Piercing: types of lip piercing, choice of jewelry and care

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Contents of
  • Should I do lip piercing?
  • Types of lip piercing
  • How to choose an adornment for lip piercing?
  • What you need to know about the procedure for puncturing and subsequent care.

Wearing earrings is the most famous way to decorate the body with a piercing. Many beauties tend to stand out in a more original way. Lip piercing is an excellent solution in this case. This decoration of the mouth area is less common and definitely will not go unnoticed. We will find out what kinds of piercing the lips are and how to take care of the puncture site afterwards.

Should I do lip piercing?

It is believed that when looking at a person, we first of all pay attention to the eyes. Then the glance slides across his face to his lips. Beautiful, bright lips are extraordinarily attractive. To attract even more attention to them and make them 100% unforgettable will help piercing.

Punctures of the mouth area have been known for a long time. However, we can safely say that they have lost their former importance. To this day, this tradition has survived in remote tribal settlements in Africa and America. In these original people, the punctures are ritualistic or speak of the status of a person. In our world, piercing has long been transformed into an original hobby and a way to diversify its appearance. Having a similar hobby, it's easy to find like-minded people.

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The desire to decorate yourself, no doubt, is commendable. However, doubting whether to do piercing in the lip, consider these nuances:

  • The presence of medical contraindications. Piercing in the mouth is not recommended for diabetics, people with epilepsy and eczema, pregnant and during the period of feeding, for allergies to metals and painkillers, for colds. Women during critical days, too, it is desirable to abandon the procedure to avoid significant loss of blood. It is also forbidden for poor blood clotting.
  • Please note the dress code. Piercing is considered an informal decoration. Remember this if there is an interview in the plans for a serious position in the office. Employees of informal stores and tattoo parlors, creative personalities piercing, on the contrary, will help in self-expression and career growth.
  • Interior and wizard selection. Take this with all responsibility. After all, the lack of licenses and certificates can speak about the questionable professionalism of employees. Sign up in a proven salon with a good reputation.

Many people are stopped by the fear of pain from the procedure of piercing. It is not worth worrying, as lip piercing for soreness is estimated at 6 points out of 10. In addition, this small "operation" is a simple, quick and relatively safe procedure. The tissue at the mouth is soft, thin enough, devoid of large clusters of vessels and complex nerve bundles. Experienced master will cope with the task in a couple of minutes.

Types of lip piercing

As the popularity of piercing on the face grew, new shapes of jewelry were coming up. Today, a classification of 15 types of lip piercing is known. The names given to them are very interesting, original and memorable, and the external embodiment is above all praise.

  1. Monroe - a puncture over the upper lip on the left side, simulating a fly. There was a name on behalf of the famous beauty - actress Marilyn Monroe, who had a similar mole. Another puncture is called "Crawford" - the name of the famous model of Cindy with a beautiful birthmark on his face.
  2. Madonna - similar to the first type of puncture, only on the other side. Like a birthmark on the face of the expressive singer Madonna, the decoration flaunts over the lips on the right.
  3. Medusa - piercing the groove over the lip. Invented by an American hairdresser and model in one person - Kerrick.
  4. Vertical labret. The needle first pierces the lower border of the lip and then exits slightly higher in the center. Strictly vertical arrangement of the decoration looks the most successful.
  5. Horizontal labret - the decoration is placed parallel to the lower lip in the center. This version of the puncture is more difficult. If the puncture is superficial, there may be a rejection of the decoration.
  6. Dahlia is the name not only of the flower, amazing in its beauty, but also of the equally attractive piercing of the mouth. The master makes two symmetrical punctures in the corners of the mouth. The result is very unusual.
  7. Angel bite - two-sided piercing above the upper lip. In other words, this is a combination of the options "Monroe" and "Madonna".
  8. The cyber bite is punctured in the center under the lower lip plus the same piercing from above - in the groove.
  9. The dog's bite combines four different punctures. To "Angle bite" two similar piercing under the lower lip are added.
  10. A spider bite is a pair of adjacent piercing lips on the side. They can be on either side of the mouth.
  11. A shark bite is two paired punctures under the boundary of the lower lip.
  12. The snake's bite is a piercing under the lower lip from both sides.
  13. The bite of a dolphin looks very harmonious and draws attention to a beautiful chin. These are two adjacent punctures under the lips. Alternately make two through holes in the skin along the horizontal line.
  14. Labret is a simple single piercing at the bottom under the lips.
  15. Ystrum is a copy of a vertical labret for the upper lip.

