Fast-acting remedy for cold and flu

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  • Antibiotics for cold
  • Effective medications for cold and flu
  • Cold tablets
  • Common cold remedies
  • Ointment for colds on the lips
  • Other types of colds
  • How to quickly cure for a cold
  • Reduce heat and get rid of colds in children

You needquick-acting remedy for colds and flu? Looking for the best means to fight ARVI, prevent disease? Useful information and simple advice will help you.

Do you want to prepare for a possible disease? Surely, you've heard that a huge role is played by the prevention of influenza and ARVI, decided to take action in advance. Also it will be important for you to find out exactly which drugs will help to cope with diseases, how to choose them correctly, how quickly to recover from a cold.

Below we reviewed a variety of medications for influenza, colds, barrier agents, folk recipes. You will only remember all the valuable information and determine for yourself a list of the most optimal means for fighting diseases, restoring immunity and preventing diseases.

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Antibiotics for cold

Often people try to do without antibiotics when they treat colds, flu or ARVI.Antibacterial drugs cause some concerns, as they can provoke various side effects.

Many experienced people who have repeatedly faced a severe course of illness and know that complications are often the most dangerous consequence of an elementary cold prefer to use antibiotics.

Such drugs are just able to prevent the occurrence of complications, to cope with them when their symptoms have already appeared.

When should I start using antibiotics?

Specialists note that it is necessary to start using antibacterial drugs for colds and flu, if after the beginning of treatment there is no noticeable improvement, although it took 5 days.

The lack of improvements for sure signals that to a common cold, ARD has already been joined by some kind of bacterial infection.

It must be combated with antibiotics. They should appoint a therapist. Doctors always strongly recommend not to use antibiotics for colds without a prescription, specialist's observations, as they easily cause unwanted side effects.

How to take antibacterial drugs?

Undoubtedly, the doctor will give you the most valuable advice. But often therapists themselves ask patients whether they have any preferences, what medications they usually treat.

You should pay attention to a few useful tips to then, together with a specialist, determine the most effective means.

First of all, remember that you must take only one antibiotic for colds, flu, otherwise several drugs will begin to join each other in conflicts.
  • Doctors recommend changing antibiotics for colds if there is no significant improvement within two days. The thing is that not all medicines work in the same way for different people. You can make special tests and find out which antibacterial agent is right for you.
  • Antibiotic drugs are most effective if they are administered intramuscularly. For the baby, special pills and plates are more suitable. Adults can also drink tablets, but this will affect the work of the digestive tract. In addition, the drug in tablets will not work as well as injections.

  • To interrupt therapy against influenza, ARVI is undesirable, even if the desired effect is not observed. You can change the drug, but you do not need to completely stop taking antibiotics. Sometimes they do not work right away. When certain processes in the body are already running, do not leave it without antibiotics.
  • Combine antibiotics against colds and antipyretic drugs is possible only in extreme cases, when the patient has a critical body temperature. To knock down the temperature in all other cases is not necessary, since the medicines that perform such functions hide the action of antibiotics.
If a severe course of the disease is observed, new complications arise, although the treatment has already begun, the therapy must be continued in a hospital where the patient will be constantly monitored by specialists, without having to pass tests and pass all the necessary procedures.
  • To take antibacterial drugs against influenza, ARI should a minimum of five days .Interrupt treatment is not recommended!
  • It's antibiotics for colds that should be used constantly, taking them through equal time intervals, so that the drug is constantly in the patient's blood. If you stop the treatment, then antibiotics will not be able to act effectively.

We choose antibiotics

It is desirable to choose a suitable antibiotic together with a specialist. Remember the main types of drugs.

  1. Penicillins. This type of antibiotic is the safest because of its low toxicity. Penicillins can be taken long enough to do large doses without fear of side effects. In addition, these drugs do not cause allergic reactions, increase in temperature. Quite often penicillins are recommended for children. This type of drugs include ampicillin and oxacillin( synthetic drugs) and benzylpenicillin( natural penicillin).
  2. Macrolides. They were given earlier to those rare patients who had an individual intolerance to penicillin. This type of drugs does not cause allergies, it is distinguished by the absence of toxicity.
  3. Cephalosporins. These antibiotics can cause minor disturbances in the functioning of the kidneys, allergic reactions. But they are also much more effective. Drugs destroy bacteria membranes, they penetrate directly into the focus of infection. Most often they are injected only into the veins or muscles.
  4. Fluoroquinolones. Such antibiotics are the safest. With their use, not even the GI tract suffers. Fluoroquinolones are active, easily infect bacteria within cells.

