Otitis, or inflammation of any part of the ear, is accompanied not only by painful sensations, but also by deterioration of the general condition. There is a headache, a feeling of ear congestion, noise in the ears, dizziness and hearing impairment. If the patient does not provide timely assistance, complete or partial hearing loss is possible. Most ear infections are treated as outpatients.

What are the symptoms and treatment of ear plugs, you can learn from this article.


  • 1 medical intervention
    • 1.1 Otitis externa
    • 1.2 Otitis media
      • 1.2.1 Catarrh
      • 1.2.2 Serous inflammation
      • 1.2.3 purulent inflammation
      • 1.2.4 Chronic otitis
    • 1.3 How to use drugs
  • 2 Folk methods
    • 2.1 Onions
    • 2.2 Vegetable products
    • 2.3 Bee products
    • 2.4 Other products


Inflammation of the ear is treatedompleksno: perform antibacterial, anti-inflammatory and analgesic therapies. The treatment regimen at home and the choice of specific drugs depend on:

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  • forms of the disease( acute, prolonged or chronic);
  • localization of inflammation( external or average otitis media).

Ear inflammation treatment at home

Internal ear can also inflame. Then the disease is called labyrinthitis. Self-treatment of this condition is dangerous to health and fraught with serious complications.

From the article you can learn how to remove sulfur fuses in the ears.

On video - treatment of ear inflammation at home

How to use drops in the ear to remove the plugs, you can find out by reading this article.

External Otitis

External otitis is characterized by inflammation of the skin and subcutaneous tissue of the external auditory canal. With local inflammation, it is also called a boil, use local action drugs. If an abscess has formed in the external auditory meatus, surgical intervention may be necessary: ​​the furuncle is cut and drainage is carried out.

The basis of home therapy for acute external inflammation of the ear is the use of antibiotics. They can be prescribed in combination with corticosteroids. Such drugs are used in the form of drops. With diffuse otitis( diffuse inflammation) it is better to use tampons and turunas from cotton wool or gauze to more accurately deliver and retain the active substances in the area of ​​the inflammation focus.

They are inserted into the ears, moistening the medicine with the outer end. Turundas, becoming impregnated with drops, expand and take the form of an ear passage. So they hold well in the ear. After reducing edema, they can be easily removed. With the timely treatment of external otitis systemic administration of antibiotics is not required.

Reasons and why lays the ears, you can learn from this article.

The video tells how to treat ear inflammation at home:

How to use drops in otitis in adults, please see the article.

Average otitis

Otitis of the middle ear is treated differentially. Effectiveness of therapy at home depends on the stage of the disease at which it is used: the sooner the beginning, the better the result.

Drugs are selected depending on:

  • form of the disease;
  • Symptoms;
  • general condition of the patient.

Inflammation of the middle ear can be:

  • catarrhal;
  • serous;
  • purulent.

How to treat complications on the ears after a sore throat is indicated in this article.

On the video - signs of otitis media and its treatment:

Catarrhal inflammation

Catarrh of the ear

The disease is characterized by pathological processes predominantly in the auditory tube. There may be an increase in temperature. Treatment begins with the elimination of the causes that caused partial or complete obstruction of the auditory tube.

In order to relieve the pain, prescribe painkillers. They in their composition can contain 70% alcohol, novocaine and other local anesthetics. You can use ready-made drops of otinum. All medicines are injected into the ear canal only in a warmed state.

What to do.when the ear was stuffed with a runny nose, is indicated here in the article.

Serous inflammation

Serous ear inflammation

Serous otitis can occur almost asymptomatically: only a decrease in hearing is observed. Exudate( fluid), accumulating in the middle ear, disrupts auditory functions. For purging serous fluid, blowing, shunting or a hole in the eardrum is used. When the allergic nature of the disease prescribed antihistamines.

Purulent inflammation

Purulent otitis in the acute form is characterized more often by inflammation of the tympanum. Disease-causing microorganisms enter the middle ear through the auditory tube. This leads to accumulation of pus in the ear cavity. As a result, the tympanic membrane is broken and the pus comes out.

What drops in the ears for children from the jams to use without fear, you can learn from the article.

First, reduce the swelling of the nasopharyngeal mucosa with the help of vasoconstrictive drops in the nose( suitable Naphthyzine, Nazole, Galazolin).The pain is removed with the help of alcohol or drops of otinum. Medicines are heated by lowering the vial into a container of hot water for a short time, and injected in the form of drops or turund in the ear.

If the otitis occurs with a fever, take antipyretics based on paracetamol and aspirin. After the temperature is normalized, warming can be used. Use dry heat in the form of alcohol compresses.

The acute form of otitis media means mandatory treatment with antibiotics. Assign Amoxicillin or Amoxiclav orally. If there is intolerance to these drugs, they are replaced with Doxycycline, Sumamed or Rovamycin. At the time of suppuration and the development of complications, injection drug administration is used.

Why lays ears for no reason, you can find out by reading this article.

If suppuration begins, warming procedures should be discarded. Do not use alcohol and drops, with ototoxic components( Sofraks and Otypaks).During this period, the ear is cleared of secretions and injected with anti-inflammatory substances on the gauze turunda. Hydrocortisone is usually used. Accumulated pus should be removed by an ENT doctor.

