6 original postcards for Easter - with their own hands

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  • What you need for the work
  • Favorite symbol: greeting cards with the image of the egg
  • Easter card with your hands - video
  • Working with the "ladoshki" templates
  • Easter surprise: postcard with a gift
  • Openwork beauty: postcard in the technique of quilling
  • Master class "Easterpostcard "- video

Preparation for Easter is one of the most pleasant spring worries. Easter crafts unite the whole family together. Making gifts, decorated with cute rabbits, chickens, delicate flowers brings light joy.6 original ideas for Easter cards with their own hands inspire the creativity of children and adults.

What is needed for the work of

Homemade postcard is a part of the soul of the author. The more effort and imagination invested in the card, the more it demonstrates love. Easter greetings are made in bright colors, reminiscent of the spring, the sun.

Traditional symbols of Easter messages reflect the Christian ideas of love, eternal life. This is the heart, the open palm, the cross, the painted egg, the name "Jesus."Easter is associated with the spring awakening of nature. Therefore, postcards depict flowers, green branches, rabbits, chickens. Often there is one of the symbols of Christ - a white lamb.

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To make postcards by yourself, you need to draw a sketch and prepare materials, tools. Scissors, cardboard, ruler, pencils, glue and colored paper are mandatory components. You may need:

  • Multicolored markers. Scraps of fabric.
  • Compass.
  • Hole punch.
  • Scissors with shaped blades.
  • Braid, ribbons, laces.
  • Lace.
  • Natural Materials.

It is important to remember that Easter is a family holiday. Therefore, in handicrafts it is desirable to include retro technology: embroidery, lacing, crochet. Natural materials - natural twigs, pieces of wood, straws - give the card a spontaneity. Easter greetings are always a bit naive, performed in a "childish" style. Light negligence enhances the effect of sincerity, purity of intentions.

Now the reception of decorating Easter cards with stamps is popular. It is easy to make a stamp from raw potatoes:

  1. Cut the vegetables in half and along, peel with a napkin, allow to dry for 15 minutes.
  2. Then, on a flat surface, the potatoes are cut with a knife strip - horizontally or criss-crosswise. It turns out the blank for the stamp "Easter Egg".
  3. Surface sections are painted in different colors. Press the potatoes to paper - and a multi-colored print with stripes, like an egg, is ready.

Similar templates for Easter cards are made from sticks of ice cream( cross), contours of children's palms.

Favorite symbol: greeting cards with the image of the egg

The first version of the Easter greeting is the "Egg of 4 parts".For work you will need:

  • Blue cardboard.
  • Blue cardboard.
  • Colored paper( any bright shades).
  • Scissors, glue.
  • White gouache, brush.
  • Blue marker.

Method of production:

  1. On a blue cardboard, draw a large oval pattern.
  2. Cut a lot of small squares from colored paper.
  3. Inside the oval on the blue cardboard, glue colored squares in disarray.
  4. Cut an egg around the contour.
  5. Cut the egg into 4 pieces( along and across).
  6. Glue the resulting fragments in the center of the blue cardboard sheet so that there are gaps between the parts.
  7. In the widest space enter the blue marker: "Christ is Risen."
  8. White gouache make a few strokes on the blue cardboard. The illusion of a spring sky with clouds will be obtained.

Postcards from paper to Easter are made directly in the form of an egg. This method requires:

  • Colored cardboard.
  • White and colored paper.
  • Decorative flowers, beads, sequins, paper laces.
  • Scissors, glue.
  • Puncher;
  • Ribbon;
  • Red marker.

Step-by-step instruction:

  1. From yellow or pink cardboard, cut out two identical ovals.
  2. Cut out the same oval from white paper.
  3. One of the colored ovals to decorate with cross strips of lace paper.
  4. Apply decorative flowers or beads to the stripes symmetrically.
  5. On an egg from a white paper write a greeting mark.
  6. 3 oval - decorated, white and colored without ornaments - folded together, in the upper wide part of the egg punch hole.
  7. Sew a ribbon in the hole, tie a bow.

If the postcard is intended for a man or a boy, you can do without beads and sequins, and instead of ribbons use a thick woolen thread, cut off the braid.

Easter card with own hands - video

Working with "ladoshki" templates

Own hands and fingers serve as excellent clichés when creating Easter greetings. Uncomplicated option - "Pot with flowers."

Tools and materials:

  • Blue cardboard.
  • Colored paper.
  • Adhesive.
  • Scissors.
  • Ruler.
  • Color markers.