You can choose antibiotics from the flu, colds, given the nature of the complications.

  • If a cough has started, the respiratory tract is affected, the temperature rises, special preparations should be selected. Suitable Zinnat, Supraks, Tsinatsef. From penicillins use Amoxicillin, Amoxiclav. If the bacteria showed resistance to penicillin drugs, antibiotics should be changed to Levofloxacin, Avelox.
  • When otitis, maxillary sinusitis, laryngitis, or sore throat begins, you should immediately get rid of a hemophilic rod or streptococcus, staphylococcus. Help Clarithromycin, Azithromycin. With angina, Ampicillin is very effective. If some antibiotics have not helped, they are usually changed to Cefatoxime.

Effective cures for flu and cold

Now we list the most effective drugs for colds, flu, ARVI.The drugs have an antiviral effect, support the body and allow for effective treatment.

  • Homeopathic preparations Aflubin, Influcid, Anaferon and Derinat, Antigrippin, as well as Oscillococcinum and Arbidol in granules are widely in demand.
  • Powders Lemsip, Kodelmikst and Koldakt differ in efficiency. For children, there are varieties of Nurofen, Effergangan and Panadol. In tablets, powders and syrup, you can take Teraflu, Coldrex. A very high degree of effectiveness attracted Relenza and Tamiflu.
  • Immunostimulating drugs of the Imudon and Koldenflou are popular. Also, therapists often write out for influenza Avvirem and Remantadin, Kagocel and Amiksin.
  • Among plasters, you can choose Extraplast, which helps children with cold and temperature symptoms, as well as a special plaster for Sopelka children, which facilitates nasal breathing.
  • When the cough has already begun, you need to take Liebesin or Azz, you can give Lazolvanu or Kodelaku a preference. Sinecod is in forms for children, and Lazolvan is available in solutions for inhalation.
  • If the inflammatory processes managed to pass to the pharynx, the oral cavity, it is necessary to be treated with the help of Tharyngept, Homoovoksa or Strepsils, Geksorala. With a strong cold, Nazivin and Tizin, Xylen, are used. In the presence of allergic reactions with a runny nose will help fight Vibrocil. Vessels well narrows Naphthysine. The stagnant mucus will dilute the Sinupret.
Especially for women during pregnancy, as well as for all young mothers in the period of lactation, Gedelix, Pinosol, Panadol.

What else can I do? What are the means to fight the flu, the common cold? Consider several types of drugs.


Vitamins not only help to support the body as a whole, quickly get rid of the unpleasant symptoms of colds, flu, but also have a good immunomodulatory effect.

  • For adults, they produce complexes Vitrum, Supradin.
  • Special Vitum series are suitable for children.


As the prevention of influenza, ARVI is best used vaccines. In the pharmacies sell Influvak, Vaksigrip. If you decide to give preference to vaccinations of domestic production, you need to contact the clinic. They vaccinate against influenza vaccines.

Prevent diseases

Experts always recommend using barrier means to protect the body from infections, influenza and ARVI.

  • An invisible mask will be created by Nasaval, Oxolin ointment is a good aid.
Causes, prevention of ARVI and influenza, doctor's advice - video:
  • There are means for washing the nasopharynx: Humer and Marimer, Otrivin, Dolphin, Aqualor, Quix.
  • It is advisable to prevent the appearance of a cold with interferon. Such means should be used every time you have visited places of considerable congestion of people. If there is an epidemic, it is advisable to treat the nasopharynx every day and clean it after coming from the street.

Cold tablets

Many people are wondering which tablets are better to choose from the common cold.

  1. Therapists note that Immunal and Girel, Nurofen and Coldrex are most often prescribed to patients.
  2. Kagocel, Rince, are attracted to productivity. Among these preparations there are also varieties for children. Medications are effective, they can remove symptoms of flu, colds, reduce temperature.

