Rules and terms of transplanting strawberries

Contents of
  • Why transplant strawberries?
  • General transplant rules
  • Ground preparation and disembarkation
  • Factors influencing the transplant time
  • Strawberry transplantation in the spring
  • Autumn-summer strawberry transplantation

Strawberry is an ornament of any garden or country plot. A delicious and fragrant berry, ripped from the bed, is a real treasure for any sweet tooth. However, not all gardeners know how to properly care for strawberries, so that it yields an abundant harvest. A capricious culture requires a special approach. When to transplant strawberries, what to look for, how to fertilize the soil and how to care for young bushes? This will be discussed later.

Why transplant strawberries?

As a result of an annual increase in the bush of strawberries, new shoots appear. After 3-4 years the bush ceases to develop, the berries become small and unsweetened, the yield decreases. The soil is depleted and can no longer supply the overgrown bush with the necessary nutrients. Regular rejuvenation of the soil and the removal of old shrubs - a pledge of high yield.

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If your strawberries are 2 years old, then it's time to replant her sprouts for a new place! Old bushes( from 3 to 4 years), although they look good, but no longer bear fruit. And the annuals are still too weak: the maximum yield that they can give is 2-3 small berries per season. And of course, it is worth giving preference to healthy shrubs with strong roots, stems and leaves.

General transplant rules

  • Choose young seedlings, which are formed on shoots of the mother's bush by the age of 3 years.
  • Watch the young bush. Once they take root, they can be detached from the bush and transplanted to a new location.
  • The best period for planting is early autumn or spring before the flowering phase.
  • The landing site should be moderately lit, and the ground - slightly acidic, loamy. If the soil acidity level is too high, then it is treated with lime. If the area is marshy, drain it.
  • Feel free to plant seedlings where legumes used to grow. The most unfortunate place for transplantation is a bed, on which grew vegetables from the family Solanaceae( cucumbers, potatoes, tomatoes).
  • The bed is prepared 8 weeks before the strawberry planting. The site must be dug up, remove all weeds. It is recommended to enrich the soil with fertilizer and fertilizer. On the eve of transplantation, the soil should be moistened. Transplant the seedlings on a cloudy day.
  • The lateral stems of the strawberry are cut off. The young, which has taken root, is excavated, the earth is gently shaken off, the seedlings are planted for ¼ of the length.
  • In order for the young plant to quickly become acclimatized, the rhizome is dipped into a special solution, which consists of water, clay and manure.
  • The distance between the plants is at least 28 cm, and between the rows - 64-68 cm. If a two-line method of planting is chosen, the distance between the seedlings is 25 cm, the width of rows between rows is 39 cm, and the row is 78 cm. With a three-row planting,the width of 118 cm, the remaining values ​​- as with a two-line landing.
  • When a young plant is already in the ground, it needs to be poured, and the soil is sprinkled with peat or shavings. Before the cold season, the soil must be mulched.

Soil preparation and disembarkation

Inexperienced gardeners usually do not know how to transplant the strawberries so that it begins. We tell. Young bushes are planted on another site, as the old soil not only depleted, but pests also multiplied. And the soil for young animals should be fresh.

As mentioned, the best predecessors are legumes. Thanks to them, the soil is saturated with phosphorus, nitrogen, organic substances, so the plant will be more robust and resistant to diseases.
  1. The Earth needs to be dug up, cleaned of weed plants. If you still have a dry bean or pea tops, then use it as a mattress for seedlings.
  2. Soil must be enriched with compost, manure or chicken litter. At 1 m², take 10 kg of fertilizer.
  3. Prime the ground, break up the lumps, sprinkle with wood shavings or cover with agrofiber. So the earth retains moisture longer, and useful bacteria are formed in it.
  4. agglomerate. Then pull the cord so that the bed is flat, and pits.
  5. Ideally for planting freshly-seeded seedlings with a small clod of earth. Before digging, the ground with young bushes is watered abundantly, so that the root can easily come out.
  6. If the rhizome is too long, shorten it so that it does not bend in the hole, but lies flat."Heart" when planting should be placed above the ground, not higher and not deeper.
  7. Seal the earth around the bush with your hand and pour water( no more than 1 liter per bush).Cover the damp ground with straw or sawdust.
If you are unsure that the seedlings are completely healthy, disinfect it. To do this, soak the plant in hot water( 48 ° C) for 20 minutes, and then in a cold 10 minutes. Such contrasting baths will not damage your strawberry, but will protect the soil from diseases.