Other original types of lip piercing

The classification can be expanded to several more types of piercing.

  • First, there is still a piercing of the bridle:
    1. "Smile" - the decoration is inserted into the upper bridle. The name is translated from English as a "smile".Only when the owner of this piercing smiles, the surrounding will notice the presence of his original decoration.
    2. "Anti-oil" - the lower bridle of the mouth is decorated. He associates, in contrast to the first form, with a frown. It will be noticed all around, only if the owner of the decoration shows displeasure, pushing down his lower lip.
  • Secondly, such an extreme decoration, like the stretching of tunnels, is done in the ears and near the mouth. Usually the lower lip or chin is modified. The modification consists in the gradual stretching of the skin with a special cone. Then, in the resulting hole is put a tunnel of suitable size. Its diameter can expand up to 40 cm. An excellent example of such a modification is the Mursi tribes in Africa.
  • Also worth mentioning is the "Predator Bite" - 3 punctures around the mouth( "snake's bite" plus "jellyfish").A beautiful symmetrical triangle of punctures forms. He looks bold and stylish.

How to choose an adornment for lip piercing?

In the hole pierced in the mouth area, a specially designed decoration is put. It can be purchased in advance or bought in the cabin itself. It is better to do this before visiting the master, so that there is enough time to choose the best option.

Discover the possible names for piercing jewelry on the lip:

  • Labrette - the most popular. It looks like a short rod, from one end closed with a fixed flat tip, on the other - an unscrewing ball. Suitable for such puncture types: Monroe, Madonna, Labret, Medusa, Estrum and others. The rod is a microbanan. It looks like a short slightly curved rod, with twisting balls on both sides. It is necessary to carry out such punctures: vertical and horizontal labret, bridle.
  • Ring is a circle of a certain diameter, closed with a ball or without it. Often used for wearing in the lower lip. Also put on a bridle.
  • Horseshoe - semi-ring, closed with balls ends. Can be used for the frenum and lower lip.
  • Twist - in the form of a small spiral. He puts on his lower lip.
  • Tunnel - hollow or closed tube with bumpers.

How to choose a decoration material?

  1. For primary puncture and healing period, the following decorating materials are recommended: high-grade gold, hypoallergenic plastic, surgical titanium.
  2. Surgical steel products can be worn when the healing period has passed, and not immediately after the piercing procedure.
  3. Silver, acrylic, titanium, teflon, wood, ivory and other materials are suitable for wearing after full healing of the wound.

What you need to know about the procedure for piercing and aftercare

For those who do not like surprises, we give a step-by-step plan for lip piercing:

  1. The surgeon marks the future puncture with a surgical marker.
  2. The skin is disinfected.
  3. A special needle with a catheter is punctured.
  4. The needle is removed, the rest of the catheter is placed with an ornament that extends into the puncture.

The procedure may take even 1 minute. After that, about 4 hours is undesirable to eat food. You can not immediately smoke or drink alcohol.

In the first 3 days after the procedure, even if all the rules are followed, there may be slight bleeding from the puncture site, swelling of the tissues and redness.

The time for complete healing will be 1-2 months. During this period it is recommended:

  1. To drink vitamins of group B.
  2. To observe a sparing diet. To lean on porridge, milk products, fruit. Maximum exclude acute, sour, salty. Food should not be too hot or cold.
  3. Follow the rules of hygiene. Do not touch the puncture site with unwashed hands.
  4. Do not change jewelry until final healing.
  5. To 4 times a day rinse the mouth with saline( a glass of warm water - a fourth of a teaspoon of salt).
  6. Wipe the piercing with a cotton swab moistened with hydrogen peroxide 3% or Chlorhexidine.
  7. Do not paint your lips.
  8. It is better not to kiss yet to avoid infection of the wound.
Of the undesirable consequences of a puncture of the mouth area, it should be noted the possibility of damaging the enamel of the teeth with an ornament. This is easily avoided by alternating the wearing of metal and acrylic bars and rings.

Lip piercing is bright, stylish, provocative and very beautiful. You will have even more opportunities to change the image, After all, jewelry for the lips of different colors and species is an unthinkable multitude.

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