Popular remedies for cold

There are a lot of folk remedies for colds. They are quite effective, that's why even experienced specialists, long-time doctors recommend using more popular means and combining them with drugs from the pharmacy.

  • Apply honey, milk, berries, jam and herbal infusions, herbal decoctions, some vegetables and fruits. For example, the usual warmed milk with honey will help to cope with quinsy quickly, get rid of painful sensations and kill viruses.
Honey and milk have a calming effect, while honey is a good disinfectant.
  • You can drink honey with lemon and mint if you need to relieve the pain in the throat, increase the tone of the body, get rid of the temperature. Excellent antipyretic - raspberry jam. It is better to dilute it with water and drink in the form of juice, hot enough. Such a drink provokes increased sweating and lowering of body temperature.
  • If you already have a sore throat, have a cough, hurt your bronchi, you should use one more folk remedy:
  1. A black radish of medium size is taken, in it a recess is placed in which honey is put.
  2. When the radish is infused in this form for several hours, it will give off the juice.
  3. It is necessary to mix it with honey and take three times during the day, usually one teaspoon is enough.
  • Cough is also helped by marshmallow, licorice root, St. John's wort and plantain. Among all the herbs with a cough, the liquor root is best to fight.
Excellent tea with honey and ginger, milk with ginger. Such cocktails have a calming effect, relieve irritation and help reduce the number of microbes, reduce the activity of inflammatory processes.
  • Very effective tool - pine buds. They can be brewed, boiled. Infusion take two or three teaspoons. In addition, it helps to relieve inflammation in the bronchi inhalation over the steam from the pine buds. Valuable essential oils, standing out, have a beneficial effect on the body. They not only relieve irritation, but also kill germs.

Ointment for colds on the lips

Many suffer from a cold on the lips. It not only causes unpleasant sensations, but also looks ugly. This is especially acute for girls, since such traces are usually impossible to disguise with cosmetics. In such cases it is necessary not to try to hide the traces of the cold, but to get rid of the disease itself.

About the cold on the lips( herpes virus) - video:

It is important to choose the right ointment for colds on the lips so as not to get accidentally unreliable drug. Well, if you consult a therapist, and you will get medicine in a well-tried pharmacy.

Ointments help:

  1. Zovirax,
  2. Fenistil,
  3. Acyclovir.

Cycloferon is effective. It is they who are most often used by patients. The funds have a fairly democratic price, quickly remove external symptoms and fight the causes of the common cold.

If you use ointment for colds on the lips, you will not have to suffer from unpleasant tumors for a long time. Modern drugs work really fast.

Other types of colds

You can buy inexpensive funds for colds of the neck, throat, in addition to choose effective homeopathic preparations.

  • From the cold of the ear will help Sophradex, Otinum. Drops for the ears need not only to choose correctly, consulting the doctor, but also to dig in well. They should not be cold, you need to make sure that they leak inside.
  • If there is inflammation in the throat, pharynx, begins angina, Grammidine will help. It is this drug that is designed specifically to suppress any inflammatory processes in the oral cavity.
  • Often people suffer from colds of the eyes. Zipromed, Vizin A, Tsiprolet help in such cases to cope with the inflammatory process in the shortest possible time. If there is discomfort in the eye, tearing begins, you see a swelling strong redness or barley, you should contact a specialist immediately and purchase the appropriate drops. Traditionally, they must be brought to room temperature before digging, otherwise cooling the mucous membranes can affect the patient's condition badly.
  • From colds of the bladder in children, various herbal infusions, baths are helpful. For example, a bath with infusion of horsetail will allow not only to remove symptoms, but also to warm up the organs well, get rid of the disease.
About a cold / inflammation of the urinary bladder( cystitis) - video:
  • For men, it is desirable to take antibiotics for bladder cold in men, as well as for a cold in the ovaries. They will prevent the appearance of suppuration, inhibit the development of the disease, and in the future will help get rid of the focus of the disease.
  • Sometimes unpleasant sensations in the neck area are excruciated. Most often, men and young children suffer from the common cold. It is important to wipe the neck well, as well as the collar zone with special ointments. Someone more like the famous Vietnamese Starlet, and some prefer the modern ointment Dr. Mom. It is necessary to wipe the designated areas carefully, neat circular movements rubbing the ointment into the skin. A warming effect should be felt.