After 5-7 days after disembarking the land around the bush sprinkle with wood ash and pour water on top. So you protect the plant from pests.

When drought, water the seedling daily with a small amount of water. Loose soil is ideal for strawberries, and therefore it needs to be weeded often. Closer to the cold, cover the bushes with dry leaves.

Overcast quiet weather is the best time for planting seedlings. For transplantation, young bushes and horns will do. Choose a mustache that is closer to the mother plant, they are stronger. Mother bushes need to be determined in early spring. The peduncles stop, then all the forces of the plant will go to the development of the young.

Plant different varieties of strawberries far apart so that the pollen does not mix. If you want the strawberry to be fruitful several times a year - plant the plants of different maturation periods.

Factors influencing the transplant time

Many gardeners argue about when it's best to transplant strawberries - in spring or in autumn. For transplantation almost any time, except for winter, is suitable. The period when it is forbidden to do this: the end of April and the beginning of May. Plants planted during this period of time become painful and die at the stage of emergence, and those that survive form a minimal vegetative mass.

The main factors that affect the timing of strawberry planting:

  • Weather. For strawberry transplantation, it is better to choose a cloudy and cool day with a temperature of about + 20 ° C.In hot weather, the young bush withers, the leaves turn yellow, and the rhizome absorbs moisture worse.
  • Duration of daylight hours. Sunlight is necessary for berries. For the development of shoots and the root system, much sun is not needed.
  • Drip irrigation. This is a method in which water is supplied to the root of the plant itself. With drip irrigation, you can transplant the seedlings at almost any time.
  • Shading grid. The so-called shade, made of polyethylene, disperses more than 50% of the sun's rays and protects young growth from burnout.
Regardless of the time of year for berries planting, use only freshly harvested shrubs. Rhizome dies after 2 hours after being pulled out of the ground, and even if the plant is taken, it will develop poorly.

A strawberry transplant in the spring

An early transplant is carried out so that the plants manage not only to take root, but also to get used to a new place. Optimal time for planting seedlings - the beginning of April. Do not delay this until the middle of the month, because then the young will lag behind in development. Plant the young plants that appeared on the mustache. Give preference to two-year-old shrubs.

Spring strawberry transplant is carried out in cloudy cool weather. Use freshly dug bushes. Take them carefully so as not to damage the root. Shake off the root of the old earth, slightly shorten it. Cut off the mustache, which will slow the development of the young.

Begin to dig holes, making the distance between the bushes 25-32 cm, and the width of the aisles - 48-62 cm. Remember that the heart that is above the root should remain above the ground. After landing, young animals are watered.

Autumn-summer strawberry planting

Many gardeners believe that the best time to plant seedlings is early autumn. The weather is not so hot, the probability of precipitation in the form of rain is high. Young animals require less care than, for example, in the summer.

In what month are strawberries transplanted in the fall? The best period is from the end of August to September. It is important to follow the forecast to plant the seedlings 15 days before the first frost. Only this way the bushes will have time to take root in the new environment.

Plant young plants on a cool, sunny day( a gentle autumn sun is not harmful to young shrubs).Prepare a bed: dig up, clean from weed, fertilize. Loamy soil is ideal for strawberries, as it is rich in minerals.

  1. Begin to make holes less than 12 cm deep, the distance between the bushes is from 26 to 45 cm.
  2. Empty the well with water( 1 liter) and plant the bush, making sure that the root does not bend, as it can break.
  3. After planting the ground around the bush slightly tighten.
  4. If the sun is active, cover the seedlings with burdock leaves or a grid-taive.
  5. Water the strawberries on a daily basis until the young grow stronger. Do not fill the seedlings, 1 liter of liquid per bush will be enough.
The time of strawberry transplantation in the summer is the end of July. If there are flowering buds on a young bush, then the berries will appear next year. On the roots of such a bush leave a large lump of earth so that the plant does not damage.
  • To collect a plentiful harvest, plant strawberries of different varieties - ordinary and remontant, which fructifies several times a year. Spend them on different sites so that they expand freely.
  • When the antennae appear, set them off from the mother bush to a new place.
  • To make the berries large, plant young animals as little as possible. Make sure that the bushes are at a distance of 30-40 cm from each other.

Transplanting strawberries is an important event, thanks to which its yield can increase at times. The main thing is to follow the rules of experienced gardeners and not to miss a single stage. Only then the young will adapt in a new place and will bear fruit abundantly.

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  • Mar 04, 2018
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