Oily skin on the face: tips and recipes

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  • Role of competent care
  • Increased fat content and hormonal background
  • Reasons for the appearance of increased fat
  • Modern cosmetic procedures for oily skin
  • Home care for oily skin
  • Folk recipes for oily skin

Well-groomed matte skin, which does not know the various redness, enlarged pores andeels, I would like to have any beauty. However, every third girl is faced with the problem of increased activity of the sebaceous glands. So, many have oily facial skin. What to do, how to give it a beautiful view? We tell.

The role of competent care

Experts argue that if you select a competent individual care, you can get rid of the hated greasy shine in a short time and effectively narrow the expanded pores of the face.

By the way, oily skin, unlike dry, while observing all the rules of care, is able to maintain its elasticity and fresh appearance for a long period.

Owners of this type of skin, much later than their peers, face the problem of facial wrinkles and premature aging.
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Therefore, in addition to some disadvantages, oily skin has a number of significant advantages.

Quite often, with all the "delights" of increased greasiness, young people face adolescence when hormonal changes in the body occur and the glands begin to produce surpluses of sebum. As a result, clogging of the pores occurs, which subsequently leads to the formation of comedones, acne, black dots and demodecosis.

To prevent such negative consequences, it is necessary to take care of oily skin of the face and do not forget to follow the right and healthy way of life.

Increased fat content and hormonal background

The work of the sebaceous glands of the epidermis is directly dependent on the functioning of sex hormones. In youth, when the hormonal values ​​are at the highest points of their values, you can observe the increased fat content of the skin.

However, the reaction of the sebaceous glands to changes in the level of hormones in the body is individual and determined at the genetic level. Therefore, with absolutely identical indices, two people can have different degrees of activity of the sebaceous glands. Closer to old age, the level of sex hormones decreases, which means that the skin becomes less fatty and problematic.

In women, the degree of skin fatness can also depend on the phase of the menstrual cycle.

During pregnancy there is a cardinal reconstruction of the whole organism, so future mothers can observe increased greasiness of the facial skin.

Causes of increased fat content

A thick layer of the epidermis in combination with increased activity of the sebaceous glands is a sign of a fatty skin type. Excessive release of fat forms plugs, which clog the skin pores, and, as a result, provoke the appearance of hated pimples and inflammations. What other reasons can spoil beautiful and healthy skin of the face?

  • Genetic predisposition. In this case, nothing remains, except how daily to perform all the necessary procedures and choose from a specialist effective means for oily skin. Excess testosterone. Earlier it was mentioned that the level of hormones in the blood affects the health of the epidermis. It is increased testosterone that activates excessive greasiness, which spoils the well-groomed appearance of your face.
  • Incorrect functioning of internal organs: thyroid and pancreas, intestines and pelvic organs. Causes that interfere with the coordinated work of the whole organism can be many. The main ones can be attributed to a wrong way of life and a constant nervous overexertion.
  • Lack of healthy nutrition. The use of oily, flour, spicy and sweet food affects the activity of the sebaceous glands. Therefore, it is so important to exclude from the daily diet harmful fast food, carbonated drinks and reduce the number of sweet and fatty foods. Nutritionists recommend eating more fiber, dairy products, cereals, and sweets replaced with dried fruits and honey. And yet not all of us will be able to withstand such a dull diet for a long time. Therefore, we advise at least in the morning to eat oatmeal to activate the proper operation of the gastrointestinal tract.
  • Incorrectly selected caregivers. Many people know that alcohol-containing preparations can remove unpleasant greasy sheen and make the skin look dull. However, the excessive use of such cosmetics only dehydrates the sensitive layer of the epidermis, causing it to secrete even more secretion to replenish the natural water balance. The right decision will be to give up any alcohol lotions and tonics in favor of sparing professional remedies for oily skin.
  • Frequent use of scrubs. Having done one face peeling, the girls notice significant improvements in the problem skin and begin to abuse this way of caring for it. Due to the permanent trauma of the upper layer of the epidermis, the infection spreads over the entire surface of the face, thereby provoking the formation of new inflammations and acne.

Modern cosmetic procedures for oily skin

To reduce the activity of sebaceous glands, cosmetologists offer customers all sorts of newest technologies that can reduce the production of skin secretion. To the overwhelming excessive facial sebum on the face the procedures include the following:

