Chemical Face Peeling

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  • Face peeling options
  • Facial peeling preparations at home
  • Preparing for the home procedure
  • Home peeling: recipes
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Face peeling at home if compared to an expensive salon procedure, in its composition has a minimum amount of concentrated active substances, so it can not harm healthy skin. However, it should be remembered that in case of misuse of funds, severe burns and redness can form, which in the future will be responsible for the appearance of ugly scars and various pigment spots.

Some agents for peeling are based on special acids, which make it possible to remove dead cells of the epidermis. Experienced specialists can perform cleansing of deeper layers of skin without much difficulty. They select for each client an individual concentration of components that affect the skin surface for a strictly specified amount of time.

If you decide on a home procedure, in this case it is extremely important to comply with all safety rules so as not to provoke the appearance of serious complications. In today's article, you will find out what means modern cosmetic companies offer their customers and how to use face peeling at home.

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Face peeling types

Chemical face peeling is the process of exfoliating the upper layers of the epidermis, for which special chemicals and active substances are used.

The procedure promotes the stimulation of the defensive reaction of the skin, due to which the cells begin to intensively produce collagen and elastin, necessary for the beauty and youth of the face. As a result, it is possible to observe a significant alignment of wrinkles, as well as an increase in the elasticity and tone of mature, fading skin. This procedure allows eliminating a number of other serious problems, such as post-acne, scars and age-related appearance of pigment spots.

There are the following types of face peeling:

  • Superficial peeling. In this case, active substances are used which act solely on the upper layer of the epidermis. It is this kind of peeling that can be carried out independently at home, because the risk of trauma to the skin is minimized. To achieve maximum effect, experts advise to perform the process of cleaning the top layer 1 time per week for a month. The procedure excellently removes all dead cells, thus allowing the skin to smooth out and effectively eliminate the effects of acne. Superficial peeling copes with minor age-related changes and allows to eliminate light cosmetic imperfections.
  • Median peeling. Affects all layers of the skin, affecting not only the deep cells of the epidermis, but also the connective tissue of the skin. The procedure is considered more effective than conventional surface exfoliation and not as painful as a deep chemical peel. A noticeable effect is achieved by increasing the living cells, which rejuvenate the skin and make it more elastic and elastic. With the help of a medial peel, you can solve a number of cosmetic problems: intense skin aging, severe age changes, post acne, scars and deep facial wrinkles.
  • Deep chemical peeling. The effect is achieved through exposure to all layers of the epidermis and is characterized by the formation of "bloody dew".The composition of the active preparations used for the procedure includes not only active acids, but also special phenol derivatives. This rejuvenation session greatly injures the skin, so after peeling you need some time to comply with strict bed rest. Qualified specialists perform therapy using anesthesia, creating all conditions for maximum pain reduction.

Means for superficial peeling at home

For home peeling, it is best to purchase special preparations that contain alpha and beta hydroxide acids. These active ingredients are designed specifically for superficial gentle treatment of the skin and are made from natural organic products that gently remove the dead cells of the epidermis.

  • Alpha-hydroxide acids. The procedure using these components is allowed to all skin owners of normal and dry type. The most effective representative of this type of acid is glycolic acid, which can be used by specialists for mid peeling, if the concentration of the drug is increased. However, in small amounts, this component is suitable for surface purification, therefore, products containing alpha-acids can be used at home. In addition to glycolic acid, apple, citric, lactic and tartar have also shown a positive effect.
  • Beta-hydroxide acids. This type includes salicylic acid, which is endowed with antiseptic and anti-inflammatory effects. Beta-hydroxide acids penetrate deeper layers of the epidermis, therefore, to minimize possible complications, it is best to use a lower concentration of the active ingredient. Peeling with salicylic acid is indicated for people with very oily problem skin, because the constituent acids have an effective fat-dissolving effect.

For home use it is best to give preference to safe enzyme products. Girls in their reviews praise enzyme peeling and consider it to be the most effective and easy to use cleanser.

  • Among the democratic brands, there is a gel-peeling for cleansing the skin of the face of Avon, preventing the appearance of black spots and various inflammations. It is enough to apply the product to the previously cleansed skin and wait until the gel completely dries. Once the film is formed on the face, it is gently removed from the surface of the skin.
  • The natural face peeling gel "Planeta organica" has the same action and allows to normalize the natural process of skin regeneration. The papaya extract, which is part of the extract, moisturizes, nourishes and tones the skin, and natural minerals activate the microcirculation of the epidermis, thereby smoothing the shade of the face.

