To date, one of the most unpleasant diseases is necrosis of the pharynx. Affect its development can be a certain failure in the body, as a result of which the central nervous system has a negative influence. This ailment is present in several forms.
Each of them has its own symptoms and therapy options. Treatment of pharyngeal necrosis is determined taking into account the features and symptoms of pathology. The influence on the made scheme of therapy is also caused by the reasons.
- 1 Symptoms
- 2 Conservative therapy
- 2.1 Folk methods of treatment
The clinical picture of the disease under consideration is determined taking into account the form of the pathological process. If there is anesthesia, the patient has a complete absence of a pharyngeal reflex, or he has a weak expression. The degree of this violation can be very different.
Here everything is determined by the stage of the disease and the reasons that influenced its development. The underlying factor that influenced the development of pharyngeal neurosis is hysteria, swelling in the brain and syphilis.
People with hyperesthesia have a different symptomatology than with anesthesia. They have an intensification of the pharyngeal reflex, an active sensitivity of the mucous membrane. As a rule, such a state is formed against the backdrop of unreasonable treatment for curative care for neurasthenia. People with elevated nervous excitability are prone to this kind of neuroticism of the larynx.
If the patient has a third form of pathology, then it is called paresthesia. He complains of itching and tingling in the throat. For such symptoms, numbness or complaints about the presence of a foreign object in the throat is characteristic.
But even with an external examination, it's impossible to see. This form of pathology has developed in people who are too emotional and irritable, and also prone to hysterics.
Conservative methods of therapy
How to get rid of an ailment? First, the patient should be assigned a diagnosis, with which it will be possible to accurately determine the pathological process. In addition, during the survey you can understand what affected the development of the disease. Diagnosis involves an external examination of the patient and listening to his complaints. It may also be necessary to consult a therapist, neurologist and make a radiograph of the skull.
Only in the presence of all analyzes it will be possible to exclude other diseases that have a similar symptomatology. The doctor can prescribe the therapy scheme to the patient only after he has studied his entire history.
When preparing the treatment plan, the doctor should be guided so as to normalize the patient's condition as quickly as possible. It is necessary to include in the therapy activities aimed at the overall strengthening of the defenses of the body and the normalization of the functioning of the endocrine and nervous system.
Still appoint physioprocedures with which help it is possible to normalize sensitivity of a throat and to stop unpleasant sensations. Treatment will include various psychotherapeutic methods. This especially applies to those cases when the pathological process arose against the background of a neglected course of neurasthenia.
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An excellent result is noted when using the methods of hypnotherapy. But similar techniques are practiced in individual cases. They are tailored for each client individually and can differ from each other. Among physiotherapy procedures, novocain blockades and electrophoresis are very popular. To stop irritation under the pharyngeal mucosa, a solution of novocaine is administered.
In addition to the standard methods of therapy, the doctor will necessarily appoint the patient to observe the following measures:
- The correct mode of the day is .The patient should be able to alternate wakefulness, rest and sleep.
- Taking medications that have a calming effect, antispasmodics and other .Their dosage can be determined by the doctor taking into account the stage of pathology and individual characteristics.
- Proper nutrition. Treatment of pharyngeal neurosis necessarily includes compliance with the diet. And although it is not so strict already, it's worth sticking to it. Food should be warm, liquid, not spicy and not salty.
Accelerate the healing process with the help of therapeutic exercises and massage. But only to carry out all these measures is necessary only after they have coordinated all actions with the attending physician.
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Traditional methods of treatment
To strengthen the effect of medications prescribed by a doctor and accelerate the process of recovery, it is worth using the time-tested folk remedies. But you can do this only after the doctor approves your choice. Such methods of folk treatment are considered effective:
- To combat the disease, very often the bark of the willow is used. To do this, take 10 g of raw materials, add 200 ml of boiling water. Set the container on fire, wait for the broth to boil. Keep on the stove for 20 minutes. Take the filtered product in a warm form 20 ml 3 times a day.
- To combat various types of neurosis, you can use garlic oil .It is necessary to take it in an amount of 20 ml to add 500 ml of alcohol. Stir well and apply on the forehead and whiskey 2 times a day.
- With pharyngeal neurosis, you can use grated horseradish .And it can be both leaves and root. Apply grated horseradish to the temples 3 times a day.
- Thyme tincture has the soothing effect of .It is necessary to take 100 ml of boiling water, add it to the container, where 10 g of thyme is located. Wait 15 minutes, filter and administer 10-15 drops 3 times a day.
- With the help of peppermint, various disorders can be quickly eliminated, to which the neuropathy of the pharynx belongs. You need to take 20 g of dried raw materials, add 200 ml of boiling water. Set the broth on the stove, boil for 30 minutes. Receive the filtered broth to lead on 100-150 ml 2 times a day. With the help of a decoction of mint, you can stop not only the nervous system disorders, but also neuralgic pains and disturbed sleep.
Throat neurosis is a rather common pathological process, which has a rather unpleasant symptomatology. Treatment should have a comprehensive approach and is aimed not only at alleviating the condition, but also at eliminating the underlying factor. The doctor can prescribe the therapy scheme only after he makes an examination and conducts the diagnosis.