The most effective candles from hemorrhoids. What are the candles from hemorrhoids?

The article offers an overview of the most effective candles from hemorrhoids, reveals their composition, the principle of action, the rules of application and much more.


  • The principle of action of candles from hemorrhoids. Healing candles from hemorrhoids
  • Which candles from hemorrhoids are the most effective? Kinds of candles from hemorrhoids
  • Ichthyol candles from hemorrhoids, how to apply?
  • Sea buckthorn candles from hemorrhoids
  • Candles from hemorrhoids on the basis of propolis
  • Candles from hemorrhoids with aloe
  • Candles from hemorrhoids with herbs
  • How correctly to put candles with hemorrhoids?
  • How much is hemorrhoids treated with suppositories?
  • Treatment of hemorrhoids with suppositories: advice and feedback
  • Video: Review of hemorrhoids for home treatment

You want to get rid of a delicate problem as quickly and for a long time, and it's better not to think about it again. To do this, it is important to diagnose the disease in time and begin treatment. In the early stages of getting rid of hemorrhoids can be medication without surgery. One of the best ways to combat the disease is rectal suppositories.

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The principle of action of candles from hemorrhoids. Healing candles from hemorrhoids

The special features of using suppositories are:

  • Local action
    Active components of candles have a directional effect on the site of disease localization

  • Rapid absorption of
    Solid at normal storage temperature the consistency of the suppository, getting into the human body, quickly changes form to liquid, which increases the speedabsorption. In addition, there are hemorrhoids and arteries in the immediate vicinity, thanks to which the drug is immediately absorbed into the blood

IMPORTANT: The speed of sensation of the effect of rectal suppositories is comparable with the speed of the drugs administered with the help of injections

  • The high percentage of ingestion of
    The rectal administration of the drug avoidsgetting a significant amount of medicine in the liver( up to 50%), in which the substances undergo transformation and have no therapeutic effect. In other words, when using a candle, medicinal substances will enter the bloodstream at a higher concentration, which means they will act more efficiently
  • Less side effects, contraindications and allergic reactions
    A number of rectal suppositories from hemorrhoids have an exclusively natural composition, act locally and are not practically absorbed into the blood, which allows prescribing suppositories for children, pregnant women and mothers during lactation
  • Ability to combine with other medications
    If other diseases are present and the course of appropriate medications is taken, simultaneous use of

suppositories is possible. The action of the hemorrhoids is focused on getting rid of the main symptoms of the disease:

  • pain relief
  • healing of cracks and wounds
  • antimicrobial action
  • increase in blood clotting( with bleeding)
  • dilutionthrombi
  • relief of defecation
  • reduction of itching and burning

Healing candles promote the regeneration of the tissues of the anus, They are used to get rid of anal fissures, to remove edema and inflammatory processes. Virtually all candles produced for the treatment of any stage of hemorrhoids have the effect of healing.

What are the most effective hemorrhoids? Types of candles from hemorrhoids

Pharmaceutical companies offer a huge number of various antihemorrhoidal candles. Depending on the prevailing symptom, on the elimination of which the action of suppositories is directed, we can distinguish:

  • Analgesics
    Anesthetics are present: lidocaine, anesthesin, benzocaine, cinchocaine, neomycin, belladonna, etc.
    Candles: proctoglivenol, proctosedil m, ultraprotect, relapse advans, ostezine, proctosan, gebreolone, nigepan, anestesol, anuzole
  • Haemostatic
    Hemostatic, vein-toning and vasoconstrictive action exert, phenylephrine hydrochloride, algae, tribenozide, adrenaline
    Candles: relic, natalyside, proctogliolol, methyluracil suppositories
  • Anti-inflammatory-inflammatory
    microbicidal effect is given such components hemorrhoid suppositories like bufexamac, tribenozid, ichthyol, calendula, liver oil is a shark, propolis, sea buckthorn, hormones are: prednisone, hydrocortisone, fluocortolone etc.
    Candles:. proktoglivenol, Relief, olestezin, betiol, proktozan,geprolone, hemo-pro, prostopin, hepatrombin g, proctosedil m, ultraprotect, natalside

  • With antithrombotic effect
    To get rid of the formed thrombi, anticoagulants are used, in particular heparin
    Candles: napril, hepatrombin g, gezaponol
  • With astringent effect
    Protective, enveloping and drying effect has bismuth nitrate and zinc
    Candles: proctosan, neo-anusole, anusole

IMPORTANT: Hepatrombin g, proctosedil m, ultraprotect, geposolon, Components.