Preparation for the home procedure

To safely and correctly perform the peeling at home, experts recommend the following rules:

  1. Choose a product for peeling. To acquire the right drug, you need to take into account the individual characteristics of your skin. To do this, it is very important to determine its type, degree of swarthiness and the number of existing cosmetic defects. For dry sensitive skin, a special cream-peeling will do.
  2. Perform preliminary skin preparation. To do this, approximately 24 hours before the peeling, the upper layer of the epidermis should be cleaned using a scrub with fine abrasive particles.
  3. Test the peeling agent on a small area of ​​the skin. To avoid negative consequences in the form of an allergic reaction or other complications, it is necessary to check in advance the reaction of your body to the components that make up the drug. For this, apply a small amount to the forearm area and observe the further reaction of the skin. A minute later the drug can be washed off, and if after 24 hours on the tested area of ​​the body there will be no redness, then safely proceed to the procedure at home.
  4. Cleanse your face. Before peeling, remove any dirt from the skin using a delicate cleanser.
  5. Do not forget to treat the area of ​​the eyebrows, lips, eyelids and nostrils, greasing these areas with a small amount of petroleum jelly. This will prevent the occurrence of a burn injury.

Home peeling: recipes

On the Internet, you can find a huge number of different recipes for exfoliating. However, in addition to cleansing, the selected peeling should still nourish and moisten the epidermal cells with useful substances and microelements. For this purpose, the home peeling face mask perfectly handles:

  • Pomegranate. To prepare, you must thoroughly crush the seeds of one pomegranate, then add a spoonful of honey and a little lemon pulp to the mixture. The ingredients are blended with a blender. The mask is rinsed off after 20 minutes.
  • Creamy. In a convenient container, mix 2 tablespoons of cream and rice flour. The resulting mixture is applied to the skin of the face, after half an hour, the ingredients are washed off with cool water.
  • Pineapple. Pineapple pulp is crushed to the state of porridge, add a tablespoon of honey and a little oatmeal to the mixture. Thoroughly mix everything, then apply the mask for 30 minutes, after cleaning the skin of the face.
  • Orange. The dried orange peel is crushed thoroughly and blended in a blender with oat flakes in the proportions 1: 1.For the density, a small amount of warm milk is added. The agent is applied for 40 minutes. This mask-peeling is ideal for dry and sensitive skin.

Home peeling-roll

Do not be afraid to conduct research at home and are always open to new experiments? Then we recommend to prepare an effective peeling-roll for the face, consisting of calcium chloride, which can be purchased at any nearest pharmacy.

For preparation you will need the following ingredients:

  • 1 ampoule of calcium chloride;
  • baby soap without any synthetic additives;
  • cotton wool sponges and napkins.
  1. Before carrying out the peeling procedure at home, it is necessary to clean the skin of accumulated contaminants with a soft foam or gel.
  2. Next, open the prepared ampoule and moisten the cotton pad with calcium chloride.
  3. The drug is applied to the cleansed face, rubbing the product solely on the massage lines. On top of the epidermis is treated with another disc, which must first be saponified. As a result, you will see the formation of small white flakes that are removed during facial massage.
During the procedure, a slight tingling is possible, but the discomfort will immediately go away as soon as the remnants of the remedy are completely removed.

Skin regeneration after a home procedure

After peeling, the skin loses the upper layer of the epidermis, which protects cells from various external factors and prevents their dehydration. Since now there is no such protective barrier, it is very important to reduce the effect of external stimuli on the treated skin areas.

If you do not follow the necessary precautions, there is a risk of infection that can trigger the development of serious inflammatory reactions. To avoid such complications, dermatologists recommend the following instructions:

  1. After the procedure, special protective equipment should be applied to the skin. It can be gel-based preparations that create a thin film on the surface that prevents the penetration of various dangerous microorganisms and bacteria.
  2. It is very important not to forget to use cosmetics with high SPF protection. After peeling, even a small stay in the sun can cause the appearance of pigmented spots. To protect the skin from the negative effects of ultraviolet rays, it is necessary to apply special cosmetics with a UV filter to the treated layer.
  3. To maximize the process of regeneration, cosmetologists prescribe to patients various reconstructive drugs. These include retinoids, which stimulate the formation of new cells, thereby activating the regeneration of damaged areas of the skin.
  4. During the recovery period after a home procedure, the body also needs a complex of minerals and micronutrients. Therefore, the daily diet should be filled with useful nutritional supplements and vitamins, which include essential fatty acids. Related Videos:
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