How to make an Easter postcard on a stencil:

  1. Put on a sheet of green paper, palm, draw it around the contour.
  2. On brown paper, draw a narrow long rectangle and a trapezoid along the ruler. The wide part of the trapezoid should be 3 cm narrower than the rectangle. Cut out shapes.
  3. On colored paper( red or yellow) draw small circles around the template. Cut them, making chamomiles and smaller circles for the middle of the flower.
  4. On the sheet of blue cardboard paste details from the bottom up in the following order: the brown trapezium narrow down, at the end to it - a rectangle( this is a pot for tulips), above it to glue the green contour of the palm is a bush. For each "finger" we attach 1 tulip.
  5. On each tulip write a marker by 1 letter: AND, AND, C, U, C. Five flowers - five letters.
  6. On the "pot" write a marker: "Loves you."

A version of a postcard for children on Easter with a funny sheep. As a template, you use your index finger here. Easy execution allows you to make such a craft with the children.


  • Colored cardboard.
  • Black cardboard.
  • White cardboard.
  • 2 black beads.
  • White gouache.
  • White woolen thread.

Production procedure:

  1. Cut from black cardboard into 4 narrow rectangles. At the end of each, make a triangular cutout. These are legs of lamb with hoofs.
  2. Cut a small black circle - a ponytail.
  3. From black cardboard to make the head lamb round, with two ears on the sides.
  4. Of white cardboard cut 2 circles - the basis for the eyes.
  5. Collect the muzzle of a lamb: paste on the top of the white mugs, on them - black beads.
  6. On the sheet of colored cardboard to outline the place of the trunk tambourine. Below this zone, stick the legs: two on the left, two on the right.
  7. Dip your finger into a densely diluted white gouache, stamp with a finger circles - "curls of wool."From the prints you need to collect all the trunk over the legs.
  8. In the left part of the body, glue the prepared head. On the contrary - a tail.
  9. From a white thick thread to tie a bow, glue it under the muzzle lamb.
Tip: Beads for the pupils are glued so that the lamb slightly "mowed".This gives the image a funny and touching look.

Easter surprise: card with gift

In families who love tradition, they give each other little gifts for Easter. Extensive easter cards are very convenient. They perform at once 2 functions - messages and packages for a gift.

The first option is "Postcard with seeds"

It is necessary to prepare:

  • A piece of dense glossy cardboard( you can take the bottom from the packaging of finished goods).
  • Colored cardboard.
  • Colored paper. Shells from pistachios.
  • Gouache.

How to make a volumetric card for Easter:

  1. Cut out a colored cardboard box or a rectangle. From the dense colored paper cut the basket in the shape of a crescent.
  2. Basket the grease on the bottom contour with glue, attach on the surface of a thick glossy cardboard in the middle. It turns out "envelope" for a gift.
  3. Take empty shells from pistachios. These are Easter eggs. To paint them with colorful gouache, to dry on the newspaper. Stick them in random order a little higher than the "envelope".Above them you can write a marker: "Christ is Risen!".
  4. A bunch of green fibers or threads, if desired, can be glued over the basket. Get the Easter weed.

In the "envelope" traditionally put a bag of seeds. The gift is ideal for relatives and friends, keen on gardening.

Openwork beauty: postcard in the technique of quilling

Decorative quilling products are now very popular. A simple workpiece can be made of the following materials:

  • Colored paper.
  • Colored cardboard.
  • Set of strips of multi-colored paper.
  • Silk ribbon.
  • Adhesive.
  • Decorative ornaments.

Method of making postcards:

  1. Screw a strip of quilling paper onto the toothpick. The resulting roll is squeezed around the edges to make it look like a fish. Such "fish" need to make 10-12 pieces( for petals of different colors).
  2. Make flowers, glue the middle. We roll the rolls of green color, squeeze them in the manner of leaves. We paste.
  3. We roll the strip of roll into eggs, lightly squeeze. We attach it with glue and decorate it.
  4. We cut wide strips of 2 colors, we weave them, making a basket. We paste on the cardboard over the eggs and flowers. The handle is made of a long strip of paper, twisted by a spiral. We paste on the handle a small bow from the ribbon.
  5. Cut a piece of paper one edge of small fringe. Do not cut the side with glue, attach to the basket - we get grass.

Master class "Easter greeting card" - video

Choosing the style and design of the card, you need to consider the tastes, age, interests of friends and relatives. Grandparents love the creativity of children's hands. Young people will like the products with vinyl stickers, printouts on the printer. And kids prefer funny characters on easter cards and surprises in the form of chocolates.

Video on topic:

Postcards on Easter.5 simple and beautiful ideas of Easter cards.
EASTER POSTCARDS with your hands * Bubenitta
DIY |Easter cards with own hands
  • May 04, 2018
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