These or other candles are prescribed depending on the severity of the symptoms, the stage of the disease, the contraindications available. Therefore, effective in one case, hemorrhoidal suppositories may not bring the desired result to another suffering from this ailment.

However, the most common in the treatment of hemorrhoids are:


  • Active substances: bufexamak + lidocaine hydrochloride + bismuth subgallate + titanium oxide
  • Action: antipruritic, analgesic, regenerative, protivovospolitelnoe
  • It is prescribed for the 1st and 2nd stage of hemorrhoids
  • Impossibleuse for individual intolerance, tuberculosis and syphilis


  • Active substance: phenylephrine hydrochloride;Additional: shark liver oil
  • Action: local anti-inflammatory, hemostatic, healing
  • Applicable for external and internal hemorrhoids
  • The main warning: excessive sensitivity to the components of the drug

  • Pregnant and lactating women, as well as young children( up to 12 years), candles are prescribed onlyAt the discretion of the doctor
  • The following varieties are also available: the religion of advance and ultra religion. The first as the main component contains benzocaine, i.e.has a pronounced analgesic effect, the second - hydrocortisone acetate + zinc sulfate and helps healing, relieving inflammation, eliminating itching.


  • Primary component: sodium alginate( derived from algae)
  • Action: haemostatic( stop bleeding), anti-inflammatory, regenerating
  • Effective with bleeding hemorrhoids, presence of cracks Contraindications: allergies to the component, age under 14 years( for them there is an analogAlginatol)
  • It is allowed to prescribe during pregnancy and breastfeeding

The standard dosage of natalyside and proctosan is 1 candle twice a day, and the religion 4 times a day.

IMPORTANT: Do not self-medicate. To establish the correct diagnosis, as well as the selection of an effective method of treatment, it is recommended to consult a proctologist.

Ichthyol suppositories from hemorrhoids, how to apply?

Ichthyol is a natural substance derived from oil shale. In medicine has a wide application. Ichthyol suppositories have a pronounced anti-inflammatory, antiseptic effect. In addition, suppositories with ichthyol improve blood circulation in tissues, accelerate the healing of cracks, erosions and wounds.

Candles have virtually no contraindications, except in rare cases of an allergy to ichthyol, which makes it possible to use the drug during pregnancy, during which many women are worried about hemorrhoids.

Rules for the introduction of these candles do not differ from the basic ones( see below).Usually apply 1 suppository 1-2 times a day.

In addition to ichthyol suppositories in its pure form, betiol suppositories are also produced, which in addition to ichthyol contain belladonna extract( belladonna).The latter, having an analgesic effect, also removes pain sensations. But pregnant women use candles with belladonna is contraindicated.

Sea buckthorn candles from hemorrhoids

Sea buckthorn is the source of a huge number of valuable vitamins and active substances. Useful properties of sea-buckthorn when treating hemorrhoids:

  • strong antibacterial and noticeable anti-inflammatory effect
  • removal of swelling, redness
  • removal of itching, pain
  • rapid recovery of damaged mucosa
  • prevention of infectious processes

Due to natural origin suppositories with sea-buckthorn oil can be prescribed during pregnancy and lactation. Do not use these suppositories only with increased susceptibility to sea-buckthorn.

Sea-buckthorn candles are assigned to 1 pc.twice a day, children under 14 years - once a day.

Among the drugs with anti-hemorrhoidal effect, one of the constituents of which is sea buckthorn oil, rectal suppositories are distinguished:

  • osteestin
  • hemo pro

Propolis-based candles from

One of the innumerable uses of propolis is the alleviation of hemorrhoid symptoms at any stages. The natural substance produced by the bees, acting locally, demonstrates excellent antimicrobial and analgesic effect, reduces edema, counteracts the appearance of thrombi, restores damaged tissue sites.

Propellant candles:
composition: bee propolis, honey, wax, milk, pergola, pollen
propolis DN
composition: propolis
hemo pro
composition: propolis, sea buckthorn oil, mud of tambukanlakes)
As a fat-soluble base, these candles also contain cocoa butter and lanolin.

