Cough after running is often a phenomenon among people involved in sports. And children sometimes, as it should play in active outdoor games, can cough. What is the cough of this kind associated with - whether it is necessary to take urgent measures, to be treated, whether to go to the doctor: all these questions we will consider in the article. And also find out - what ways will help to avoid the appearance of cough after jogging.


  • 1 Reasons for
  • 2 What to do
  • 3 Tips for

Reasons for

cough after running Why does a cough appear after running - find out this question.

First thing to note is that the cough itself, which appeared after running, is quite unpleasant. It is characterized by severe shortness of breath and a persistent sense of lack of air. Agree, unpleasant symptoms. What are the main reasons for this phenomenon.

Cough after running occurs most often if the body is untrained. If you have not been involved in sports for a long time and avoided any physical exertion, it is not surprising that the body could not cope with the abrupt change, was not able to respond adequately to it.

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It is recommended to start jogging with small loads. Over time, as they become addictive, they can be increased, gradually increasing to the required level. Thus, the body will transfer the loads that are much better, and the respiratory system will cope with them completely.

If there is not enough stamina, and there is an attack because of this, then the current level of stress is still too great for you. Decrease the pace and move, though more slowly, but also more correctly.

Alcohol abuse, as well as smoking, has not added health to anyone. Of course, they are not useful in sports. If a person likes to drink, smoke, then under physical stress his body can not cope. At smokers and people who like to drink people cough after running is characteristic: strong, intense and deaf. The attack in this case provoked a shortage of oxygen. The weakened internal organs protest against the loads, expressing it in the lack of breathing, dyspnea, coughing. If the problem is in smoking, then after "tying" with this habit, cough after running will be eliminated by itself. running and coughing

If a person does not know how to breathe properly, this can also lead to a post-run cough. Breathing during running is recommended by the nose, not by the mouth. Therefore, do not go for a run, if the nose is laid or there is a runny nose - in fact in this case it is necessary to breathe with the mouth. By the way, some, perhaps, remember how in the physical education classes at school they were taught to breathe properly. As a rule, schoolchildren miss such exercises by not paying enough attention to them. But it was just the technique of proper breathing: we inhale through the nose and exhale through the mouth.

The bronchial hyperactivity in some cases is the cause of cough after running. To establish this cause can only be experienced by going to a medical institution for a special examination.

If you have recently had a disease, especially a cold, then a cough after running can indicate that the body needs a little more time to recover. Or the disease is not fully cured.

One of the possible causes of cough after a run is the initial stage of heart failure. As you understand, this is a rather serious disease, sometimes leading to a fatal outcome. Therefore, "descend on the brakes" bouts of post-acute coughing can not.

heart failure

Symptoms of heart failure

Asthma should be treated with great caution and only with the permission of a doctor. Frequent after physical exertion attacks of suffocation. If the cause is in asthma, then coughing will always be accompanied by shortness of breath. Choking is the symptom that is inevitable and characteristic for this disease. If the cause is asthma, then cough after running will appear immediately, once you have stopped. The attack can last quite a long time - up to forty minutes, gradually abating.

what cough with heart failure But what kind of cough with heart failure manifests itself most often, is described in great detail in this article.

What causes of dry cough without a cold appear most often, will help to understand this article.

And how much cough lasts for a child with tracheitis and how to cope with such a problem will help to understand this article: http: // bolezni-g /kashel/ pri-traxeite.html

What to do if the cough does not pass after tracheitis in an adult.

In children, coughing during running and moving games sometimes causes foreign matter to enter the respiratory tract. In this case, the attack will happen suddenly, abruptly and will be quite strong.

Cough after running especially often occurs in frosty weather. Dry, cold, prickly air irritates the respiratory organs, thus causing an attack. If all the previous reasons for your case are not suitable, most likely, it is in the weather.

What to do

after running in the cold cough

It should be noted that even if a cough after running and arises, it is by no means an excuse to refuse physical exertion. It is necessary to undergo a medical examination, and to establish the cause of the unpleasant symptom. Probably, to eliminate this reason will not be difficult for .But independent diagnostics is undesirable, since with absolute certainty it can only be done by an experienced doctor.

If at the usual time you do not cough, and suffer this only after running, then this symptom is associated with sports. Visit the doctor, indicating to him the nature and timing of the appearance of seizures.

Which cough causes suspicion:

  • If it starts within 20 minutes after running. And it arises every time after classes.
  • If you ran 4 km, and there was an attack of cough, this is also an occasion to seriously worry about your health.
  • With the increase in heart rate to 160 beats / min, the appearance of coughing is alarming. Be sure to visit the doctor for the cause.

The doctor prescribes medication for this problem very rarely. More often than not, only general recommendations for health promotion and the number of physical exertion are sufficient. As therapy, physiotherapy and massage can help.

Be especially careful if the seizures are seen in the child. The baby must necessarily be shown to the doctor, and to conduct a survey of his body. Possible asthma or residual effects after an incomplete bronchitis, cold.

What to do when a child has a stuffy nose and a dry cough, and what medications are worth using, will help understand this article.

But what can cure cough during pregnancy and by what means, is described in this article.

And here is how the asthmatic cough is treated and by what means, this article will help to understand.

What to do when a child has a dry wheezing cough and what medicines are worth using, will help to understand this article.

What medicines to treat dry cough in an adult and what to use first, is described in this article.

Tips for

Several recommendations for eliminating post-trip cough.

Try to run in dry, warm weather. This is healthier for health, and you will be cleaner, and you will not catch an infection. The jogging place should be located away from roads and exhaust fumes. Agree, a little good at running along the gassed track.

Try to give up habits, nothing but harm, to the body not bringing. There are in mind, in the first place, smoking and drinking.

If the attack occurs abruptly during running, stop immediately, stop exercising. Take your breath until the discomforting condition stops. It is better not to train on that day.

Running requires free and comfortable clothing. Do not engage in tight tight T-shirts, pants. Such tight fitting equipment can limit the access of oxygen to the lungs, thus causing an unpleasant symptom.

It is undesirable to run in frosty weather. Dry air can "burn" the airways, thus causing a fit of severe cough. Children in freezing weather, too, it is better not to play outdoor games on the street: the prickly air may well become a provocateur of a strong cough.

We examined the features of a cough after running. As you can see, there are quite a few reasons for this phenomenon. To accurately establish your individual cause, carefully monitor your condition, and visit a doctor for examination. Perhaps the reason is serious, and then earlier treatment will help to recover faster.