Papillomas in the anus are harmless growths or danger?

Papilloma is a benign neoplasm that occurs on the skin of a person or throughout the body, or on one specific site. Most often, it is a small hummocky growth that rises above the surface of the skin, from dark pink to brown.

Similar growths, which specialist doctors sometimes call "papillary polyps," can be of different sizes: from 1-2 millimeters to several centimeters.

The main reason for the appearance of neoplasms is the penetration of the human papillomavirus into the body, the activity of which reflects on cellular activity and regulation and provokes the pathological proliferation of tissues.

There are a large number of species of this virus, they are classified according to the nature of oncogeneities:

  • not related to oncogenic nature;
  • papillomaviruses of oncogenic nature, characterized by a low risk of developing cancer cells;
  • related to oncogenic nature with a high risk of oncology.

Anal papillomas are benign growths in the anus. Sometimes they merge into multiple hummocky growths, called "islets".

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  • Kinds of anal formations
  • Causes of growths in the anus
  • Manifestations and signs
  • Diagnosis in the proctologist
  • How to get rid of growths in the anus
  • Consequences and prevention measures

Types of anal formations

Doctors specialists classify papillomas in the anusnot only in terms of their carcinogenic risk, but also in their appearance:

  1. Pointed - are outgrowths on a thin base. In appearance can be in the form of a comb.

    In the photo, acuminate papillomas in the anus

  2. Tumor-like - more like a tumor swelling. In the area of ​​the anus, this kind of condyloma is rare.
  3. Papulovirus - tuberous, dark pink, reminiscent of the appearance of ordinary warts. They can grow into small tubercles, they are most often found on the skin of the genital organs.
  4. Keratotic - similar to skin growths with a hardening, dry surface.

Papillomas can be either single or arranged arbitrarily, surrounding the anus with a ring or growing in large hills.

Causes of outgrowths in the anus

Human papillomavirus penetrates the body due to a sharp weakening of the immune system. The infected person can be a carrier for a very long time without even knowing it. According to statistics, according to different data, about 60-80% of the population are carriers of the virus.

There is a weakening of the body's defense systems and the activation of the pathogenic virus can for the following reasons:

  1. Sexually transmitted infection by .Barrier contraception( condoms) is not sufficient protection against penetration of a pathogen into human blood.
  2. Genera .More than half of the women who turned to specialist doctors with the problem of the appearance of anal condylomas became infected during labor.
  3. Underdelivery, overwork .Working at the limit of the body is not able to establish a normal barrier for the penetration of the virus.
  4. Stresses, neuroses, weakening of the nervous system .
  5. Any infectious diseases , including colds, have a very negative effect on the immune system. The lack of timely treatment also contributes to the activation of other pathogenic microorganisms that do not exhibit their activity at the usual time.
  6. Poor nutrition , lack of compliance with the regime and menu, insufficient supply of useful vitamins and trace elements with food. Abuse of harmful food: fast food, soda, too fried and salty foods, etc.
  7. Bad habits of : drinking alcohol, smoking.
  8. Non-compliance with personal hygiene regulations .Permanent trauma and irritation of the skin of the anus by excremental discharge.
The most common cause of the occurrence of papilloma, genital warts and polyps is affected not by one specific cause, but by a complex attack on the body's defense systems.

Manifestations and signs of

If the size of anal papillomas is small, the disease can proceed without showing any symptoms. Very often, papillomas of the anus are detected in those patients who do not have pronounced symptoms, but in their lives there are homosexual relationships.

In those cases when the build-up is noticeable, large and causes discomfort, the following symptoms appear:

  • pain during defecation due to trauma to the growth;
  • blood in excrement;
  • small blood discharge when condylomas rub against underwear;
  • permanent itching;
  • feeling of foreign object in the anus or near;
  • pain while walking;
  • unpleasant smell from wet spots on the underwear, which always appear in the acute stage of condylomatosis;
  • feeling of "humidity" in the anus.

Most often, permanent exposure to genital warts is fraught with a rapid infection, the onset of an inflammatory process and subsequent suppuration.

Papillomas swell, blush, very much hurt. The patient can seriously deteriorate the state of health and increase body temperature.

In cases where the built-up edge is formed in the rectum, in addition to the symptoms listed above, the patient may have a foreign body feeling along the bowel, like pimples.

Diagnosis in the proctologist

In order to determine the disease and to prescribe the most effective and rational methods of treatment, the doctor-coloproctologist performs the following types of diagnostics:

  1. Visual inspection of the patient in the anus( anoscopy) area for the presence of papillomas. Collect information about the symptoms that disturb the patient, lifestyle, chronic concomitant diseases.
  2. Coloproctological instrumental study - anoscopy using a high resolution microscope. This type of diagnosis helps to determine whether the deformation of the rectum epithelium has occurred.
When any symptom appears, doctor's consultation and treatment are mandatory, since the neoplasm can be switched to oncological form.

How to get rid of the growths in the anus

The method of treatment for papillomas in the anus is selected by several specialist doctors: a dermatologist, an immunologist and a surgeon, the coloproctologist, depending on the stage of the disease, the clinical picture and the individual characteristics of the patient.

Complete removal of all genital warts by methods of destruction or excision is required. There are a large number of methods to get rid of a patient of genital warts in the anus:

  1. Electrocoagulation - cauterization of the papilloma to a third degree burn condition until the formation of a white scab. It is performed under anesthesia. The method does not apply to mucous membranes of the anal canal.
  2. Cryotherapy - exposure to cold, complete freezing of condyloma. The method is not precise in terms of localization, so healing after it is usually long, a cotton patch is applied to the affected area.
  3. Laser Hair Cutting .The procedure is almost painless, after it there are rarely relapses.
  4. Chemical method with solution of Podofillin .The medicine acts on the cellular level. The disadvantage of treatment is a strong effect on healthy cells and tissues. The drug is applied with a special spatula and sprinkled with talcum powder.

How electrocoagulation of papilloma, warts and other formations takes place:

Regardless of the chosen method of treatment, after therapy, it will be necessary to perform an obligatory tissue biopsy for subsequent morphological examination. Typically, the surgeon tries to minimize injuries to healthy areas of the anus.

Since very often the treatment is complicated by bleeding, many specialists insist on mandatory electrocoagulation for each of the bases of excised genital warts.

Consequences and prevention measures

Because the disease is caused by a virus, simple removal of papillomas solves only the problem of appearance and discomfort. The virus remains for a long time, sometimes not manifesting itself clinically for a long time.

Lack of treatment or dishonest attitude towards it can trigger a relapse of the disease. Patients successfully disposed of the problem will need to undergo a regular examination with a specialist.

In order to prevent the re-activation of the virus, the patient is prescribed immediately after treatment and preventive courses several times a year, antiviral and immunomodulating medications that activate the natural defense of the body.

The methods of prevention also include the normalization of the regimen of day and nutrition, the observance of a diet that includes the necessary nutrient vitamins and microelements. It will be required to abandon bad habits and unhealthy eating habits. Be sure to follow the rules of personal hygiene and thorough cleaning of the skin around the anus.

Women after the removal of anal warts are also recommended regular supplementary examination at the gynecologist to prevent the appearance of tumors on the mucous membranes of the vagina and cervix. Men are additionally assigned to take smears from the urethra for analysis.

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