Pectin. Top 10 recipes for using pectins

Pectin is present in every person's daily diet, but what do we know about it? Detailed and available about pectins, benefits and harm to the body, as well as several recipes, fast in cooking.


  • Useful properties of pectin for the body
  • What is pectin made of? Sources of pectin
  • Types and actions of pectins
  • How does pectin affect cholesterol?
  • Caloric content of pectin
  • Products containing pectin
  • How to prepare food home pectin?
  • Fruit pectin in fruit
  • Why do I need pectin? The use of pectins
  • Recipes with pectin
  • Zephyr on the pectin
  • Jelly with pectin
  • marmalade on pectin
  • Recipe pectin with vitamin C
  • recipe with pectin from beet
  • recipe with pectin from apples
  • Coal pectin
  • Citrus Pectin
  • persimmon pectin
  • Does pectinharm?
  • Where can I buy pectins?
  • Pectin in pharmacy
  • Drugs and medications based on pectin
  • Video: Culinary encyclopedia - Pectin
  • Video: Jelly from Plum( with Pectin)
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200 years ago the world first learned about the existence of pectin, but not everyone knows about its miraculous effect on the body. Pectin is widely used in the food industry as a thickener, stabilizer, gellant, gelling agent.

It is his mistresses who are added during the preparation of jelly, jam, jam for obtaining the necessary consistency. However, pectin is in large quantities also in vegetables and fruits. As part of the products it can be recognized by the abbreviation E 440.

Useful properties of pectin for the body

Pectins are especially necessary for people who are trying to lose weight. This is due to the fact that, getting into the body, it absorbs fats, toxins and other debris, improves the functioning of the intestines, lowers cholesterol, glucose and lipids, removes radioactive substances and heavy metals. Products rich in pectin, it is easier to saturate.
Pectin gently cleanses the body without affecting the metabolic processes. Its action is important for any person. Pectin is not digested and not digested in the body, therefore it is an excellent enterosorbent. It is he who creates favorable conditions for the growth of the necessary microflora in the intestine.

What is pectin made of? Sources of pectin

Natural sources of pectin are apple cake, citrus peel, sugar beet pulp and sunflower basket. In addition to the food industry, it is used in medicine for the manufacture of pills, in cosmetology for masks and gels, in the production of cigars for gluing lacerated tobacco leaves.

Types and actions of pectins

Pectin is found in two forms: soluble and insoluble( pectin + cellulose).Insoluble protopectin is found in immature vegetables, fruits, root vegetables. During ripening or cooking, it is converted into a known pectin, which has a universal effect on the body:

• Antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory - creates a destructive environment for pathogenic organisms in the digestive tract, protects the mucous
• Complex-plays a preventive role in case of intoxication threats when a person lives onareas with increased radiation
• Enveloping - protects the mucous from the aggressive action of juices, bile. Slows down food intakes, fat absorption and glucose
• Detoxifying - removes allergens, toxins, inflammation elements from the body
• Dried-forming - allows to apply to the skin and mucous
• Hemostatic - used as a hemostatic in gynecology, dentistry, surgery

As pectindoes it affect cholesterol?

  • Pectin is a natural remedy for lowering cholesterol. Getting into the body together with food, it forms a jelly-like substance, which, moving along the intestine, collects on itself harmful substances, toxins, slags
  • Thus, a natural, gentle cleansing of the body occurs, which facilitates the normalization of metabolism
  • Pectin is not absorbed, but isA sorbent that removes cholesterol and glucose from the body. Vessels are released from plaques, cleaned, which is the prevention of cardiovascular diseases

Caloric content of pectin

It is the caloric content of pectin that is most attractive for people engaged in weight loss issues.100 g of pectin contain only 52 calories.

Products containing pectin

  • Different amounts of pectin are found in all fruits, vegetables, berries and even algae. It is recommended to use products that are rich in pectin, but not very much addicted to the substance manufactured by the industrial method.
  • The greatest amount of pectin is found in citrus fruits, as well as in apples and pears. By the way, the content of pectin is higher in a baked apple than in fresh
  • . It is also found in quince, persimmon, plum, apricots, peaches, nectarines, cherries, cherries, currants, strawberries, raspberries, bananas, gooseberries, cranberries, blueberries, dates, dried figs
  • In vegetables in large quantities is in beet, young carrots, cabbage, pepper, peas, radish, pumpkin, eggplant and zucchini

How to cook food home pectin?

The fastest and easiest way to get pectin at home is to use apples.
Recipe: will require 1 kg of fruit, 1 lemon and 120 ml of water.

