Pain in the ear can occur quite suddenly. And various factors can influence its development. But it is simply impossible to endure painful feelings. At home, you can get rid of the pain in your ear, using time-tested funds.

Of course, all this will give a temporary effect, because getting rid of the pain is real only if the main cause of the pathological process is eliminated. But what to do when the ear blew, and the pain no longer has strength? To help come the proven drugs and traditional medicine, which can be used at home.


  • 1


  • 2 contents
  • 3 compresses
  • 4 drops application
  • 5 onion Vegetable oil
  • 6 Propolis and honey
  • 7 Mumiye
  • 8 Bay leaf
  • 9 Garlic
  • 10 Chamomile


warming up the ear

This procedure perfectly copes with ear pain. For these purposes, it is necessary to use a blue lamp, salt, sand, wrapped in a pouch. No less effective will be a hot water bottle. The duration of the manipulation will be 30 minutes.

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And the heating should be done several times a day. But if the pain in the ear is accompanied by purulent secretions, then it is forbidden to conduct thermal procedures. This can lead to deterioration of the patient and the progression of the disease.


compress for the ears

When applying compresses, heat is created that positively affects the auricle, stopping painful sensations. Compresses are all the same. Only the composition for its application can be changed. You can perform the thermal procedure if you take a small-sized fabric, make a slot that matches the size of the ear. Place the cotton wool soaked in a solution under the cloth, attach it to the area of ​​the affected ear, and warm it with a handkerchief.

As for the medicinal solution, it is possible to use vodka, which has excellent warming properties. Vodka compress is performed at night.

Increase the effectiveness of this manipulation possible with alcohol sponges installed in the auricle. Carry out all the actions you need to be careful not to allow a burn of the skin inside the ear.

You can get a solution of honey and flour. To do this, take 20 g of flour and 10 g of honey. The received weight to lay on an ear and to hold during the night, warmed with a handkerchief. Instead of vodka, boron alcohol is allowed. Instructions for use are similar.

good drops in the ears with otitis And here are some good drops in the ears with the otitis should be used and what their name, will help understand this article.

It will also be interesting to know if you can warm your ear with tuboitherapy.

For those who want to understand how to treat dry rhinitis, and what are the most effective means, please go to this link: http: // bolezni-n /rinit/ suxoj.html

You may also be interested to know whether it is possible to drink Ascoril in drycoughing.

Application of drops

You can drip boric or levomycetin alcohol into the affected ear. To begin with, it should be heated to 37 degrees, and then send in each ear for 1 drop. In the pharmacy you can buy drops of Otypaks. They stop pain, relieve inflammation and stuffiness.


Drops Otypaks

The most effective are drops based on antibacterial components. With their use, you can get a positive effect in a couple of days. But the use of drops with antibiotics is necessary only if the condition is painful and the lymph nodes are enlarged. In this article, you can learn more about the instructions for using ear drops to Otipaks children.

The most effective antibiotic drops include:

  1. OTF .Has a bactericidal effect, quickly stops inflammation. What testimonies about the ear drops of Otofa exist at the present time, will help to understand this article.


  2. Normax .Effectively eliminates microorganisms, has a quick therapeutic effect, is perfectly tolerated by patients.



It has long been known about the healing properties of onions. It is a multifunctional product. Has antiseptic effect, relieves pain and inflammation. In this case, the onion retains its therapeutic properties, being in fresh or baked form. There are several proven recipes for eliminating ear pain:

  • Take a bulb, cut it, lay it on gauze folded in several layers of .Form a small swab. Install it in the ear canal. Such a compress will exert its influence within 30 minutes. If necessary, the procedure can be repeated in an hour. onion for onions
  • First bake the onion in the oven, then pass it through the meat grinder. The resulting gruel is applied to gauze, roll it into a tampon. Set in the affected ear and walk for 20-30 minutes. In this case, use the mush onion is not hot, but warm, to avoid burns.
  • You can stop pain in the ear with drops from the bow. It is necessary to cut the top part of the vegetable, make a deepening and put the seeds of cumin there. Top the onion cut with a top, seal it in foil and in the oven. When the bulb becomes soft, then squeeze out the juice from it. It drips into the affected ear for 4-5 drops. It is necessary to do such procedures at night. Preheat the droplets before use. But how to use onion syrup from a cough, is very detailed in this article.

Vegetable oil

vegetable oil for the ears

To get rid of pain in the ear, you can use oil of pumpkin, linseed, sunflower and olives. Before use, heat the product to the optimum temperature. If the oil is hot, it will cause a burn, and if it is cold, it will complicate the inflammation.

Drop 3-4 drops into the affected ear. It is best to do the procedure before bedtime. When the drops were sent, then cover the ear with cotton wool and tie it with a warm kerchief. It may also be interesting to learn how to use cyclamen oil for sinusitis.

Propolis and honey

propolis and honey

When the ear has blown, you can eliminate discomfort with products such as honey and propolis. It is the second component in folk medicine that is known for all its analgesic properties. In addition, it negatively affects the reproduction of microorganisms in human tissues and organs, it stops the inflammatory process.

It is advisable to use a mixture of these components in case of inflammation of the purulent ear. Combine the alcoholic tincture of propolis with honey in a 1: 2 ratio. Drip 3 drops before going to bed. But how to make aloe with honey from cough, is very detailed in this article.


mummy for the ears

The healing properties of the presented balm are widely used in folk medicine for many years. Mumiye effectively copes with acute pains in the ears. To obtain an alcohol tincture, it is necessary to perform a solution of pure mummy. For these purposes, take a mummy in an amount of 3 g and combine with 20 ml of boiling water. Put the mixture in a container and stir all the time. Bring to a boil, increasing the volume to 100 ml.

In an equal proportion, combine the solution of mummy, boric alcohol and albucid. Drops drip 10 drops in each ear 4 times a day. Last time to drip before going to bed. Vatka cork passage and wrap a scarf.

Bay leaf

Bay leaf

You can use laurel can not only in cooking, but it also copes with unpleasant sensations when the ear is inflated. With the help of tincture from the bay leaf you manage to stop the pain. To start the bay leaf to powder, then put in a jar and add 500 ml of boiling water.

Close the container tightly and wait 2 hours. After filtering the infusion, to eliminate the precipitate. Before you go to sleep, you need to drip the product 4-6 drops into the affected ear, install a cotton swab and wrap it with a handkerchief.


This product also effectively cures painful sensations in the ear. It must be grinded to a mushy state, add 4 drops of camphor oil. The resulting mixture is put a thin layer on gauze, form a tampon and install it in the ear.

Do not remove the tampon until a slight burning sensation occurs. Then it can be removed and dripped any anti-inflammatory drops. Warm your ear with a handkerchief and go to sleep.


This plant is known for its anti-inflammatory properties. Apply it effectively when the inflammatory process is at an early stage of development. To get ear drops, it is best to use a strong infusion of chamomile. brewed chamomile

It is necessary to lay 60 g of chamomile in a jar, add 250 ml of boiling water. Close the container tightly with a lid. Wait half an hour and filter out the infusion. Use 5 drops 3-4 times a day. In this case, the drops should be warm. After the procedure, the affected ear is warmed with a scarf.

Puffed up your ear, and you do not know what to do with unpleasant symptoms? It's very simple, you need to choose one of the presented methods and try it on yourself. They are all safe and effective. If the pain still does not pass or there were other unpleasant symptoms, then only a doctor can help in this situation.