Throat swelling is familiar to every person. Especially unpleasant if it causes a cough. What to do? This feeling of atypical dryness, the desire to immediately clear your throat, which is impossible to realize. As a result, a person "perhayet", coughs, rubs his throat and nose, suffers and wonders - what is it to attack and how to fight it?

Irritation of the mucous membranes of the throat cavity - this is the very thing. It sometimes prevents people from living, regardless of health status, quality of life, nutrition and other diseases. Consider what causes these unpleasant symptoms.


  • 1 Why
  • 2 Why
  • 2 Main causes of
    • 2.1 Allergy
    • 2.2 Acute respiratory viral infections - ARVI
    • 2.3 Occupational diseases
    • 2.4 Pharyngitis and laryngitis or persistent sore throat
    • 2.5 Throat and oncology
    • 2.6 Harmful habits
  • 3 Treatment
  • 4 How to stop the attack
  • 5 Quick disposal
    • 5.1 "Siberian" method
    • instagram viewer
    • 5.2 Treatment with honey, fat and lemon
    • 5.3 With radish

Why this happens


There are two reasons for a perspiration in the throat. The external cause is due to the action of the environment. Dryness in the throat and cough can arise as a result of the dryness of the climate and environmental pollution. It is noticed that if we are in a room where the humidity is much lower than the required humidity of 50% - 60%, then dehydration of the mucous surfaces occurs. And since the throat also has one continuous mucous membrane, the very thing arises. I want to clear my throat, take a sip of water, take in something tender and moist.

Researches of scientists have confirmed, that inhabitants of villages, villages and suburbs suffer from dryness in a throat much less than inhabitants of megacities and large industrial centers. Harmful emissions into the atmosphere, allergens, carcinogens, toxins and other negative factors do not leave a chance for the townspeople to clean their throats.

The second cause of perspiration in the throat is the cause of the internal character. Older diseases, allergic reactions, contraindications to medicines, infections and temporary phenomena are determined by the individual characteristics of the organism. Therefore, one person may not know what "pershit in the throat" is, and the other - to suffer from it almost every day. Here you can read more about the causes of perspiration and dryness in the throat.

The video tells about the reasons why the pershit in the throat and cough arises:

The main causes of


XX and XXI centuries awarded the person with weak immunity and new types of allergens. Toxic air emissions, pollen, cosmetics, animal hair, house dust and even a printer in the office can cause a sore throat and dry cough. Here the main role is played by the individual peculiarity of the organism. Therefore, it is necessary to combat such a violation together with the elimination of the causes of its occurrence.

allergy in the form of a cough

Acute respiratory viral infections - ASVI

Influenza, colds and other cold pores are the main cause of cough and throat problems. Often they are manifested in the form of perspiration and dry cough, from which it is impossible to get rid of. Angina and scarlet fever, as well as 50 years ago, continue to inconvenience our throat and danger to the whole organism. New types of infectious agents also appear, which often prevents the doctor from immediately determining the cause of the perspiration and coughing. On the link you will find the first signs of sore throat in adults. ARVI

Occupational Diseases

Teachers, speakers, singers, as well as miners and dusty workers also risk getting unpleasant symptoms. Their throats are constantly under load and in the open state. Because of this, the mucous membranes do not have time to fill the moisture balance and dry up. Also, persecution occurs in workers who work in places with high temperatures and low humidity. throat swelling in singers

Pharyngitis and laryngitis or persistent sore throat

Also infectious airways disease, which can be caused by various causes. In some cases it is caused by fungi, viruses and bacteria. In others, allergens. In the third - chronic traumas and individual features of the structure of the nasopharynx. Do not delay with the problem. Currently, effective treatment of pharyngitis is possible.

pharyngitis and laryngitis

On the photo - symptoms of pharyngitis

Mucous throat and nose with pharyngitis dry out so much that sometimes you can talk about their absence. Any doctor knows how dangerous this is and what is fraught with in the long run. Streptococcal and staphylococcal pathogens must be isolated and treated. Complex treatment is prescribed depending on the causes that caused the disease, and can take a long time.

