Miramistin is an antiseptic that is used for topical use. The drug is dispensed without a doctor's prescription in the form of a spray and a solution for topical application.

Miramistin is used to treat sinusitis and a protracted rhinitis, for the treatment of symptoms of acute rhinitis, sinusitis. Most doctors often prescribe this drug in the nose, it effectively fights with various disruptions of the nasal passage. As a rule, this drug is prescribed for pregnant women and children.

Contents of

  • 1 What is a preparation?
  • 2 Indications
  • 3 Usage of the drug
    • 3.1 Pregnancy period
  • 4 Adverse events
  • 5 Price
  • 6 Reviews
  • 7 Video

What is the drug?

Using miramistin at a cold is effective

Miramistin is available in the form of a spray with a spray nozzle and in the form of a solution.

Very often the common cold passes into a chronic form, especially when the flu, acute respiratory viral infections, acute respiratory infections, and acute respiratory infections are very severe. The allergic reaction to wool, cigarette smoke, dust or pollen sharply worsens the condition. In addition, the cause may also be sinusitis, sinusitis or dry air in the house.

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Therefore it is extremely important to moisturize the nasal mucosa and start using a local antiseptic, for example, Miramistin in time.

Than the child has 8 months to treat a runny nose and what medicines to apply for this, you can learn from this article.

The package of this medicine includes:

  • Self-vial with the drug;
  • Spray nozzle that allows the use of the solution not only for rinsing, but also as a spray( the latter is very suitable for the smallest children).

The liquid itself is transparent and foams with every shaking. Numerous reviews of people indicate that this drug has no smell and no taste.

Miramistin destroys staphylococci, chlamydia, streptococci, trichomonads, as well as various viruses and fungi.

What is the best and easiest way to prepare a prescription for a cold at home is to read this article.

The drug acts as a stimulant, which increases the body's resistance to antibodies. The drug is not only not absorbed in the blood, but it is absolutely safe for the child's body.


The drug is used:

  • For the treatment of wounds, frostbite and deep burns;
  • For the treatment of sinusitis, otitis, laryngitis and tonsillitis;
  • For the treatment of candidiasis, gonorrhea, trichomoniasis, syphilis;
  • For the treatment of chlamydia;
  • For the treatment of mycosis, candidamycosis, onychomycosis, staphyloderma and streptoderma;
  • For the elimination of postpartum trauma;
  • For the treatment of stomatitis;
  • For the treatment of prostheses;
  • For the treatment of wounds that have been received by domestic or industrial means.

From the article it becomes clear how to get rid of the common cold during pregnancy and what medicines should be taken at the same time.

Use of

In no case should self-medication occur when the first signs of a cold develop. Any medicine can be recommended only by a doctor.

Is it possible to tease myramistin in the nose Miramistin can be used for the prevention of diseases and for treatment - in the form of drops or inhalations in the nose. It is used for the first signs of sinusitis, for washing the nose in the period of the puncture of the maxillary sinus, and is also used for a disease that was caused by bacteria. In the absence of proper treatment of sinusitis, bacteria spread further, affecting surrounding tissues, which leads to the appearance of complications.

The drug effectively fights against various microbes, including bacteria that enter the human body from the environment and any fungi( axomycetes, dermatophytes).

Using this medication to treat the common cold, it must be taken into account that it can adversely affect the nasal mucosa. With extreme caution, this solution should be used in children with a runny nose. Miramistin can be splashed in the nose only after this medicine is prescribed by the doctor.

What is the prophylaxis of sinusitis in the common cold, you can find out by reading the article.

Drug is used to eliminate insensitivity to antibiotics. Also, when using the drug, immunity is significantly strengthened and tissue healing processes are accelerated.

Miramistin can be used during pregnancy.

Special problems of use of the drug in children should not arise. Toddlers do not prescribe the drug for up to a year. In order to eliminate the negative consequences, Miramistin should be instilled in the nose 2-4 drops every 24 hours. You can also wash your nose with a small amount of medication every 6 hours. Children under 12 years should drip 1-2 drops, at an older age, the dosage increases to 3 drops.

When entering the surface of the nasal passage, the drug creates a film that protects against infection.

The drug is not absorbed inside, so it does not have any negative effect on the body.

Pregnancy Period

Whether it is possible for pregnant women Miramistin This medication is very often used during pregnancy. After all, during this period of time, women are most susceptible to diseases or weakening of immunity. So, very often during this period, girls suffer from rhinitis, sinusitis. Active substances of the drug do not penetrate the fetal membrane, so they can not harm the future baby.

Very often, Miramistin is the only way that helps to get rid of the appearance of discomfort in the nose or throat. The testimonies of people indicate obvious improvements after the first two uses.

Miramistin not only eliminates the disease, but also increases susceptibility to antibiotics.

Side effects of

Use the drug only after consulting a doctor.

This medicine has almost no contraindications. The only thing that can be distinguished is the appearance of an allergy to any individual elements of Miramistin. Allergy may be accompanied by:

  • Itching;
  • Burning;
  • Lacrimation.

How to apply Albacid in children's colds can be found in the content in this article.

If there is at least one of the listed signs, then treatment should be stopped immediately.

How to correctly use miramistin in the nose with a cold

If you have any allergy symptoms, treatment with Miramistin should be discontinued!

Many patients report the appearance of irritation or burning, which occurs within a few minutes. This is normal, you should not cancel the drug. Burying the drug in the nose is accompanied by a slight discomfort, which soon passes.

How to use an asterisk from the common cold in pregnancy is indicated in the article.


The cost of the drug for 150 ml is about 389 rubles. And for 500 ml Miramistin will have to lay out about 669 rubles.


Reviews about Miramistin can be found different: someone writes that he was pleased with the use of the medicine, and some, on the contrary, dissatisfied, saying that the drug only aggravated the situation and the patient became worse.

  • Наталья 25 years, Samara. My son, after birth, almost immediately got a cold. No matter how much medicine the pediatrician prescribes for us, it was fruitless until we got to Laura. He gave us Miramistin. Within 3 days, there was no trace of the common cold. Our child does not suffer from this ailment any more.
  • Antonina 45 years, Moscow. Here the doctor strictly forbade us to use Miramistin as a means for washing the nose. He explained this by saying that this drug drains the mucous membrane of the nose, causing complications.
  • Angelina 30 years old, Vladivostok. My daughter, I dripped Miramistin after each wash of the nose, but recently switched to other means, the result of which, very little. Most likely, back to Miramistin.
  • Анастасия 35 years, Volgograd. Miramistin helps in the treatment of sinusitis. The given preparation did not help us only with ARVI disease, which is in the stage of exacerbation.


Watch a video review about using Miramistine:

Miramistin is effective for many diseases. The only significant disadvantage is still the high price of the drug.