Preparation: the apples and lemon should be rinsed and cut into small pieces, put in a container and bake in the oven for half an hour. Put the resulting mixture in gauze and hang over a saucepan. When the juice drains, you can additionally put something heavy on the cheesecloth to squeeze out the leftovers.

You can use this juice, it contains pectin.
However, to obtain a pure substance, you need to continue the cooking process. The resulting juice is poured into a container and put in the oven for 5-6 hours, until a brown powder is obtained. You can store such pectin for about a year, but always in a dry and dark place, in a container with a tight lid.

Fruit pectin in fruits

A large amount of pectin is contained in fruits, so everyone who cares about their well-being needs to consume more foods that are rich in this polysaccharide. By the way, in fruits, deprived of moisture, there will be a maximum amount of substance.

Why do I need pectin? Use of pectins

  • In the food industry and in home preparations, pectin is used as a thickener. Thus, the substance was most widely used in the preparation of marshmallow, marmalade, jelly, pastille, jam, rahat-lukuma, jam, mayonnaise and ketchup
  • . The daily consumption rate for humans is 20 g pectin. Since it is much contained in fruits and vegetables, you need to fill your diet with these products. However, you should know that 500 grams of fruit contains an average of only 5 g of
  • . This does not mean that you need to run after the industrial polysaccharide, you just need to change your daily menu in favor of pectin-containing products. The main and most valuable action of pectin is elimination fromcholesterol and glucose, prevention of cancer.

Recipes with pectin

Recipe with pectin

Recipe 1: Pastry macaroni


  • 350g sugar
  • beet juice 4ml
  • almond flour 250g
  • strawberry puree 250g
  • powdered sugar 250g
  • lemon juice 20g
  • soybean powder 10g
  • pectin5 g

Stir-ripe puree to heat up to 40 degrees, add pectin and 25 grams of sugar. Boil and pour another 110 grams of sugar, cook for 7 minutes. In the resulting mixture add lemon juice, cover and put into the refrigerator. Heat 130 ml of water, add soybean powder and 80 g of sugar, beat into foam.
In 60 ml of water add the remaining sugar, boil and slowly pour into the foam, do not stop whipping. Mix the flour, sugar powder and beet juice, mix soy foam and gently mix the dough. Fill it with a pastry bag and make a shape 10 cm in diameter. Bake for half an hour at 140 degrees. Forms cool and smear with strawberry syrup.

Recipe 2: Jelly from champagne


  • Sugar 4 cups
  • vinegar 2 tbsp
  • champagne dry 750 ml
  • pectin 60 g

Preparation: Mix champagne, vinegar and sugar, bring to a boil. Stir pectin, boil for another 3 minutes. The mixture is poured into molds and allowed to cool.

Recipe 3: Garlic jelly

Products :

  • garlic 2 heads
  • vinegar 400 ml
  • sugar 5 glasses
  • liquid pectin 90 g

Method of preparation : peel the garlic and grind it in a blender. Add half a glass of vinegar and beat again in a blender. In the resulting mixture add the remaining vinegar, sugar and bring to a boil. Stir pectin and boil for another 2 minutes. Spill over the jars and allow to cool.

Marshmallow on pectin


  • sugar 700 g
  • apple 4 pcs.
  • 1 egg
  • vanilla sugar 50 g
  • pectin 8 g
  • powdered sugar
  • water 160 ml

How to prepare: Pectin soak in water. The apple must be baked before soft. Pulp with a spoon. You can additionally beat in a blender. In apple sauce put 250 grams of sugar and vanilla sugar. Allow to cool the mashed potatoes.

Dissolve the pectin to heat on fire, pour sugar and bring to a boil, boil for a couple of minutes. Take protein( yolk is not needed), add it to the apple mixture and whip. Take a large container and combine it with apple puree and pectin. Mix the resulting mixture to a thick mass, which must be transferred to a confectionery bag. On the baking sheet, lined with baking paper, lay out the marshmallows. The resulting marshmallow should be left for a day, so that it stiffens and becomes crusted. Bon Appetit!

Kissel with pectin

Traditional potato starch is given by potato starch, which, getting into the body, causes a strong sense of hunger, so for dietary nutrition it is recommended to replace it with pectin.
  • 1 liter cranberry juice
  • pectin 10 g
  • citric acid 20 g

How to use: mix all ingredients and bring to a boil. Cool and refrigerate. The drink is ready!

Marmalade on pectin

Prepare marmalade on pectin at home is easy!

