Furuncle in the nose - this is a neoplasm, the formation of which the patient experiences severe pain, his breathing is disrupted and a number of unpleasant symptoms appear. But all this is far from the worst thing that prepared an abscess. Its most important danger is that severe complications can develop, because pus can affect different parts of the brain. So do not delay with treatment.


  • 1 Symptoms
  • 2 reasons
  • 3 Stage
    • 3.1 Stage infiltration
    • 3.2 Stage festering and necrosis
    • 3.3 stages of healing
  • 4 Types
  • 5 Which doctor contact
  • 6 treatment in adults
    • 6.1 Medicines
    • 6.2 Folk remedies
  • 7 Treatment of
  • 8 childrenWhen an operation is needed
  • 9 Complications of

Symptoms of

The primary focus of the inflammatory process surrounds atrophied soft tissues. But the core of the abscess is formed from the elements of the hair follicle. The patient is visited by pain in the head, a rise in temperature and other signs characteristic of general intoxication. When passing a blood test, the changes in inflammation are traced. Already on day 5 in the center of infiltration there is an abscess.

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In the photo - the structure of the boil:


When the abscess ripens, there is a strong tension of the tissues, which causes severe pain. Its attenuation occurs as the furuncle is opened. Also, the body temperature returns to normal. According to ICD 10, the disease has code J34.0.

Causes of

The main cause of development of furunculosis is the defeat of staphylococci. These bacteria are characterized by rapid growth, since they have the ability to divide. They have a strong immunity to antiseptics, released active oxygen, as well as some antibiotics.

Although rarely, but can affect the formation of abscess in the nose can streptococci. They affect the mucous membranes, because due to special cilia or dust fixed on the cells. treatment of a boil in the nose

It is extremely rare that other microorganisms can become the cause of furuncle formation, among which there are non-tubercular microbacterial species. They are characterized by a high degree of pathogenicity. From the infections that they provoke, you can finally get rid of by using a properly formulated therapy regimen.

If a person has low immunity, then penetrated bacteria lead to the development of suppuration. Most often they penetrate the mucous membranes with dirty hands.

In addition, the following factors can influence the development of the abscess:

  • diabetes mellitus;
  • hypovitaminosis;
  • colds;
  • ecological stop;
  • hormonal imbalance;
  • helminthic invasion.

On video, how to treat a boil in the nose:

Stages of

The formation of a boil in the nose can occur in three stages. Each has its own characteristics.

The infiltration stage of

furuncle in the nose infiltration stage

Its duration is several days. It arises as the body's response to the penetration of microbes into the hair follicle. There is redness around the hair, the skin becomes dense and swells.

The pain is felt when touched, while its intensity increases, resulting in a permanent character. These symptoms indicate the development of acute folliculitis.

Stage of suppuration and necrosis

furuncle in nose, stage of suppuration and necrosis

On the 3rd day, pustules form. It has a conical shape and is presented in the form of a bubble, inside of which pus is concentrated. The process of its ripening is characterized by the presence of a necrotic stem. This stage is accompanied by a local and general clinical picture.

Most often it is a pain in the head, a bad appetite, a fever, a chill. At the peak of inflammation, the boil breaks out, and its contents go out. In its place there is an ulcer.

The healing phase of

The resulting wound is gradually tightened. After 3 days in its place there will be a scar of cyanotic-red shade. Then its color will be pale and invisible. The total duration of the inflammatory process should not exceed 10 days.

washing of the nose with miramistin for sinusitis How does the nose wash with Miramistin in genyantritis help to understand this information from the article.

And here's how the treatment of Staphylococcus aureus in the throat and nose and by what means.very detailed in this article.

How does staphylococcus aureus appear in the nose of a child and what means can I get rid of this problem, is described in great detail in this article: http: //prolor.ru/n/simptomy/ zolotistyj-stafilokokk-v-nosu-u-rebenka.html

And here are the medications for Staphylococcus aureusnose is the most effective and how to make the right choice, is described in great detail in this article.

Types of

Furuncles in the nose can be represented in the following types:

  1. Single abscess , which is presented as an abscess.
  2. Carbuncle .This is a vast neoplasm, which involves several hair follicles into the suppurative inflammatory process. Thus, fusion of acne is observed. It can form 2-10 ulcers.