Sore throat and oncology

A terrible disease of our days - cancer of the throat and larynx - can have its first signs of it is pershenie. The first symptoms of the larynx cancer are similar to simple persecution. But in the future they grow into a sensation of a hard or sharp object in the throat. To finally identify the cause of these symptoms, an oncologist should be examined.

Bad habits of

Smoking of tobacco and hookahs irritates and dries mucous larynxes no worse than shop dust and working conditions in the mine. If you are unable to give up harmful habits today, then, at least, try to clear your larynx from toxins and toxins. Here you will find the symptoms of a smoker's cough. smoking tobacco and coughing

hormonal sprays for allergic rhinitis Do hormonal sprays help with allergic rhinitis?

Here you can see the photos of the symptoms of hypertrophic rhinitis.

Symptoms of catarrhal sinusitis: http: // bolezni-n /gajmorit/ kataralnyj-gajmorit.html.


Than to treat? You can get rid of persecution only by eliminating the cause.

Here is a list of the main medications used to reduce persistence or its complete elimination.

  • Habitual plates and lollipops for pain and dryness in the throat. You need to apply them occasionally, if you, for example, need to speak at a meeting or give a lecture, and persecution does not allow it;
  • Tetracycline;Tetracycline
  • Balm Karavaeva "Vital";
  • Syrups Lazolvan, Herbion and Ambrobene;
  • Peppermint tincture;
  • Lime, raspberry, currant and other teas;lime tea
  • Tharyngept;
  • Hexoral;
  • Cefaclor.

When perforation in the throat, it is important not only to saturate the mucous membrane with moisture, but also to ensure its timely withdrawal. Mucaltin and terpinhydrate are excellent for this.

The video tells how to treat a throat and cough:

How to stop an attack of

If a throat swelling with a cough is caused by external causes, then one or two sips of clean water every minute is a good way to get rid of it. Mucous membranes irritated by the environment or air dryness must be wetted constantly. Therefore, if you encounter such a persecution, always have a bottle of water with you and do not hesitate to apply to it every minute.

Coping with a throat with a cough caused by internal causes is much more difficult. Of course, you need to drink water all the time. But the tablets and medicines can be advised only by a doctor.

Well-proven lubrication of tonsils with sea buckthorn, peach or other oil. It should be remembered that such substances as iodine, soda and salt even more mucous. Therefore, solutions with them must be used carefully.

The video tells how to stop the perspiration in the throat and cough:

Quick disposal

"Siberian" method

  • Take 1 cup of unrefined sunflower oil.
  • Finely cut 2-3 medium bulbs.
  • Fry them in oil until golden brown.
  • With gauze, drain the oil and allow it to cool.
  • This mixture can gargle. As a rule, unpleasant symptoms of persecution take place within a few minutes. gargling

Treatment with honey, fat and lemon

  • 2 tablespoons of lemon juice;
  • 2 tablespoons badger or bear fat;
  • 4 spoons of May honey;
  • The mixture takes 1 teaspoon every three hours. Treatment with honey, fat and lemon

With radish

, the black radish is washed, the tail and top are removed. Then it is placed in a jar or glass in such a way that it does not touch the bottom. On top of the radish make a deepening and pour honey into it. Gradually the radish will absorb honey and allocate a useful juice. This juice needs to gargle several times a day. Cold treatment of colds

Persecution in the throat and cough can greatly spoil the life of any person. If you know for sure that it was not illness that caused it, then you need to constantly provide yourself with the level of necessary humidity. That is, drink water, do wet cleaning in the apartment, use humidifiers and do not forget about oral hygiene.

If the perspiration does not go away, then you need to see a doctor. He will determine what caused the negative feelings and prescribe the treatment. After all, you need to get rid of the causes of persecution and coughing. And this sometimes requires a review of the whole diet and even lifestyle.