Chronic otitis

folk remedies for ear inflammation

For chronic ear disease, restorative treatment is used. Its task is to increase the body's resistance to unfavorable factors, to activate its adaptive capabilities. To do this, designate UV irradiation. At home use a household bactericidal irradiator( tube-quartz).Quartz ligation is used to treat adults and children. Nozzles of different sizes can handle the ears, throat and nose.

The video tells about chronic otitis:

How to correctly apply preparations

Treatment of otitis with drops is not as safe as it may seem. After all, all medicament preparations have their purpose. Before using any medication, read the instructions and do not exceed the recommended dose.

From this article you can learn how to take a child's dry cough mixture.

The effectiveness of treatment depends on the correct choice of drops. Drops are:

  • antibacterial( Normax, Tsipromed, Otofa);
  • combined( preparations contain glucocorticoids - Dexon, Anauran, Sofradex);
  • anti-inflammatory( non-steroid monopreparations Otypax and Otinum).

Since ENT diseases are directly related to the state of immunity, to increase the body's resistance, multivitamin preparations are prescribed. Choose complex action vitamins( Multi-Tabs, Alphabet, Complect, Unicap)

Folk Methods

Often ear inflammation begins after a bath. In this case, the ears must first be washed. To do this, take 3% hydrogen peroxide, heat it and, tilting his head, pipette an ear. After 1-2 minutes the patient should tilt his head sharply towards the buried ear. Clean the ear with a cotton swab. The procedure is done until the peroxide ceases to hiss. All actions are repeated for the second ear. Then, the medication is administered.


  • For pains in the ear a piece of peeled onion is injected into the ear canal, the head is wrapped around the head with a handkerchief. The procedure is carried out in the morning and before bedtime.
  • Onions will also help with hearing loss, which is not accompanied by painful sensations. For this, a square groove is cut in the bulb. They put there a teaspoon of ground cumin seeds. Close the "pocket" with a previously removed piece of onion, bake in the oven. While the onion is not cold, juice is squeezed out of it. Warm up the ear with a warm medicine( 2 times a day).Drops can be replaced with turuns.
  • For inflammation of the ear, use freshly squeezed onion juice. It is applied three times a day for 3-4 drops. columbin otitis
  • Onion compress will help to cope with acute otitis. A small onion is baked in ashes, hot put on linen cloth, there is added a little butter, all this is wrapped and applied as hot to the ear. After a minute, remove the compress and wrap the head with a handkerchief.

Herbal remedies

  • A tablespoon of dry wormwood pour 70 ml of alcohol. Infuse in a dark place for 10 days. Strain and use at night in the form of turund. dry wormwood on alcohol
  • The walnut leaves are harvested on June 23rd. According to popular belief - this is the day of the maximum inflow of nutrients to the leaves. They put them in a jar, put them on, pour them with sunflower oil. Insist 90 days in a dark place. Ready oil is smeared with inflamed ears.
  • Dry chamomile and elder in equal parts to scald with boiling water and put in a linen pouch. Apply a warm compress to the sick ear three times a day.
  • Fresh basil chop, squeeze juice and bury their ears in the morning, at lunch and at bedtime. Adults need about 8 drops, children 2-3.The juice can be replaced with essential oil of basil. A good effect gives a fresh juice of a golden mustache, Kalanchoe( spirituous hood diluted with water 50:50).

Beekeeping products

  • For strong pains, propolis tincture helps. You can use the pharmacy or prepare the product yourself. For this, propolis insists on brewing itself within a day( 5 g propolis per 100 ml vodka or alcohol).Gauze turundas are moistened with tincture and injected into the ears several times a day. For the night in the ears put pieces of baked onions. propolis tincture
  • From the raw finely grated beets squeeze the juice, mixed in half with honey and inject the product into the ears. From the dry residues of beets, honey and rye flour make a flat cake with a hole in the center. They put a flat cake in your ear, put a plastic wrap on top and wrap your head around it. The compress can be done at night.

Other products

  • Garlic oil is good for otitis. For its preparation take ¾ cup finely chopped garlic, put it in a 0.5 l jar and pour ¾ cup olive oil, mix and insist on the sun for 10 days. Filter and mix with 2-3 drops of eucalyptus essential oil. Store the remedy in a dark glass dish in a cool place. Use gently, a few drops at a time. Garlic oil for otitis
  • Separate the egg yolk from a bagged egg. Using a pipette, take the yellow contents and insert it into the ear. Enough 2 drops at night. Cover your head. It helps with purulent otitis.
  • The mummy helps to clear the ear from pus. The tablet should be dissolved in a tablespoon of vodka, after a day, drip the liquid in your ear for 2-3 drops. Mumie helps to clean the ear from pus

Ear inflammation is an insidious disease. If it is not cured, it goes into a chronic form. In this case, treatment may take years. At the slightest discomfort in the ear you need to consult a doctor. Only an otolaryngologist can correctly diagnose and prescribe an adequate treatment. But you can be treated at home already, using the doctor's recommendations.