  • 500 ml of any fruit juice
  • 50 g of powdered sugar
  • 50 g of sugar
  • pectin - 3 tbsp.spoons

Preparation: 250 ml of juice to heat and add pectin and powdered sugar. Cool it down. In another container pour the remaining juice, add sugar and boil for 10 minutes. Pour the cooled mixture from the first container and continue until it boils. Important - you need to stir constantly! Pour the liquid into molds, cool and put in the refrigerator for freezing.

Recipe for pectin with vitamin with

The greatest amount of vitamin C is found in citrus pectin, from which it is easy to make homemade jam.


  • apples and pears - 4 pcs.
  • sugar 6,5 glasses
  • cinnamon - half a teaspoon
  • lemon juice 50 g
  • liquid pectin 200 ml

Method of preparation: grind the fruit before removing the core. Add everything except pectin. Bring to a boil and at this point pour in citrus pectin. Cook for 2 more minutes. The resulting jam can be rolled into cans or cooled and consumed. Keep refrigerated.

Recipe with beet pectin

With beet pectin, an excellent jam is obtained, for example, from plums.
Plum jam:

  • 1 kg of fruit
  • 1,8 kg of sugar
  • 200 gr of water
  • lemon juice 100 gr
  • pectin 12 gr

Preparation: the plums are cleaned and chopped, add sugar, water and lemon juice. Bring to a boil and add pectin. Boil another 5 minutes. Pour the jam over the sterilized jars and roll up.

Recipe with pectin from apples

Fast and convenient way of making jelly with pectin.

  • 100 grams of any fruit that can be found in the refrigerator
  • 300 grams of water
  • 10 g apple pectin

Preparation: half the water heat and pour pectin. In the second part of the water add fruit and cook until boiling. Strain and pour in pectin. Spread on the molds, let it freeze and enjoy the jelly.

Coal with pectin

In free sale you can buy tablets, which include activated carbon and pectin. This remedy is used for acute poisoning by products, medicines, industrial poisons.
How to use: tablets crush and dissolve in water. One application requires 30 grams of powder.

Citrus pectin

You can use lemon peel, orange, grapefruit to make pectin from citrus fruits.

Recipe: You need to either cut or whole fruit cut into small pieces and cook until mashed. Then strain.

The resulting juice is a natural pectin prepared at home! It can be applied immediately, or rolled into hot jars, or frozen.

Persimmon pectin

Persimmon is an excellent source not only of proteins, fats, carbohydrates, vitamins, but also pectin. It is thanks to him persimmon is a sorbent, which collects and removes substances that are unnecessary to the body.

The pulp of persimmon is tender, does not irritate the mucous, is not digested, allowing the body to be purified as softly as possible. Microelements of fruit have a preventive effect on the heart muscle, preventing cardiovascular diseases.

Does pectin harm?

Pectin has little harm to the body only with a large overdose. And this can be achieved by excessive enthusiasm for industrial pectin or fruit consumption in unlimited quantities. Both the first and second versions are so rare that they are practically impossible.

What are the symptoms of pectin overdose?
• Severe flatulence and fermentation in the intestine
• Low digestibility of fats, proteins and minerals

Where can I buy pectins?

In ordinary stores pectin is difficult to meet, except in expensive supermarkets to look. However, modern people are increasingly looking for products on the network, and it is the online stores are full of various offers of pectins from many manufacturers. More often there are apple and citrus pectins.

Pectin in the pharmacy

Pectin in the pharmacy is mainly presented in the form of food additives, moreover, the cost varies from the cheapest to the really expensive. Pectin in the form of powders are purchased in the form of a sorbent, in pills - for complex recovery and lowering of cholesterol.

Preparations and medicines based on pectin

Pectin-based products have similar indications for use: poisoning, intestinal disorders, dysbiosis, toxicosis.
Pecto - in the powder, in addition to pectin, powdered sugar and citric acid. The daily dose to 4 g of pectin. One packet contains 2 g.
Citrus pectin - available in capsules.1 capsule contains 650 ml of pectin. Application to adults - 2 capsules from 1 to 3 times a day.
Liquid coal is a powder for the preparation of a solution for dehydration, poisoning. The composition includes pectin, taurine, inulin, succinic acid.
Pepidol - invented more than 20 years ago and successfully copes with poisoning, dysbiosis and normalization of metabolism.
Carbopect - activated carbon with pectin
Kaopectil( Attapulgit) - pills for diarrhea with pectin content.
These are just a few products containing pectin, but their list and scope is much wider. For weight loss, it is better to prepare liquid pectin at home, because only so you can be sure of its composition.30 minutes before eating, drink half the glass of the juice obtained and the result will not take long.

Video: Culinary Encyclopedia - Pectin

Video: Jelly from Plum( with Pectin)

  • Mar 04, 2018
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