is nitrogen burning .The advantage of the method is an excellent aesthetic effect, as there are no visible scars or scars.

Liquid nitrogen

During the procedure, a specialist with the applicator, aerosol or cotton pad applies liquid nitrogen to the formation.

After burning with nitrogen, the papule whitens

. After that, the papule turns white, which indicates the death of the body of the mollusc and its destruction. The disadvantage of the technique is that in some cases to produce these manipulations it is necessary to re-, with a break in a week. This may not be very convenient for a patient wishing to get rid of the disease as soon as possible.

Ointment from molluscum contagiosum

For people who for some reason can not perform a radical removal of molluscum contagiosum , there are more affordable and easier ways to get rid of the disease. In particular, you can cure with a variety of ointments.

Antiviral "Acyclovir"

The assortment of pharmacies offers such remedies for this viral disease:

  1. Viferon is an ointment, the main active substance of which is interferon , a protein responsible for the body's immune forces. By means of rubbing the means into the lesions, increases the immune resistance of the to the virus. Also integrating into cells, interferon does not allow the virus to penetrate the membranes, that prevents the growth of formations
  2. Acyclovir is an antiviral ointment that, if used regularly, will get rid of molluscum contagiosum. The drug is also widely used in smallpox, herpes and other formations of the viral etiology
  3. Cycloferon is an ointment that has a complex effect. The drug is immunomodulator , but at the same time it has an antiviral effect, relieves inflammation. Its use has its own nuances, therefore it is necessary to use consultation specialist
  4. Imikvad - a cream that stimulates the production of interferon that can fight with viruses and withstand their effects. The agent should be applied to the affected area of ​​the skin for a long time - not less than 9 hours , then its effect will have a result.
Ointment-immunomodulator "Cycloferon"

Molluscum contagiosum in adults: reviews

The fight against molluscum contagiosum, as many experience shows, can be a long and unsuccessful process. This is due to the use of local tools , which have only a temporary effect.

Control of molluscum contagiosum should include not only local

agents. To defeat this viral disease, requires complex treatment of , which includes not only the effect on neoplasms in the form of rash, but also the increase of immune defense.

Therefore it is very important to apply for qualified assistance to .The doctor will prescribe medication and choose the most appropriate way to remove the papules on the body of the patient with a molluscum contagiosum.

Video: Molluscum contagiosum: symptoms and treatment

  • May 02, 2018
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