All about the causes of varicose vs sex and localization of lesions

Causes of varicose veins Varicose is a fairly common disease and is a pathological change in the veins in the form of extensions, increasing their length, the formation of painful knots and convolutions. Such processes result in a blood flow disorder.

Varicose veins are the result of inefficient operation of the valves in the vessels, which is why there is a buildup of blood.

If the valve does not cope with its work, it changes its shape. Visually, we see a clear convex line of veins beneath the skin, which have an unhealthy, saturated blue, blue-green or even a dark purple color.

Most often, varicose veins appear on the lower extremities and its first signal can be called puffiness of the legs and vascular asterisks.

Of course, for many reasons women are more prone to such negative changes.

The age of the disease is quite young: varicose veins usually begin at about age 30 and further, if no remedial measures are taken, the disease progresses year by year.


  • Causes and risk factors - every
  • instagram viewer
  • is affected by this. Men's problems
  • Women's varicose has their laws
    • Pregnancy is where the dog is buried
  • Causes of hemorrhoids
  • Small pelvis variance

Causes and risk factors - each

is susceptible to this Weak walls of blood vessels -this is the main cause of varicose veins. impairment in the veins

loading. ..

The veins, unlike the arteries, do not have muscles, and all the blood regulation work is done by the valves.

Varicosis can also occur due to an injury in the place of which blood clots or inflammatory processes occur.

Problems in deep veins are accompanied by pain and considerable swelling.

Blood clots from the deep veins sooner or later enter the heart or lungs, which is dangerous for life.

And here the defeat of superficial veins is characterized by a lighter symptomatology and consequences, as the clots differ in small sizes and are not inclined to migrate through the body. Although inflammation in this case is the place to be.

It should be noted that there are reasons for varicose veins, which are typical for both men and women:

  1. First, the lifestyle .Varicosity can cause both low activity and excessively high, because stagnation of blood or constant stay on legs is unnatural stressful loads for the body.
  2. Secondly, vein problems are often caused by professional operating conditions of .Stewardesses, health workers and education workers are most often affected by the disease. This disease is also professional in athletes who subject their body to intense training and physical exertion.
  3. Third, you can not drop the hereditary factor .If among close relatives there are those who suffered from varicose veins, then most likely, you are also at risk.
  4. Overweight is considered a global problem and not only because it negatively affects the heart. Obesity of any degree affects the condition of the veins. Because often in the treatment of varicose veins, doctors often prescribe and diet.
  5. Also bad habits of are not the last cause of varicose veins. In this case, smoking has a direct relationship to the condition of the veins, since nicotine settles at the walls of the vessels. Therefore, at the first manifestations of the disease, smokers have an acute need to combat tobacco dependence. Otherwise, even the most effective treatment will not give a lasting lasting effect.
  6. Among the causes of this disease - thrombosis ( formation of blood clots), which is associated with extremely fast blood clotting.
  7. The frequent cause of varicose veins of the rectal veins( hemorrhoids) are the constipation of .Naturally, regardless of sex, hemorrhoids can occur with problems with digestion. And what is an irregular chair? This is an abnormal diet, stress, a violation of the gastrointestinal microflora, as well as diseases of the biliary tract. Therefore, in conjunction with the treatment of varicose drugs are prescribed to eliminate the root cause of problems with veins, and the diet is adjusted.
  8. Also severe limb injuries and inflammation can cause varicose veins.

What Happens in the Veins

Men's problems

Men are prone to varicose veins, although this problem worries them less often than women and comes to them at adulthood.

According to medical statistics, a strong half of the population is less likely to pay attention to the protruding veins, therefore, for help to a doctor, men are treated in extreme cases.

Among the main causes of varicose veins, besides excess weight, heredity and smoking, is weight lifting. It is physical labor that provokes the development of the disease in men. Builders, drivers, loaders often suffer from problems with blood vessels.

Among the specific manifestations is varicose enlargement in the area of ​​the hands, groin and even genital organs( testicles).

In women's varicose veins

Varicose veins in women are of a special nature, since they are often associated with those causes that are not possible in the body of men by definition:

  1. The development of the disease can be caused by the hormonal factors .
  2. Also, problems with the veins can trigger pregnancy or hormonal imbalance in the adolescent .That is why the disease in the fair sex can occur at a fairly young age.

Pregnancy is where the "dog is buried"

Pregnancy The widening of the veins during pregnancy is caused not only by the hormonal reorganization that affects the walls of the vessels, but also with the increase in the amount of fluid that circulates throughout the body. This factor also negatively affects the work of the heart.

During pregnancy, the load on the lower part of the body becomes more intense, which also affects the state of the vessels of the legs: the outflow of blood is disturbed, the legs swell, and the veins, respectively, lose their elasticity and varicose begins. How much the disease will actively progress depends on each individual case.

Unfortunately, future moms are contraindicated in the treatment of varicose veins, only prevention and minor sparing measures are possible, but this should all be done under the supervision of a physician.

Causes of hemorrhoids

Varicose rectal veins or hemorrhoids are also a very common disease among all categories of patients.

The main cause of this phenomenon can be called constipation, but this is not the only factor that affects the health of veins.

Among the frequent causes of hemorrhoids: causes of hemorrhoids

Our readers recommend!
For the treatment and prevention of varicose veins and hemorrhoids, our readers use the method first voiced by Malysheva. Having carefully studied it, we decided to offer it to your attention. The opinion of doctors. .. "
  • genetic factor;
  • pregnancy;
  • sedentary work or lack of mobility;
  • alcohol dependence;Physical load of
  • ;
  • excessive consumption of spices and spicy foods;
  • inflammation in the intestines and liver;
  • infection.

Of course, the disease is best treated in the early stages, so do not delay the visit to the doctor.

Varicose veins

Varicose veins of the pelvis are quite common in women, the main cause is the pressure that the uterus during pregnancy Varicose veins of the pelvis exerts on the veins increases, which as a result becomes the cause of vascular diseases.

Although adolescents may suffer from the disease, but in this age period the disease has only one clearly pronounced symptom - discharge from the genital tract.

The causes of small pelvis varices are multifaceted:

  • weak connective tissue;
  • lack of mobility;
  • severe during childbirth;
  • numerous genera;
  • inflammation of a gynecological nature;
  • hormonal changes.

Also problems with pelvic vessels can occur in every woman who, together with her partner, often uses interruption of sexual intercourse as a method of contraception.

Medical specialists emphasize the fact that it is impossible to confuse varicose veins with pathological changes in small pelvic vessels.

Knowing the causes of varicose veins, everyone can determine if he is at risk.

It is worth noting that periodic consultations with the doctor, as well as timely seeking medical help will protect you from the serious consequences of the disease. Also an excellent tool in the fight against all diseases is competent prevention.

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