How to quickly cure for a cold

Are you interested in how quickly to recover from a cold? The optimal solution is to combine active treatment with medical preparations using folk remedies for colds.

It is necessary to observe the first time of bed rest, and then stick to a good schedule, without violating the order of food intake, go to bed on time. Then the disease will be defeated much faster.
  • It is worth paying attention to the manufacturers of medicines. The leaders of the world market by right are Switzerland, Japan, as well as Germany. But this does not mean that it is not necessary to use preparations of domestic production. Modern domestic pharmaceutical companies not only produce common high quality medicines, but also produce unique drugs.
  • It is interesting that the creators of medicines also pay attention to design, which is important when it comes to treating children. For example, the COLD CONTACT FLUX PLUS is a spectacular capsule with multi-colored bright granules inside. Children with great pleasure take these pills, and the treatment turns into an exciting game. A drug is prescribed for use by children up to 12 years of age. Also, guys really like effervescent tablets.
  • Effective agents are recognized as Rince, Cytovir. They are good at fighting viruses, relieve inflammation and prevent the emergence of new foci of infection. It is during ARVI, flu, any colds, it is extremely important to take care that the infection does not spread further, there are no undesirable complications.
It should be noted that the prices for drugs are significantly different. Even if you compare pricing, considering barrier means, you can easily notice that the difference is impressive. But it is not always justified to look for the most beneficial offers. Sometimes it is better to buy a more expensive drug, but to ensure at the same time a quick disposal of the flu. The prescription of the doctor will also help.

Often, therapists are able to explain the differences in the effects of different medications, answer questions and give really useful advice - to recommend the best option.

Remember the a few nuances.

  • It is important to consider that funds for cold can and do harm if there are contraindications to the use for a particular person. For example, in diabetes mellitus, you can not take tinctures, syrups, any preparations containing sugars. If a pregnant woman is treated, a young mother during lactation or a child, this also needs to be taken into account when choosing medicines.
Combining medicines with vodka is highly discouraged. When interacting with alcohol, drugs can begin to give undesirable chemical reactions, their effect on the body will be unpredictable. This combination creates a direct threat to health, life.
  • It is advisable to take medicines in powders if there are any stomach problems. Also, with diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, it is often recommended to switch to intramuscular preparations, since they are the most safe for the body, with almost no effect on the stomach or intestines.
  • Special drugs are prescribed for kidney diseases, as many traditional drugs have a bad effect on the functioning of these organs.

Reducing heat and getting rid of colds in children

It is especially important to choose the right preparations for colds in children, because the baby's body is more vulnerable, the probability of side effects is high.

  • In children up to three years of need not only to remove symptoms, but also to ensure complete safety of the baby during treatment. They use Kagocel, Doctor Mom. When a child is 2 years old, children's Nurofen should be preferred, and if the child is 3 years old, you can choose among a wide range of drugs, because at that age the children's organism is already less vulnerable. You can reduce the heat with candles in children up to three years, since kids at this age are not able to properly swallow the pill, can choke. But with candle preparations, problems do not arise.
  • The reliable antipyretic for children less than a year is very popular. Therapists often recommend high-quality Cefekon candles. They are optimal for use in children in the first year of life. There are practically no contraindications, as well as side effects, but the effectiveness of suppositories is confirmed every time. The temperature of infants at once decreases, because the medicine is effective. A big role is played by the fact that it does not cause allergic reactions.
If there is no temperature, the baby should not give strong drugs.

Excess pressure on the body should not be given, because the softest means all the same in their own way affect the child, sometimes in children there is an individual intolerance of individual drugs or their components. In such cases, the best option is to turn to the secrets of traditional medicine.

Now you know the basic nuances of fighting colds, are familiar with high-speed drugs from influenza. It is extremely important to choose the right drugs and determine the optimal options. The medicine should help, but do not harm the body.

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