Euharis: home care

  • Eucharis: home care

In the family of amaryllis there is a genus of beautiful flowering plants, to which the eucharis flower belongs. There are different species of this plant, differing from each other by insignificant botanical attributes. However, they all delight their owners with beautiful flowers at a time when most plants have a rest period.

The flowers of the eucharis are white and can reach a diameter of 12 cm. The plant produces a flower stem with a height of up to 60 cm, in which 3-6 colors are collected in umbellate inflorescences. One plant can release several stems at the same time, but even with a single flower it looks very impressive. The delicate exquisite aroma of flowers is another reason for this love for the flowering eucharis.

However, even at a time when the eucharis does not blossom, its high decorativeness remains. Decorated with large, shiny, dark green leaves, the plant pleases the eye at any time of the year.

Eucharis: home care

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Euharis: correct lighting

Fascinating flowering and good growth euharisu can be provided in almost every living room. However, creating the right lighting for a plant is very important. Ideal is the placement of a flower on the windowsill of the east or west window, where it is not threatened by direct sunlight. Ideal is a place with scattered bright light or low-key penumbra. In the summer months euharis can be exposed to the open air, however, light shading should be present.

Eucharis: temperature regime

Eucharis flower is a rather thermophilic plant. In the summer months, the ideal temperature for it should be 25-30 degrees. In addition, the temperature should be stable: its swings or drafts will lead to a decrease in flowers or to the fact that they do not dissolve at all. If in summer the plant is exposed to air, it is very important to monitor the night temperature drop and take the flower to the room on cool days. Another solution to the temperature issue at this time will be a miniature greenhouse device using a piece of polyethylene film.

During the rest period and winter months, the optimal temperature for the eucharis also remains quite high - from 18 degrees. In too cool a room, the plant will not let out flowers.

Eucharis: watering and feeding

Water stagnation euharisu is unlikely to benefit, leading to decay of the bulb, but in the period of active growth, the soil in the pot must constantly be moderately moist. The ideal option is a rare, but abundant watering. During flowering, it should be increased using standing or boiled water, which should be warm or at room temperature. During the rest period, watering is reduced, but the soil in the pot should not dry completely.

Sufficient air humidity is also important for this flower, so regular spraying of eukheris leaves will only benefit him. However, during flowering, this should not be done, since, falling on the petals of flowers, water leaves ugly spots and shortens the flowering time. In addition to spraying, the leaves from time to time can be wiped with a damp sponge.

Active fertilizing with fertilizers can be carried out in the spring and summer months, when the eucharis blooms. Carry out the procedure every 2 weeks, using mineral liquid fertilizers, intended for flowering plants. Concentration of fertilizer is desirable to do slightly lower than recommended on the package.

A useful fertilizer for the eucharis can be made on its own. To do this, marine fish waste is boiled for 1.5 hours in a small amount of unsalted water, and then filter and keep in the refrigerator. One flower pot will need 50 ml of decoction once a month.

In the period of rest, that is, in the autumn and winter months, Eucharis does not need additional feeding. Renew it is necessary with the advent of the first young offspring.

Euharis: transplantation and reproduction of

It is best if the transplantation of an adult plant is carried out every 3-4 years. Young plants are desirable to be transplanted every year. It is necessary to do this only during the rest period. When transplanting euharis earthenware is better not to violate, and completely install it on a new drainage layer. The number of daughter bulbs affects the flowering activity of the plant, so it is better to separate them only when they are equal in size to the parent one.

You can propagate Eucharis with daughter bulbs or seeds. The first option is the most simple, convenient and fast. Young bulbs are separated during transplantation and placed in a separate pot. Reproduction by seeds is a rather troublesome occupation. Young plants obtained in this way can only give flowers after 5 years.

Eucharis: Diseases and problems of growing

Eucharis is basically resistant to various diseases and pests, but some growing problems may still appear as a result of non-observance of optimal conditions for this plant. If leaves on the flower of eucharis turn yellow, the reason is most likely in excessive watering. Reducing the flowers in size indicates a temperature drop or an undesired draft.

From pests to eukheris can be threatened with aphids, spider mite or scab. They can appear as a result of too high temperature or low humidity. To treat leaves of plants from various pests, you can use soapy water.


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  • May 08, 2018
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