In addition, the abscess in the nose is classified according to the area in which it was formed. The most favorite place of concentration of the abscess is the tip and wings of the nose, nasal septum, the vestibule of the nasal passages. There is a build-up of reddening of the skin, and if you touch the soft tissues, it leads to severe pain. The outlines of the defeat are fuzzy.

To which doctor should

Treatment of a furuncle in the nose is done by an ENT doctor. It is he who will conduct the examination of the patient, as well as take further measures to eliminate the problem. the doctor examines the furuncle in the nose

Treatment in adults

The treatment of the formed abscess is determined taking into account the stage at which the pathological process is located.


If the development is at an early stage, the patient needs to treat the skin that surrounds the inflammatory focus, with a 2% salicylic alcohol solution or 70% ethanol solution. During the first few hours after the formation of the infiltrate, the treatment of the focus with 5% iodine tincture has a positive effect.

Antibiotics can only prescribe local effects. Here it is necessary to include Fuetic acid and Mupirocin ointment. Another doctor may prescribe a systemic antibiotic therapy:

  • Cefazolin;


  • Vancomycin;


  • Amoxicillin-clavulanic acid;but how the antibiotic Amoxicillin is used in angina will help to understand this article)
  • Linezolid.

Folk remedies

plantain for the nose

At home you can heal a boil in the nose with homemade ointments. They can have an excellent anti-inflammatory and analgesic effect. Thanks to the medicinal herbs included in their composition, it is possible to remove swelling, inflammation, and pain. The most effective recipes are:

  1. Take in equal amounts of lemon balm, plantain, parsley. Grind, join. Add 50 g of Vaseline and Lanolin. The obtained ointment is used to treat the affected area 3-4 times a day.
  2. Take 220 grams of boiling water and take 20 g of dry chamomile. Pour and wait for 2-3 hours. Then moisten in the infusion of a cotton disc and attach to the affected area of ​​the nose.
  3. Take in equal numbers plantain, mother-and-stepmother, mint. Chop, mix and pour boiling water in an amount of 200 ml. Using a cotton pad, perform compresses.

Treatment in children

First of all parents should understand that squeezing an abscess in the nose of the child is strictly prohibited. The reason is that the venous blood first moves into the cranial cavity, and then to the heart. If the pimple is squeezed out incorrectly, the infection can get into the lymph, which will lead to serious complications.

If the disease is mild, then at home it can be cured with ointments and vitamins prescribed by a doctor. vitamins for children

Patient must comply with bed rest. If the temperature does not go down, there is swelling in the cheeks or lips, then the baby is hospitalized. Further therapy is carried out at the hospital. There, doctors will perform treatment of the affected area with boric or salicylic alcohol. Still in the scheme of treatment include vitamins, antibiotics. It is extremely rare to be prescribed a drug -Heparin. It helps prevent complications.

When an operation is needed

an operation of a boil in the nose

In especially severe cases, the doctor decides to perform the operation. Take her under local anesthesia. The doctor performs a puncture of the infiltrate and eliminates accumulated pus. For this purpose, he uses a syringe or catheter. When the abscess was opened, the wound is cleaned with an antiseptic solution.

After manipulation, the patient is dressed every day, applying a hypertonic solution of sodium chloride. When the cavity is completely cleared of necrotic masses, then apply a bandage with Vishnevsky ointment. You need to change it 2-3 times a day.

Why the nasal mucosa is swelling and what remedies will help to get rid of such a problem is described in great detail in this article.

It will also be interesting to learn about why scribbles in the nose and what medicines can get rid of this problem.

And here's what to do, if the nasal congestion does not pass for a long time and what medicines should be used, is described in great detail in this article.

You may also be interested in learning about the treatment of chronic edema of the nasal mucosa.

Complications of

It is extremely rare against a background of weak immunity or diabetes mellitus, the inflammation can spread, resulting in such complications:

  • septal abscess;
  • nasal septum peri-endritis;
  • retrograde thrombophlebitis;
  • cavernous sinus thrombosis;
  • pemia( gnocoenosis).

Furuncle in the nose - this is a fairly common phenomenon to date. Influences on its development can bacteria such as streptococci and staphylococci. Extrude it categorically impossible, since an unsuccessful outcome can lead to serious complications. Treatment can be conservative or operative. Everything depends on the stage of the pathological process.