What is an allergy in children? What are its symptoms? How can you avoid childhood allergies, and how to treat it, if you could not avoid it.
Contents of
- What is an allergy in children?
- Allergy Symptoms in Children
- Allergy Causes in Children
- Food Allergy in Children
- Video: Food Allergy
- Allergy in a Child on Cats and Other Animals
- Symptoms of Allergy: How to Recognize an Immune Failure
- Allergies in a child have symptoms. Photo
- Treatment of allergies in children: tablets or healthy lifestyles?
- Allergy Drugs and Drugs in Children
- Probiotics and Useful Bacteria from Allergies in Children
- Allergy Treatment in Children with Folk Remedies
- Home Treatment for Allergies in Children
- Allergy in Children: Tips and Feedback
- Video: Prevention of Food Allergy
Children from Families with Secured Familiesmore common dermatitis, urticaria and other manifestations of allergies. This disease does not come from a bad life, but from a very good one.
Clean hands, carefully washed clothes, an abundant and varied diet. ...We have got used to consider all this as a pledge of health. It turns out that the same can cause allergies in children.
How to regulate the immune system?
What is an allergy in children?
Allergy is one of the most "young" diseases. Earlier, when a large part of the world's population lived on hunger, badly dressed, often cold and seldom washed, no one had even heard of this ailment. Now most of the children are reliably protected from dirt, disease and hunger. But the body is designed in such a way that it constantly seeks to protect the baby from threats. And if there are no threats, he takes innocuous things for very dangerous ones, and begins to defend himself against them.
Allergy is an inadequate response of the immune system to an irritant, an allergen. It enters the body of the baby in different ways.
It depends on the type of allergy. It can be:
- Food .In the past, it is possible to detect a child's allergy to a mixture or protein of cow's milk.90% of food allergies are a reaction to 6 products: eggs, soy, wheat, dairy products, peanuts, seafood.
- Medicinal .As a rule, this reaction is not on one drug, but on a whole group.
- Contact .It can be a rash from washing powder, dye in clothes or even irritation from the cold.
- Respiratory system .Reaction to what we breathe. The allergy in a child to cats is the most vivid example of an immune malfunction. Babies may have problems with domestic dust, pollen of plants or sharp perfumes.
- Reaction to a bite of insects .Most often it is an allergy to wasps or bees. It is especially dangerous for young children, as it causes severe edema. The baby's breathing paths are so narrow that the edema can easily block them, causing suffocation.
Symptoms of an allergy in children
There are several phenomena that are easily confused with an allergy. If the baby coughs heavily and sniffs from tobacco smoke, this does not mean that his immune system has failed. This is a natural defensive reaction to a really harmful stimulus.
On the other hand, if a one-year-old child ate half a kilo of mandarins and "sprinkled" it does not mean that he is allergic to citrus fruits. Just the baby's body is not able to absorb so much. Next time start with one lobule, and if no reaction follows, increase the serving to a reasonable size.
Causes of allergy in children
All causes of allergies can not be listed.
Doctors say that excessive hygiene can influence the widespread spread of this disease. The abundance of chemical products in our life can also be important. For example, household chemicals, dyes and synthetic fibers in clothing, or dyes and food additives in food.
The allergy relationship with has been established with heredity. If parents are susceptible to this ailment, then the child is likely to inherit it too. And yet, scientists emphasize: the allergy is related to these factors, but there is no causal relationship.
Food allergy in children
Food allergy in children is often a consequence of banal overeating.
The famous children's doctor Eugene Komarovsky comments this: "When we eat any food, we need to split the protein that is part of this meal. In order to break down the protein, enzymes, or enzymes, are needed. If there are a lot of enzymes, and there is not enough food, then there is no allergy. But more often the situation is quite the opposite, when one mother and two grandmothers with a spoon are worn by one child, and he yells: "I do not want to!" Why does not he want? Because intestinal juices have not been developed, there are not enough enzymes. It's fed, the food does not split, and everyone says: unhappy child! "
Video: Food allergy
Allergies in children to cats and other animals
The cause of contact allergy may be over-dried air and intense heat in the room where the child lives. In such an environment, the skin and mucous membranes lose a lot of moisture and become sensitive. As a result, a detergent powder, badly rinsed out of clothes, causes severe itching and hives. A wool of a homemade hamster, or a cat that gets into the respiratory tract, causes a cough, runny nose, and leads to allergies to other animals.
Allergy to dust is more likely to occur in a house where there are a lot of "dust collectors" - a carpet on the floor, soft toys in all corners, books in the sideboard, exposed for decoration.
A cause of drug allergy often becomes uncontrolled use of antibiotics.
Symptoms of allergies: how to recognize an immune malfunction
Treatment of allergies in children depends on the symptoms. In the place of their manifestation, one can judge the way of getting the allergen into the body, which means that it is easier to identify the allergen itself.
