Ear pain causes a lot of unpleasant sensations. Sometimes the ear "shoots" so much that it becomes difficult to concentrate on any meaningful activity: work and other manifestations of mental and physical activity are almost impossible.

This symptom can cause many diseases of the hearing system, but most often it becomes the culprit otitis media. We will find out how to get rid of this extremely uncomfortable manifestation of ear pathologies: we will consider both medicinal and folk methods of treatment. In addition, we will find out what specificity the therapy of ear pain during pregnancy has.


  • 1 reasons
    • 1.1 Mechanical injury
    • 1.2 Otitis
    • 1.3 Caries
    • 1.4 Infection
    • 1.5 Neuralgia
    • 1.6 Colds
    • 1.7 Migraine
    • 1.8 cerumen
    • 1.9 Traditional treatment
  • 2 Traditional methods
    • 2.1 Camphoroil
    • 2.2 Propolis tincture
    • 2.3 Bread compress
  • 3 During pregnancy
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Causes of

Let's see what factors cause ear pain.

Mechanical trauma

ear pain A common cause of uncomfortable symptoms. With injuries and mechanical injuries, pain arises suddenly: abruptly and unexpectedly.

Traumatize the ear canal and even the tympanic membrane with a cotton swab while trying to clean them from sulfur, or a metal hairpin, other objects.
In addition, children sometimes put themselves in the ears of small items during games that, if they get deep, can also injure internal auditory organs. Trauma to the ears is dangerous in that not only painful sensations may arise, but also the development of an inflammatory infectious process.


The most likely cause of pain in the ears. Otitis can be of different types, based in different "sections" of the ear: in the outer, in the middle, and in the inner.

pain in the ears with otitis

If the otitis has already reached the advanced stage, it can lead to the development of a purulent infection, fraught with perforation of the ear canal. This phenomenon is dangerous not only with severe pain, but also with a complete loss of auditory perception.


pain in the ears due to caries

Surprisingly, this tooth disease can also cause an earache. The relationship is as follows: the inflammatory process in the roots of the tooth causes acute pain, which "gives up" in the auditory organs.

In this case, the pain will also be present in the temples, and even in the neck. Fortunately, if the cause is in caries, getting rid of the pain will be quite simple: you just need to treat your teeth.


Sometimes microbes penetrate into the auditory canal: viruses, bacteria, fungus, which under favorable conditions cause an inflammatory process associated with acute or deaf ears.

how to properly dig in a candybiotic in the ear And here's how to properly dig in the candybiotic in your ear, and how effective it is is described in this article.

It will also be interesting to learn about whether it is possible to warm your ear with tuboititis, help to understand this information.

Which drops should be used in the ears of eustachyte is described in great detail in this article: http: //prolor.ru/u/ lechenie-u / evstaxiit-simptomy.html

You may also be interested to know whether it is possible to have an ambroben with a dry cough.


Causes, originating in diseases of the nervous system, also have a place to be. These include pinched nerve endings, which causes pain in the ears of a drawing, aching, and even pulsating nature.


If the ears chill, the appearance of unpleasant painful sensations is subsequently likely. In this case, the pain will increase dramatically with food intake, swallowing, or simple headbanging.

On video- than to treat the pain in the ears:


This common disease also often causes the earache. But in this case, discomfort will subside as soon as a migraine attack occurs.

Gray plugs

If the ear canals are not cleaned for a long time, or are cleaned incorrectly( with sulfur pushes inwards), sulfur plugs sometimes become so dense that only a special medical procedure can remove them - washing with a sharp and powerful head of water.

sulfur fuses

Gray plugs

Old and bulky sulfur plugs can cause, in addition to pain, even a purulent infection in the ear canals, which is much more serious. If sulfuric plugs are formed too often, it is worth paying attention to the air in the apartment: most likely, it is too dry. Buying a humidifier will help solve this problem, and will protect you from frequent plugs.

Traditional treatment of

We learn how to get rid of pain in the ears with the help of medicines and other methods of traditional medicine.

External otitis is characterized by the formation of a purulent furuncle, which can be seen with the naked eye. Treatment in this case is reduced to the removal of this furuncle, followed by antiseptic treatment of the affected area. As an antiseptic, hydrogen peroxide is usually used. And the place where the boil was, is cauterized with iodine.

Boric acid is a well-known and cheap remedy that is widely used to relieve earaches. This liquid is a magnificent antiseptic, most often used for the treatment of external acute and chronic otitis media.

boric acid

Boric acid

Boric acid is used only if the tympanic membrane is not damaged.

If the ear pain is caused by otitis( both acute and chronic), boric acid is applied in an amount of 3-5 drops to the gauze turunda, then injecting into the ear canal. This manipulation should be done 2-3 times a day. A full course of treatment with boric acid should not exceed five days.

After each instillation it is necessary to stop the ear passage with a cotton swab so that the product does not pour out of it, and also for warming. Turundas with boric acid can be left in the ears and at night.