  • Ultrasonic skin cleansing. Such cosmetic peeling neatly affects the upper layer of the epidermis, without affecting the deeper layers of the skin. Thus, there is a gentle cleansing of clogged pores, detachment of keratinized cells and removal of all accumulated contaminants on the surface of the face.
  • Superficial chemical peeling processes the upper stratum corneum, which consists of dead cells, and also allows you to give your face a fresh and pleasant shade, removing the skin from a painful gray color.
  • Median peeling affects the deeper layers of the skin. During the procedure, the specialist completely removes the upper part of the epidermis, eliminating pores from any harmful contaminants. Technology effectively fights with post-acne, small scars and pigmented lesions. The positive result is noticeable after the first session: the skin becomes more even, small mimic wrinkles and nasolabial folds are eliminated.
  • Bio-cybernetic therapy suppresses the increased work of the sebaceous glands and activates the natural metabolic processes in the skin. In this way all harmful toxins and pollution are eliminated, and the upper layer of the epidermis is restored.
  • LPG facial massage improves the blood circulation, saturates the epidermal cells with oxygen and nutrients, and also helps to eliminate puffiness in the skin and get a beautiful face oval.
  • Biorevitalization is carried out with the help of unique injection and laser technologies. The procedure effectively fights with dehydration of oily skin, saturating it with a sufficient amount of moisture and beneficial microelements.
  • Mesotherapy improves the condition of problem areas due to the local introduction of special preparations containing a complex of vitamins, microelements and medicinal substances.
  • Cosmetic procedures using products designed specifically for oily skin, allow to find an individual approach to the treatment of various skin problems.

Home care for oily skin

Tired of the unpleasant shine in the T-zone and do not know how to deal with oily skin at home? For competent care, it is very important not to disregard the advice of specialists and comply with all the rules that will help reduce the activity of the sebaceous glands.

  1. Proper cleansing. It is necessary 2-3 times a day to clean the fatty skin from accumulated contaminants and fatty shine. Dermatologists do not recommend using antibacterial soap or various aggressive cleansers, which include alcohol.

    It is best to purchase a special gel or foam that will very delicately and gently remove all surpluses of sebum. Do not forget that to achieve maximum results, the cleanser should be applied with cautious circular movements, gently massaging the delicate skin of the face for about 2-3 minutes.

  2. Water. Hot is able to further expand the pores, thereby increasing the production of sebum. Experts advise to wash with cool water, and very oily skin should be wiped with small pieces of ice. To do this, you can pre-cook a decoction of marigold or chamomile, pour it into molds and place them in the freezer until the infusion freezes.
  3. Creams and gels. The main misconception is the myth that oily skin does not need moisture and nourishment. Many lead problem areas to complete dehydration, suggesting that this way you can achieve dullness and eliminate all existing shortcomings. In fact, a fatty type, like any other, needs mandatory daily moisturizing. However, do not use too greasy cosmetics with a dense structure. For problem areas, an "easy" cream or a special hydrogel is perfect. Such novelties effectively eliminate greasy shine, without violating the natural water balance of oily skin. Do not forget to pay attention to the composition of the product: creams with fatty acids and plant extracts not only eliminate the increased fat release, but also saturate the epidermis with all the necessary trace elements.
  4. Non-medicated cosmetics.
    For oily skin of the face is suitable only non-medicated drugs that will not clog pores and form new skin rashes. Comedogenic action is possessed by any synthetic components added as thickeners, fragrances and other components of cosmetics.
    Before buying, you should pay attention to the presence of the label "not medicated" or seek the help of appropriate specialists who will select you a special therapeutic cosmetics.

Folk recipes for oily skin

Not always have free time to relax and pamper your skin with useful home masks. However, if you still want to change the appearance and cope with all skin problems, then you'll have to find a free minute and prepare an effective remedy at home. Please note that a one-time procedure will not bring any noticeable results. To achieve the desired effect, it is necessary to conduct a minimum of 10 sessions of home therapy.

  • Apple face mask. A finely grated apple is mixed with a whipped protein and a couple of drops of tea tree oil are added to the mixture. The resulting mask is washed off after half an hour after application by cool water, after which it is moistened with a special cream for oily skin.
  • Infusion of parsley.

    For cooking you need a bunch of parsley, which must be crushed and pour a glass of hot water. The mixture is brought to a boil over a small heat, after which it is allowed to cool completely. Once the infusion is ready, it can be added to various masks or wetted with a cotton pad tool to wipe the problem areas of the face.

  • Honey mask. In a convenient container, mix a couple of tablespoons of sour cream and a few spoons of honey. In the mixture add a few drops of lemon juice or two drops of essential oil of lemon. After mixing carefully the ingredients, apply a thick layer of mask on the face and neck area, and after 20 minutes wash with cool water.
  • Cucumber mask. This is a classic recipe for oily skin, which does not lose its relevance to this day. You only need to cut the cucumber into thin plates and put them on your face. After half an hour you can remove the cut ingredients and rub your face with a gentle refreshing tonic.
  • Mask from the bodyagi. The product can be purchased at any nearest pharmacy. To make a home mask, you need to mix 2 tablespoons of fresh water with an alcohol solution of boric acid to the state of gruel. The mask is applied to the cleansed face, and after 15 minutes the product is washed off with cool water.

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