Each representative of the beautiful half of humanity seeks her image to be flawless. A manicure requires a lot of attention, because he can tell a lot about a woman, her status and age. Recently, Chinese painting on nails is very popular. This amazing nail art looks realistic and voluminous and makes the image perfect.
The Chinese style of drawing
In the countries of the East, this refined technique began to be used from the second half of the 20th century, and in the 1970s the American artist Donna Dyuberry patented the author's drawing style called One Stroke, a technique of one brushstroke, but with two colors of colors. From that moment the flower painting of the nails was firmly entrenched in the feshen industry.
Asian motifs have always attracted beauty and mystery, so it's no wonder that Chinese-style drawings are so popular with the most demanding and sophisticated fashionistas.
This technique of nail art, similar to the writing of multicolored ink on silk in the countries of the ancient East, is complicated in execution, but professionals do the painting so skillfully that plants seem natural. What a woman can resist the temptation to make a refined nail art, which includes magnificent "live" pictures!
Painting on nails is not available to all professionals, but only to those who possess the necessary skills and skills in artistic craftsmanship. However, nothing is impossible, a little imagination and patience - and the results will surpass all expectations.
What is the principle of the Chinese painting
Before you start to master the art of drawing on the nails of oriental drawings, you need to understand the principle of this painting.
- This is a technique of one smear using several shades of paint
- The working brush should be wide and flat so that at the time of drawing the hairs of the bristles are assembled into one. If this does not happen, the patterning tool should either be replaced, or thoroughly dried, and then fluffed with your fingers.
- The next step will be a blend of colors to draw on the brush a few shades at the same time and start creating magnificent plant patterns. In the Chinese painting only floristic ornament is used( twigs, flowers, buds, trees).Naughty women of fashion are adorned with charming peonies, roses, poppies, forget-me-nots, lilies, orchids, daisies. If desired, you can depict some animal, most often draw butterflies. Methods for applying are used the same.
Those wishing to master this complex technique should not be taken immediately for applying floral patterns directly to the nails, it is worth to practice on paper and learn how to correctly make smears. They must create a subtle transition of colors, in which case nail art will become a real work of art and will look unsurpassed.
There are several types of strokes, the execution of which is not so difficult as it might seem at first glance:
- Glad. It is a perfectly smooth stroke, which is applied by the movement of the brush without detachment.
- Openwork. A smear with uneven edges that are achieved by brush strokes up and down.
- Polujour. By means of a brush "loops" are created. The brush moves up, to the side and down.
- Feathers. Intermittent shift of the brush up and down.
- Wave. Twisting movements of the brush in the dynamics without detachment from the nail plate.
- Aqua. Used when you want to give a certain design element transparency.
What is required for the Chinese painting
In order to create on the nails magnificent patterns in the Chinese style, the following tools and devices are needed:
- Acrylic paints. Their choice should be approached with all responsibility. It should be water-based paints that contain silicone. With their help on the nails and will create spectacular three-dimensional images.
- Water with a small capacity, ideally - in a wide pial.
- Paper napkins.
- Nail polishes of three types: transparent base, colored background( it is desirable that it was matte), colorless fixing. Colored varnish is required in the event that the painting will be done not with paints, but with varnish.
- Quality brush with natural bristles. The brush should be of medium size and have a flat shape. For training, an artificial one will do.
- Fan-shaped brush for drawing grass and creating chaotic fuzziness. In addition, with the help of a fan it is very convenient to make a fill.
- Beveled brushes for drawing small details( kidneys, leaves).flat brush beveled brush fan-shaped brush
- Special manicure liner for drawing miniature thin details( ribbons, stripes).
- Artistic palette for mixing paints. In the absence of a palette, you can use ordinary foil, it will not take too much.
Stages of training Chinese painting
So, after preparing all the necessary tools for work, you can start a manicure."Kitaika" includes the following:
- Treat nails in the usual way. Give them the right shape, apply an antiseptic to the nail plates, wipe the nails with a napkin or towel.
- Apply a transparent substrate.
- Identify with the figure. It is better to first draw it on paper to fill your hand, and then transfer it to your fingernails. to give to nails the form to cover nails with transparent basis to draw a drawing on paper
- To choose paints. For Chinese painting one color is not enough, you need at least two, one should be dark, the second - light. The main rule: the background of the image and the small details of the mural( twigs, leaves, stems, lines) should be combined with the shade of the main flower.
- To begin painting it is necessary with drawing of a background - the basic color, then patterns are drawn.
- Apply the anchoring base.
There is one important nuance in the background technique. It is better for a beginner to make a background not monophonic, but changing, but in this case it is necessary to use only paints. The background is applied with light quick strokes of paint of different colors, without waiting for the previous layer to dry out, otherwise the colors will not merge, and the boundaries between them will be clearly traced. The transition should be as smooth and harmonious as possible.
Separately it is necessary to consider such an important creative stage, as placing on a palette of pairs of colors. It is important that both colors are immediately on the palette, otherwise the effect from the painting will not be at all what they were counting on.
There are two ways of placing paints:
- Make two identical slides of acrylic paint on a palette or foil. This step is performed using a flat brush, which must be dipped first into a light shade, then into a dark one. Paint distributed in different corners of the palette. Then brush three broad strokes in different directions, do not rotate the brush. This is to ensure that the colors do not mix. The brush brushes are painted with paint, and in the middle of the palette another color is formed. So, the palette will have three shades: dark, light and contiguous, creating a smooth transition between them.
- The second way. On the palette, draw two strips of different colors, and the distance between them must be greater than the width of the strips themselves. Most often, masters use this method, considering it more convenient.
When all the preparatory steps are completed, you can start the art painting and make the first strokes. To do this, put the brush on the surface of the nail plate, press and turn. Here is the first petal! In the Chinese manner of drawing, experiments are welcome, because tilting and turning the brush in different directions, you can get a new original element.
If in the beginning the flowers will be different in size and different from each other - it's okay, in time you can learn to create absolutely identical drawings.
Tips for beginners
Most professionals who have mastered the technique of Chinese painting are recommended to practice first on paper. There are also such masters who advise to draw immediately on the nails, as these two surfaces are significantly different.
Following some simple recommendations in nail painting for beginners, you can learn to create on your nails true works of art:
- You need to train regularly on the paper surface, honing the skill in applying even the smallest detail.
- It is not necessary to proceed to create drawings on nails, even if it seems that the technique is perfected to perfection. The next stage will be drawing not individual flowers, but whole images. It is necessary to calculate the proportions, take into account the limitation of space when painting. This will help in the further transfer of the ornament to the nails with the accuracy with which it was created on paper.
- The background should be perfectly smooth. Surfaces and tubercles will not only look unaesthetic, but also create difficulties for further drawing, as the smears will lie crooked.
- Before applying the Chinese patterns, you need to wait for the absolute drying of the background.
- The fixing finish coat should be applied only after the patterns have completely dried, otherwise the pattern will be smeared.
- The image from one nail can continue on the other, for example, on the index the first half of the flower is located, on the middle - the second.
How to draw a rose( Chinese painting) - video
Of course, the Chinese painting is not an easy technique, but the school drawing lessons are hardly wasted, so the creation of a unique manicure is available to every woman.
The "chinese" has one indisputable advantage in addition to the fascinating process of drawing drawings. This is an opportunity to be imbued during the process with a unique atmosphere of tranquility and tranquility, characteristic of Chinese philosophy.
Exquisite painting in Chinese style is not quite suitable for daily wear, this version of manicure is more appropriate for celebrations, for example, for a wedding. The surrounding will appreciate the grandeur of design and the refined taste of its owner.
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