Diet on the bran

Women in their efforts to lose weight often resort to the most extreme measures. Until unconsciousness and partial dehydration are trained in sports halls, observe the most severe diets, use tablets and pills of questionable quality. Moreover, all these efforts do not ultimately lead to positive results, since the weight returns again.

But there are more effective and very useful tools with which you can not only quickly and painlessly lose weight, but also improve your health. And we are talking about bran - the best cleaner body.

Useful properties of bran

This useful product not only lowers appetite, but also helps to normalize the work of the digestive tract, relieves constipation, removes even the most chronic slag, neutralizes toxins. And in the bran contains the necessary minerals for the body and a large number of vitamins.

Bran, getting into the stomach, begin to swell strongly. As a result, a person feels full. That is why this product has become a real hit in modern dietology. In this regard, there was a corresponding diet, the main component in which are bran.

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Diet on bran

Bran should be taken one tablespoon twenty minutes before eating the main food. It is necessary to drink bran with a lot of liquid: one glass of bran will require a glass or a large mug of yogurt, liquid yogurt or water.

In the rest you can eat as usual, but cut your usual portions once and a half. Thanks to the adopted bran before eating, you can do it completely painlessly. And try to abandon the harmful products: alcohol, sugar and food containing it, fried and fatty foods. Or hots would reduce their use.

During the diet, you should drink as much as possible, so you should always have clean drinking water, sour-milk products, natural yoghurts, green unsweetened tea, fruit drinks.

Do not refuse dinner, but in the evening heavy meals should be replaced with light food: a glass of low-fat kefir or yogurt, in which you must add a mixture of bran. In the evening menu you can add low-fat cottage cheese or light fruit salad.

Recommendations for the application of the diet

Those who plan to comply with this particular diet can consume different kinds of bran: linseed, oat, barley, wheat, buckwheat, rice, rye. Each of these types of bran has its own characteristics and its own unique composition. Therefore, nutritionists recommend using not one type of bran, but a mixture to achieve the best results, or alternate them.

The bran diet is recommended for those who suffer from diabetes mellitus, chronic constipation, have excess weight or gallbladder and liver diseases. All types of bran reduce the level of cholesterol and glucose in the body, normalize the appetite and improve the work of the intestines, restore metabolic processes in the body. Dietary fiber of bran is considered an excellent absorbent, absorbing toxins and poisons from deposits of old food residues.

Those women who want to keep a diet on the bran, the question is, where to buy this product. In fact, any type of bran is sold in many grocery stores in special departments of dietary products.

Warning! The body during the diet should not experience stress, so the menu should be varied with baked or fresh fruits, vegetable light salads, boiled vegetables, fish dishes steamed, lean beef or chicken.

Weight loss diets
  • May 04, 2018
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