The main symptom of respiratory allergy is a runny nose, sneezing and nasal congestion. If the allergen is not eliminated, and the reaction progresses, the symptoms go further into the respiratory tract. There may be spasm of the bronchi, difficulty breathing, shortness of breath. All this leads to asthma.
Often the allergic person, when in contact with the irritant, turns red and sore eyes. This is an allergic conjunctivitis. The hearing may be disturbed, there is pain in the ears.
The most eloquent symptoms of contact allergies are skin rashes. It can be eczema, dermatitis or hives. Pay attention to the places where "poured out".It happens that the baby itches the whole body, but under the diaper is clean. Hence, the problem is in a detergent powder or a low-quality clothing fabric. After all, the skin under the diaper is the only protected place. Eruptions are symmetrical on the bend of the elbows, tummy and in the groin? So the food allergy manifests itself.
Allergy in a child has symptoms. Photo by
The most serious consequence of an allergy is anaphylactic shock. It can develop a few seconds after a bee stings or eaten by mistake peanuts. First, there is severe pain, edema and redness in the place of contact with the allergen. Then the itching spreads throughout the body, the pressure drops. This can lead to fainting, coma and even death.
In the case of food allergies, the first symptoms may be vomiting, nausea, diarrhea and edema of the mouth.
If the doctor can not recognize the allergy by symptoms, he will prescribe tests. This can be a blood test or a skin test. But you need to know how to pass the analysis on children's allergies correctly. For example, the blood can not be taken from children under the age of three. At this age, immunity has not yet formed, and the result may be inaccurate. For skin tests, several tiny incisions are made on the body, allergens are introduced into them. Which of the samples will give a reaction, that will show the cause of the allergy.
Treatment of allergies in children: tablets or healthy lifestyles?
Doctors can offer different drugs and medicines for allergies in children. They differ in form of release. It can be a pill that removes the general reaction, and ointments that remove the local. There are drugs in injections that are needed to relieve edema in anaphylactic shock. Hormonal infections are very effective, but they can not be used for longer than three days because of strong side effects. Inhalers are indispensable for allergy sufferers suffering from bronchial asthma and severe forms of respiratory allergy.
drugs and medicines for allergies in children
According to the mechanism of action are distinguished:
- Antihistamines
- Hormones
- Cromones
Antihistamines reduce the action of histamine - a substance that gives the course the majority of the manifestations of allergic inflammation. Cromons strengthen the membranes of cells that contain this histamine, and do not allow it to be released.
Hormonal drugs have a different mechanism, depending on the hormone used.
Probiotics are beneficial bacteria from allergies in children
Previously one main ways to treat food allergies was an enema. Now doctors have an arsenal
products with probiotics that help to restore the disturbed microflora in the gut without such radical means. By the way, they help with other types of allergies.
Children suffering from this disease are more often upset by the work of the gastrointestinal tract. Science has established this for a long time. But relatively recently it was found out that if the disturbed balance in the intestine is restored, then immunity will grow stronger, and allergy manifestations will become less frequent. For this purpose, probiotics and other beneficial bacteria are used.
Treatment of allergies in children with folk remedies
This is an arsenal of medicine. Treatment of allergies in children by folk remedies is difficult, because traditional medicine was formed when nobody knew about this disease. But folk medicine knows a lot of ways to combat the common cold, conjunctivitis and itching.
From the common cold milk helps with birch tar. Drink drink in the morning before eating.the first portion is prepared as:
- half a cup of milk
- one drop of birch tar
The number of drops of tar is gradually increased during the 12 days leading up to 12. Then, in the same time it reduces to one drop. The course is designed for 24 days.
RECIPE : In case of allergic conjunctivitis, it is recommended to wash the eyes with broth of millet. This should be done daily for half an hour before bedtime.
RECIPE : An unusual recipe for itching - an infusion of Jerusalem artichoke leaves. With cutaneous manifestations of the allergy it can be taken inside, make compresses and even add to the bath.
Home treatment for allergies in children
Much depends on lifestyle. Parents themselves can help the baby without resorting to tablets and ointments.
The best way to overcome allergies is to eliminate the irritant. If this is not possible, maximize the health of the situation in which the baby is growing. Watch out for the temperature and humidity in the children's room. Do not overdo it with soap and household chemicals. More are in the open air. Do not be afraid to temper a small allergic person. Training immunity - that's what he needs.
Allergy is an immune failure. His reasons may be very different, but his connection with heredity, excessive hygiene and abundance of chemistry in the world around him is obvious.
itching, redness of the skin, a runny nose, sneezing, stomach disorders and even anaphylactic shock - as manifested allergy in children.
Allergies in children: tips and reviews
tips and opinions of parents say it is a disease with which you want to learn how to live. In order not to apply every time to the arsenal of medicine, pay attention to the immunity of the baby. Make the house as comfortable as possible for the life of a small allergy sufferer.