Dryness in the throat is a symptom that at first glance may seem harmless. For this reason, not everyone pays attention to this, but in vain. Sometimes dryness in the oral cavity can indicate the presence of a pathological process, and it does not need to be concentrated in the airways. If dry, you may have a sore throat. It can be quite intense and give the patient a serious discomfort.


  • 1 reasons
  • 2 Treatment with drugs
    • 2.1 Kagocel
    • 2.2 Tamiflu
    • 2.3 Amiksin
    • 2.4 Antibiotics
    • 2.5 Folk remedies
      • 2.5.1 inhalation sore throat
  • 3 Treatment during pregnancy


In case of unpleasant symptomsin the throat, many people independently establish a diagnosis, believing that this is an acute respiratory disease, angina or other inflammatory disease of the respiratory system. But not always affect the development of dry mouth can infection. Today, there are quite a few reasons that contribute to the development of unpleasant symptoms.

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But they are all divided into 3 large groups:

  1. Infectious diseases of the respiratory tract. The main role in the occurrence of dryness in the throat is allocated to the penetration of the infectious agent. This includes fungus, virus and bacteria. A similar symptom is observed for colds, sore throats, pharyngitis, and other pathologies of infectious origin. dryness in the throat of the cause of what disease
  2. Effect of irritant. Often such an unpleasant symptom as dryness in the throat occurs with allergies. It affects smokers, people who like to use hot, hot and too cold food. Also, dry air, inhaling vapors of chemical reagents can influence the development of dryness in the throat.
  3. Mechanical factor .If a person has a curved nasal septum, a persistent runny nose is present, then a nasal congestion is observed. The incoming air passes through the mouth cavity untreated and un-moistened, that's why there is dryness in the throat. Most often this symptom is pronounced during sleep. In children, there is a phenomenon such as reduced saliva secretion. For this reason, dryness in the pharynx may occur.

The video causes the dryness of the throat:

Treatment with

drugs How to remove this symptom? Dry cough, swelling in the throat and constant dryness are symptoms that may indicate the onset of a cold. They can sometimes be eliminated by the usual use of water, as a result of which the mucous membrane is moistened. But this method temporarily fixes the problem and after a while it returns again. To eliminate discomfort, it will be necessary to create a competent treatment regimen, which should contain antiviral and antibacterial drugs.

how quickly to cure throat and runny nose For those who want to learn how to quickly cure a throat and runny nose, it is worthwhile to follow the link and read the contents of this article.

But what to treat the throat with pharyngitis and what medicines, is described in this article.

And here's what to do when the throat hurts and the voice disappears, will help understand this article: http: //prolor.ru/g/ simptomy-g / propal-golos-gorlo-ne-bolit-temperatury-net.html

than to treat and what drugs to use whensore throat and nasopharynx, is described in great detail in this article.


This drug is considered to be antiviral. When it was developed, the sodium salt of the copolymer was used. This component stimulates the production of interferon, which has an antiviral effect.



Kagocel should be taken from the first days of unpleasant symptoms. It is also used as a preventive measure. Used for children and adults. It is forbidden during pregnancy and lactation. But how to take Kagocel for adults with a cold, will help understand this information from the article.


This drug is known for its pronounced anti-inflammatory effect. But the cost of the medicine is quite high. Its action is aimed at stopping viruses A and B. If the drug is given in the correct dosage, it is allowed to take infants from 1 year of age.


Tamiflu in capsules

As side effects, diarrhea, nausea, headache, sleep disturbance appear. Use Tamiflu is necessary in the treatment of viral disease. It can not be taken for a long time.


This drug is prescribed for adults for the treatment of viral diseases and the prevention of influenza, SARS.Reception to lead on 1-2 tablets a day for several days. The average side effects are abnormalities in digestion and symptoms of dispersion. But how to use Amiksin for influenza and ARVI, will help to understand this information.




If the cause of dryness in the pharynx is a bacterial infection, then its treatment should occur using such antibacterial drugs:

  • Ampioks,
  • Cefazolin,


  • Tetracycline,
  • Erythromycin.

Only a doctor should prescribe antibiotics. He will be able to determine the necessary dosage and duration of treatment. The course of therapy should not exceed 7 days. If you take antibiotics for longer, the bacteria can develop immunity, and the treatment will be ineffective.

Folk remedies

You can eliminate dryness in the throat with the help of proven folk remedies:

  1. When dry mouth is a symptom of a cold or other infectious process, it is worth gargling with a decoction based on marigold, sage, alder or oak bark. To get the infusion it is necessary to take 20 g of any raw material, add a glass of boiling water. Wait 30 minutes, filter and gargle 3 times a day. cold
  2. Juice of carrots and beets. Combine in the same proportion two types of juice, add honey and take the drink in warm, small sips. Use before going to bed. Sour cherry juice with honey. Take the cherry juice and combine it with honey. Drink to use small sips. Drink during the day instead of tea. Milk and black radish juice. Take these components in a 2: 1 ratio. You can sweeten the drink with honey. Use 3 times a day for 60 ml. But how to use milk with ginger for colds, and how effective this tool is, is described in this article.
  3. The following recipe will provide emergency relief for dryness in the throat. It is necessary in each nasal passage to drip on a pipette vegetable oil. Then take 5 minutes to rest. This time will be enough for the oil to moisten the pharynx. For this purpose apricot or peach oil is suitable.

Inhalation in the throat of

Inhalation in throat swelling For inhalation and dryness in the throat, inhalation can be used. Doing them is desirable immediately on the first day of the onset of unpleasant symptoms. Breathe is above the healing vapors of essential oils. This will stop the inflammation, kill the bacteria. To do this, you have to take boiling water, add sea salt, clove oil or lavender.

Bend over the container and wrap it with a towel. Breathe over steam for 10 minutes. There is another, no less effective recipe. It is necessary to connect 20 g of finely chopped eucalyptus leaves and 10 grams of garlic and onions. Breathing over healing couples is necessary within 10 minutes.

Treatment during pregnancy

During the child's birth, the salivary glands are active, so that the mucous throats and mouth can be dry. Influence on the development of such symptoms can be low humidity in the room or the use of liquid in small amounts. In any case, a pregnant woman should seek help from a doctor.

At home, you can use the following recommendations:

  1. Use for rinsing a decoction obtained from blackberry leaves, grass meadow or white acacia inflorescences. pregnant and throat
  2. Insist in the thermos such herbs as peppermint, celandine, yarrow. Then use a decoction to rinse. What herbs for children should be used for coughing and how to do it correctly is described in this article.
  3. Take a pair of cloves of garlic, pass through garlic. Add 200 ml of warm milk. Filter and gargle. But how to use onions and garlic for colds, is described in detail in this article.
  4. Take 150 g of anise, add 200 ml of boiling water. Filter, place 50 g of honey and 20 ml of cognac. Receive a dose of 20 ml every hour.

Dryness in the throat is a sign that can occur for a variety of reasons. Successful treatment can only be when the cause was discovered and stopped. It is not worth trying to fight against this problem on your own, as the dryness may not pass, and there may still be various complications.