IMPORTANT: Propolis, along with other beet fruits, belongs to the group of allergens, so do not practice using suppositories with propolis if you have an allergy to honey.

Aloe Haemorrhoid Candles

Aloe - a plant known for its useful properties, is widely used in both home medicine and the pharmaceutical industry. Aloe is an excellent tool for preventing hemorrhoids, as well as eliminating the symptoms of exacerbation of this disease:

  • suppresses inflammation
  • heals anal erosions
  • restores intestinal mucosa
  • increases overall immunity

Aloe candles can be prepared on their own.
Method number 1: plant leaf: cut it, twist, insert rectally so that the juice from the plant can be absorbed into the walls of the intestinal mucosa, hold for 20 min
Method 2: frozen juice: squeeze aloe juice, pour into a cone-shapedform for ice, freeze, insert for no more than 1 minute( the first time start with 30 seconds).

In addition, to combat hemorrhoids, you can use homeopathic candles, which contain aloe juice.

Hemorrhoids with herbs

Homeopathic suppositories are popular due to natural ingredients of plant origin. This is a good alternative to potent medicines, which for various reasons can not be used to treat hemorrhoids( allergies, incompatibility with other drugs taken, pregnancy, lactation, etc.).

For the sake of justice, it should be noted that most of the candles based on herbs are effective in the early stages of the disease, and in any case should be approved by the doctor, because they also have contraindications.

Among the herbs and plants used in the manufacture of candles for the treatment of hemorrhoids:

  • wormwood
  • aloe
  • ginseng
  • buckthorn
  • nettle
  • fir
  • calendula
  • Thuja
  • tea tree
  • Hypericum
  • yarrow

Examples of homeopathic candles: Nova Vita, anti-k,adonis, immunity.

Suppositories based on herbs are used once a day at bedtime. Duration of treatment from 10 days to a month, depending on the degree of severity.

How correctly to put candles in hemorrhoids?

Basic rules for the introduction of candles:

  • If a candle is prescribed for treatment per day, it must be delivered at night. If two candles: one in the morning, a second one before the night, if more than 2: every following - during the day after defecation.
  • . Before the procedure, it is necessary to conduct thorough hand hygiene.
  • Before entering the suppository, it is desirable to empty the intestine( natural defecation, enema, laxative,etc.)
  • It is better to pre-cool a candle in a refrigerator or cold water so that it does not immediately start to melt
  • . To facilitate the input procedure, removing the packaging, you can moisten the candle in the water.
  • . To correctly place a candle,comfortable position lying on the side
  • On the side, it is necessary to raise the upper buttock and insert a candle into the rectum for 3-5 cm
  • It is not recommended to get up for at least 5 minutes

How much is hemorrhoids treated with suppositories?

The duration of treatment depends on the severity of the disease, the type of candles, the causes of hemorrhoids, individual characteristics, etc. The duration of the course of using rectal suppositories is determined by the doctor, usually it is 7-14 days.

However, the improvement of the condition can be noticed after a couple of days. With the relief of symptoms, it is possible to reduce the dosage of the drug, which is usually mentioned in the instructions. In severe forms, several courses can be prescribed with breaks of 2 weeks - a month.

Treatment of hemorrhoids with suppositories: advice and feedback

Veronica, St. Petersburg
"I found a small nodule on the last days of pregnancy, generally did not bother, only if there were small constipation, I felt discomfort. Gynecologist advised Natalsid, helped. Although the nodule finally disappeared only after the birth. "

Alexey, Volgograd
"My hemorrhoids are exacerbated from time to time, I use Ultraprotect, it works quickly, I recommend it."

Tatiana, Rostov-on-Don
"Honestly, I was ashamed to go to the doctor, there was a small crack apparently because the blood was slightly light with a very hard chair, but everything went by itself after several candles with sea buckthorn."

Obviously, there are enough ways to cope with an unpleasant problem, and properly selected candles will quickly get rid of the annoying symptoms of hemorrhoids. But experimenting with health is still not worth it. It is advisable to immediately consult a specialist, while the disease is easily treatable.

Video: A review of hemorrhoids for home treatment

  • Mar 04, 2018
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