The drug Sofradex is excellent for the treatment of external otitis media. Use this tool should be at least a week, digging in a couple of drops three times a day. Simultaneously with treatment it is necessary to refrain from a long stay on the street in cold weather and with wind. But what is the price of such drops, is described in this article.

drug Sophradex

Preparation Sofredeks

To relieve the pain, take Paracetamol. In this case, in the ear canals instill a means of complex action of Otipax. And here is how it is necessary to use drops in ears at an otitis Otipaks, in detail it is told in given article.



To relieve swelling in the inner ear canals, and to improve the outflow of pus from the middle ear area, vasoconstrictive drops in the nose are used:

  • Naphthysine( And here's how to use Naphthysine in stenosis of the larynx in children, described in this article);


  • Nazivin( And here it is worth using Vibrocil or Nazivin for children, this information will help you understand);


  • Nasal drops for children Tizin;


  • Sanorin.


Antihistamines will also not be superfluous, as it helps to relieve mucosal edema.

If the inflammation has spread to the middle ear, leading to a purulent infection, antibiotic treatment is mandatory. Sometimes pus is removed by a small surgical intervention under local anesthesia. After such an intervention, it is necessary to use drugs that promote healing and destroy pathogens.

Drip potent drugs directly on the tympanic membrane can not. It is recommended to make a gauze turunda, moisten it in a medicinal solution, and then place it in the ear canal.

Only a physician can prescribe antibacterial treatment - taking into account the symptoms, age of the patient and, preferably, taking into account the individual sensitivity to the components of the drug. The most acceptable in this case is the preparation Amoxicillin.



It is prescribed by a course of at least ten days for three meals a day. If Amoxicillin does not give the required positive result, it is replaced with by Cefuroxime or Augmentin.



Treatment of otitis is quite long - at least 8-10 days of daily therapeutic manipulation and taking medications. To interrupt the course, or to finish it before the time is strictly forbidden: this can lead to the development of hearing loss, and even to complete deafness.

Folk methods

Let's find out what methods of alternative medicine can help to cope with an earache.

Camphor oil

This remedy is one of the most common home methods of treating ear pain. For the procedure, you need to warm up the oil( not much), and then drip it into the sick ear passage. Only one drop of oil is digested at a time. camphor oil

Propolis tincture

Spirituous tincture of propolis is an old effective means of getting rid of earaches. It is used both for warming up the ears, and for eliminating pathogens. To make the effect of the drug softer, before introducing the tincture into the ear, it is mixed with vegetable oil.

Then moistened in this composition gauze turunda, and inject it into the ear. Thus, they are treated from five to twelve days, until the pain in the ears ceases.

Bread compress

This method of getting rid of the pain in the ears is completely safe, so it is suitable for the treatment of children. To prepare a compress, it is necessary to warm a large crust of rye bread on a water bath. Then wrap the bread in polyethylene and cotton wool, and attach to the sick ear. Bread perfectly keeps the heat, long does not cool down. If you use this remedy for 2-3 days, you can get rid of the pain for a long time.

When purulent otitis, as well as at high temperature, a warming compress is strictly forbidden. Be sure to consult with your doctor about the advisability of using this method.

Instilling in the ears for a couple drops of pre-heated olive oil will help alleviate acute pain. This tool is suitable, in particular, for pregnant women.

Inhalation of a warm steam from boiled potatoes will help if the ear pain is caused by sinusitis or sinusitis.

In pregnancy

Unfortunately, ear pain does not distinguish between a person in the normal state and staying in the waiting period of the child. As you know, during pregnancy, many drugs fall into the category of banned because of the need to ensure the safety of the baby. Therefore it is necessary to know what means and techniques will help to eliminate the ear pain in this case. pain in the ears of a pregnant woman

It is necessary to warn that any self-treatment in this period is prohibited. An improperly chosen method of therapy may well lead to causing quite serious harm to the future child.

To reduce pain, you can use a very limited number of drugs. The doctor should appoint a suitable remedy after the examination and diagnosis. At the moment, most often during pregnancy uses an analgesic, such as Tylenol.

Ear drops with a safe formulation of Otipax will quickly relieve otitis.

If the infection has penetrated deeply, and led to the occurrence of purulent inflammation, you need antibiotics, although they are extremely undesirable during pregnancy.

Most often the doctor prescribes the following antibacterial drugs:

  • Biseptol;


  • Amoxicillin.

    Amoxicillin in

tablets If ear pain is caused by external otitis, drops with hydrocortisone that are safe during pregnancy are used. In addition, a pregnant woman can be prescribed if necessary and decongestants.

We examined the peculiarities of treatment of ear pain. As you can see, there are a lot of options for the therapy: from traditional medicines to folk alternative. But with regard to any treatment, you must first inform the doctor, and only with his approval to proceed to the chosen method of therapy.